Sunday, 28 February 2021

Special, Sunday 28 Feb 2021, Arden Jumbo

Five answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Arden
Squares filled: 0/292
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Arden & THCC

10Cheap booze emptied, after emptying feeling sad (3-8)
11Back other plan before daughter gets engaged (9)
13Travelling briefcase, remove, see the material (6)
14These are different diamonds outside continental glaciers (3,6)
15Call some of them back in the same manner (4)
16Soldier's limited choice, without leg his mobility is restricted (10)
19Laughter as changes at the top give visual range (10)
20Correct and false insect (4,4)
21Stress on partner, I would interfere by chance (12)
23See classic coin in circulation- all about politics and economics, perhaps (6,8)
25Messenger's silent and mature (4)
27Withered seconds before (4)
28Close to Hobart, another Asian man lived with a resident of Australia (9,5)
31Cook was terrible-introduced hot dish (5,7)
33Lively movement and move caught in tape (3,5)
34A parent gets a choice, for example to assemble (10)
36Material to follow rabbit (10)
37Honey is expensive (4)
38Reported damages to garden tool- it'll wear down eventually (5,4)
40At home strive to save time-that's a request (6)
42Change in actress, get the screenwriter (9)
43Noblewoman's strength by number, one third needed (11)

1Get excited and spit on the fruit (2,7)
2Bandicoots from South used to rule once (4)
3Told to get a flower from the garden- that's hot stuff (10)
4Commotion over being last to move pieces of furniture (6,6)
5Entertain with ironclad movie (4)
6Case gone, truly gone (8)
7British like small book and small musical ensembles (5,5)
8Sat on a lazy boy, a bit keyless, perhaps (6)
9Greatly mood altering branch of medicine (11)
12"Daily do it" cries Harry- that's typical (14)
17No danger altering principal sex hormones (9)
18Fancy club car he ran or was it used to cook? (8,6)
22He wants a job in a big tech company, in short one has inclination (9)
24Voters forming nicest county (12)
26Kindness has been misused- showing no interest in rough stuff (11)
28Worn the clothes, go through lawyers (10)
29Constructing house in UP, nothing can sound so sweet (10)
30Small child is on toes, perhaps like having layers of rock (9)
32Practice is on, listens to final cue (8)
35Mess up with commission (6)
39He got it coming from the Irish (4)
41It represents the principal voice of the electorate (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3139, Sunday 28 Feb 2021

1   Director of a circus that's starring ... me, surprisingly (10) RINGMASTER*
6   Rowers were triumphant (4) CREW [DD]
9   Brief attempt reversing boat in turbulent water (10) WHIRLPOOLS {WHIRL}{SLOOP<=}
10 Mineral derived from sago palm (4) OPAL [T]
12 Shiner? Beef's applied ... with seasoning (5,6) FINES HERBES*
15 Most of country gets measure that helps display identity (7) LANYARD {LANd}{YARD}
16 'Brisbane not capital?': confused European (7) SERBIAN bRISBANE*
17 Dog takes the German stew (7) CHOWDER {CHOW}{DER}
19 Skipping starter of seafood, getting in a little red aperitif (7) CAMPARI {sCAMPI} over {A}{Red}
20 13 drunken bankers taking a nap (6,5) BAKERS DOZEN {BAKERS{DOZE}N*}
23 An air base regularly getting bills (4) NIBS {aN+aIr+BaSe}
24 Sandy, a dog, beheaded a bird (5,5) TAWNY EAGLE {TAWNY}{bEAGLE}
25 'Staunch, good man'? Flipping Everyman!? (4) STEM {ST}{ME<=}
26 Updates incorporating new flags (3,7) RED ENSIGNS {REDE{N}SIGNS}

1   Loudly stir up arguments (4) ROWS (~rouse)
2   Every now and then en famille, that's secure (4) NAIL {eN+fAmIlLe}
3   Fern, small and old, represented in novel (4,8) MOLL FLANDERS {FERN+SMALL+OLD}*
4   Got cosy and had some soup? (7) SPOONED [DD]
5   Silent, antagonistic son joins army (7) ENLISTS {SILENT*}{S}
7   Queen depicted upside down? Landlord's no monarchist (10) REPUBLICAN {ER<=}{PUBLICAN}
8   Son-in-law rising, holding a wine cocktail, feels exhilarated (5,2,3) WALKS ON AIR {LAW<=}{cocK}{SON}AIR  Anno pending
11 Rearranges land in gardens with merry abandon (12) GERRYMANDERS {GARDENS+MERRY}*
13 What's found in hair? A group of nits with second group on top (5,5) ALICE BANDS {A}{LICE}{BAND}{S}
14 'New New Labour'; Keir's leader; visionary? (10) UNWORKABLE {NEW+LABOUR+Keir}*
18 Raw seal? You'll need to fill in a form (3,4) RED TAPE {RED}{TAPE} 
19 French artist's in the auditorium, according to Stuart monarch (7) CEZANNE (~says){CEZ}{ANNE}
21 Anxious to be part of Gog and Magog, however things go (4) AGOG [T]
22 Primarily, what are called (exotically) 'porcini' sometimes? (4) CEPS Acrostic &lit

Reference List
The in German = DER, New = N, Son = S, Queen = ER, Second = S

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #26, Sunday 28 Feb 2021, Lightning

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday can be accessed at the link given below. The interactive version at the link is free, you just need to sign in using an email ID and password, no subscription is required.

The crossword is not being blogged as the annotations are provided in the interactive version itself which can be seen if you click on 'Show a hint' under the 'reveal' tab on the top.

The same will be posted on every Sunday at 6 AM.


Saturday, 27 February 2021

No 13182, Saturday 27 Feb 2021, Incognito


1 Making up:Big African was dancing round tent in the beginning” (11) FABRICATING {BIG+AFRICAN*} around {Tent}
9 Wood-workers drop fishes and go in (5) ENTER {carpENTERs
10 P.M.’s address? // It can be seen on attacking play-maker’s jersey! (6,3) NUMBER TEN (DD)
11 Cheat soldier after trial of participant in competition (10) CONTESTANT {CON}{TEST}{ANT}
12 Pie crust’s colour? (4) ECRU (T)
13 Colonel left Coolidge confused about famous footballer’s first name (5) DIEGO {coOlIDGE*}

15 How and why cheap lyrics may be had? (3,1,4) FOR A SONG (CD?)
17 Radio broadcast around beginning of night in New York gives type of food suitable for lactose intolerant people (3-5) NON-DAIRY {N{RADIO*} around {Night}Y}
19 Snakes behind girls pants (5) GASPS {G}{ASPS}
22 Bars // watering holes (4) PUBS (DD) 
23 Trainee, irritated about poor payment initially, acquires some craftsmanship... He learns on the job (10) APPRENTICE {{TRAINEE*} around {Poor}{Payment} } around {Craftsmanship}
26 Shelved new ideas after dial repair (4,5) LAID ASIDE {DIAL*}{IDEAS*}
27 Totally sick after consuming sodium (2,3) IN ALL {I{N A}LL}
28 Excitedly Edgar licked flapjack (7,4) GRIDDLE CAKE {EDGAR+LICKED*}


1 Fun to include a bit of tomfoolery and love on sofa bed (5) FUTON {FU{Tomfoolery}{O}N}
2 Destroyed barnacle around second of month in Spanish port city (9) BARCELONA {BARNACLE*} around {mOnth}
3 Burn rebellious vigilantes after irritated Slav leaves (6) IGNITE {vIGIlaNTEs*}
4 Endlessly, Maradona miss-spelt his middle name (7) ARMANDO {MARADONa*}
5 Thing stored by cosmetician on retirement (4) ITEM (T<=)
6 Ford damaged gate... angry? (3,6) GET ACROSS {GATE*}{CROSS}
7 What the duellers did, // perhaps, protected by barriers (6) FENCED (DD)
8 Peace-keepers guns are damaged and neglected (6) UNSUNG {UN}{GUNS*}
14 Giving title to big Lennon composition (9) ENNOBLING {BIG+LENNON*}
16 Secular gent in America protects country (9) ARGENTINA (T)
17 Lion is excited about tailless animal in Naples sports club (6) NAPOLI {LION*} around {APe}
18 Answered, “El Pibe de Oro is confused after loss of damaged oboe” (7) REPLIED {EL+PIbe+DE+oRo*}
20 Hell on board, when these start coming in (6) SHELLS {S{HELL}S} &lit
21 Picnic stroll (6) BREEZE (DD)
24 Imagine India is missing in picture (5) IMAGE {IMAGinE}
25 Seatrain regularly displays an item of clothing (4) SARI {SeAtRaIn}

Reference List

Cheat=Con, Soldier=Ant, Colonel=Col, New York=NY, Girl=G, Sodium=Na
Love=O, Peace-keeper=UN, India=In

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Friday, 26 February 2021

No 13181, Friday 26 Feb 2021, Arden


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

6   Review part of colonial system on those killed (5) SLAIN [T<=]
7   In private I’m a flower (8) GARDENIA {G{ARDEN}I}{A}
10 Ban setter’s review, stop and leave (7) EMBARGO {ME<=}{BAR}{GO}
11 Ice — sounds doubtful to accompany singer (7) BUTCHER {BUT}{CHER}
12 Trooped out to destroy... (7) TORPEDO*
13 ... even commits to stop crime, that’s noble (7) VICOMTE {VIC{cOmMiTs}E}
14 Plastic direct moulded — expected as they say (6,5) CREDIT CARDS {DIRECT}*{CARDS}
19 Encountered outside Iran, perhaps inside mosques too (7) MINARET {M{IRAN*}ET} Semi&lit
21 Hide — the king is around (7) LEATHER {LEA{THE}R}
23 Apes called to the woodland (7) COPPICE (~copies)
25 Instrument with a long needle (7) ALTHORN {A}{L}{THORN}
26 Angelus, say in short form is capital (8) BELGRADE {BELl}{GRADE}
27 Apply oil to hand held set, remove covers (5)  ANELE {hANd}{hELd}{sEt}

1   Stop repeatedly — sick getting exposed, that’s very cruel (8) BARBARIC {BAR}{BAR}{sICk}
2   Measure growth as part of consumption (6) ENTREE {EN}{TREE}
3   Plant scientist — silly moron checking a substance (10) AGRONOMIST {A}{G{MORON*}IST}
4   Tree cut up to make small bed (4) CRIB BIRCh<=
5    Servant takes a short time to raise money (6) DIRHAM {MA{HR}ID}<=
6   Harry hesitates to ban the rest (6) SIESTA heSItATES*
8   One in centre perhaps is the one trying to lead one astray (7) ENTICER {ENT{1}CER*}
9   Sign and come up as opponents in a game swap places (5) ARIES ARI(S<=E)ES
13 Was unsure — left the place and took ill (10) VACILLATED {VAC{ILL}ATED}
15 One’s piercingly going off the mark for an adornment (7) EARRING {E{A}RRING}
16 Small church, or one inside glass (8) SCHOONER {S}{CH}{O{ONE}R}
17 Small ape overall (5) SMOCK {S}{MOCK}
18 Hoop goes through Iron rim (6) FRINGE {F{RING}E}
20 European city’s energy plans redrawn (6) NAPLES {E+PLANS}*
22 Heads rolled in final contest, off the mark (6) ASTRAY {lAST}{fRAY}
24 Indeed a milkmaid will get some cheese (4) EDAM [T]

Reference List
Private = GI, Long = L, Measure = EN, Opponents in Bridge = E,S, Small = S, Church = CH, Energy = E 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

No 13180, Thursday 25 Feb 2021, Arden

Solution to 16A  has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Tease about vegetable, and run to copy an actor (7,6) RICHARD BURTON {RI{CHARD}B}{RUN+TO}*
10 A peg’s good for repeating (5) APING {A}{PIN}{G}
11 Spiked over, it’s on volume (9) DECALITRE {LACED<=}{IT}{RE}
12 Talk onHarbours harbouring old stronghold” (4,5) HOLD FORTH {H}{OLD}{FORT}{H}
13 Everyone heard him in town (5) CRIER [CD]
14 The French stop taking interest in such relationships (7) LESBIAN {LES}{B{I}AN}
16 In Russia no restricting speed for a Lolita, perhaps (7) N?M?H?T (Addendum - NYMPHET {NY{MPH}ET} - See comments)
18 Trained terrier, one who is out of service (7) RETIRER*
20 Perfect example of a story book, about to be banned (7) EPITOME {EPIc}{TOME}
22 Flower almost at the back (5) ASTER ASTERn
24 Chinese delicacya tailless cat which no one wants to deal with (3,6) HOT POTATO {HOTPOT}{A}{TOm}
26 Bottoms bust — direction to jump from a cliff (9) TOMBSTONE {BOTTOMS}*{NE}
27 Go right into a cheap bar (5) DRIVE {D{R}IVE}
28 Another pair connected always gets hurt (8-5) ACCIDENT-PRONE*

2   They just hang around in freezing weather, arent working electricians (7) ICICLES eLECtrICIanS*
3   Person with lot of ability will reach greater heights, says Spooner (4,5) HIGH FLIER (fly higher to high flier)
4   Rights to catch fish added as an additional clause (5) RIDER {R}{IDE}{R}
5   Old priestess finds mantra in book one (9) BACCHANTE {B}{AC{CHANT}E}
6   In the barrel I can fill what’s left over (5) RELIC [T]
7   On set, every other character is funny, but it never takes off (7) OSTRICH {On+SeT}{RICH}
8   Do just before saying “I do” (8,5) BACHELOR PARTY [CD]
9   King’s collecting ground rent, hope to acquire skills (5,3,5)  LEARN THE ROPES {LEARS}* over {RENT+HOPE}*
15 Direction followed by European to name a geographical feature (5,4) NORTH POLE {NORTH}{POLE}
17 Lie ramrod straight if you want it delivered home (4,5) MAIL ORDER*
19 Steering committee discharged me it’s symbolic (7) TOTEMIC COMmITTEe*
21 No bar on using new ideas, gets the applause (7) OVATION innOVATION
23 Indian saint has turned European from top to bottom (5) RISHI (-i)RISH(+i)I
25 Intent is to pick right flower (5) TRENT {T{R}ENT}

Reference List
Good = G, On = RE, Harbour = H, The in French = LES, Interest = I, No in Russian = NYET, About = C, Right = R, Book = B 

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

No 13179, Wednesday 24 Feb 2021, Arden

Solution to 3D  has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Hostile force made up story (6) FROSTY {F}{STORY*}
4   Bill backed by minister, it’s true (8) ACCURATE {AC}{CURATE}
10 Like to follow some Chinese — not about wearing it on one’s head (9) ASTRAKHAN {AS}{TRAcK}{HAN}
11 Ropes in volunteersis allowed (5) SISAL [T]
12 Poles in characteristic passage (7) TRANSIT {TRA{N}{S}IT}
13 Placed on site before a country (7) ESTONIA {ON+SITE}*{A}
14 Song in right order, it delights cowboys (5) RODEO {R}{ODE}{O}
15 British girl initially sounds unsure getting some cover (8) UMBRELLA {BR}{ELLA}<=>{UM}
18 Two rivers overflow and ravage (8) DEFLOWER {DE{FLOW}E}{R}
20 Car’s old but sound (5) AUDIO {AUDI}{O}
23 Free morning break, assembled but lacking interest (7) UNTAMED {UNiT{AM}ED}
25 Not happy with name of bird (7) BITTERN {BITTER}{N}
26 Best spreadsheet? (5) EXCEL [DD]
27 One bang on a spot to raise some capital (9) ISLAMABAD {1}{SLAM}{A}{DAB<=}
28 Mark crosses over in a repartee (8) BADINAGE {BAD{IN}{A}GE}
29 Putting pressure on the alliance, that’s the custom (6) PRAXIS {PR}{AXIS}

1   Cook’s got some coffee — a snow job? (8) FLATTERY {F{LATTE}RY}
2   It’s superficial, not in tie up (7) OUTWARD {OUT}{DRAW<=}
3   Sycophants perhaps saw some poisonous growth (9) T?A?S?O?L (Addendum - TOADSTOOL {TOADS}{TOOL} - See comments)
5   Possible to predict rubbery ooze in flower (14) CANTERBURYBELL {CAN}{TE{RUBBERY*}LL}
6   Not happy with rigid state at the top (5) UPSET {SET}<=>{UP}
7   Essential part — ways to come up with a magazine (7) ARSENAL {pARt}{LANES<=}
8   Travelling alone around India, by air in other words (6) EOLIAN {EOL{I}AN*}
9   Todd Hugginsnew avatar — a forced union (7,7) SHOTGUN WEDDING*
16 Metal ores processed to get chemical (9) ELASTOMER*
17 Donators can create lot of damage (8) TORNADOS* Semi&lit
19 Tempted, caught wearing tie finally (7) ENTICED {EN{TI{C}E}D}
21 Work on spar, it’s safe (7) DEEDBOX {DEED}{BOX}
22 Great European covers up (6) SUPERB {S{UP}ERB}
24 Could be muskMusk supporting another musk at the top (5) MELON {ELON}<=>{Musk}

Reference List
Force = F, Bill = AC, About = C, Poles = N,S, Right = R, Order = O, British = BR, River = R, Old = O, Interest = I, Name = N, Pressure = PR, India = I, Caught = C 

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

No 13178, Tuesday 23 Feb 2021, Arden

Solution to 28A  has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Girl on the run gets our support, that’s IT! (7)  GLAMOUR {G}{LAM}{OUR}
10 Take old gear (7) OPINION {O}{PINION}
11 Whispers Ulsters free!” (7) RUSTLES*
12 Top of the world — always is in Paris (7) EVEREST {EVER}{EST}
13 Chart out cure — principally tobacco is a killer (9) CUTTHROAT {CHART+OUT}*{To...o}
15 He had to get killed, travelling back in time (5) EPOCH {H{COP}E}<=
16 A bit macabrea stranger got alongside (7) ABREAST [T]
19 Back to render a composition (4,3) REAR END*
20 Day lodging — part of London in decline (5) DECAY {D{EC}AY}
21 Young lad’s fall, gets external support (9) STRIPLING {S{TRIP}LING}
25 After rate cut time for some painting (7) TEMPERA {TEMPo}{ERA}
26 Like a pimple, for Spooner it’s important (3,4) BIG DEAL (dig beal to big deal)
28 Paper work wont be shifted to waiting room (7) O?I?A?I (Addendum - ORIGAMI {wAItInG+RoOM}* [CA]- See comments) 
29 Hormone found within on both sides of skull, oddly (7) INSULIN {IN}{SkUlL}{IN}

1   Fungus found on a fish I see (6) AGARIC {A}{GAR}{IC(see)}
2   Hound those born with wealth (6) BASSET {B}{ASSET}
3   Fine bird, or just a bird? (4) FOWL {F}{OWL}
4   Picture with gangster out in the open (6) FRESCO alFRESCO
5   Europeans blame top guide (8) POLESTAR {POLES}{TAR} Enu (8) or (4,4)
6   Misplaced idea to elope with personal assistant (4-2-4) AIDE-DE-CAMP {IDEA*}{DECAMP}
7   Annoying book covers — shoots the top off (8) TIRESOME {T{fIRES}OME}
8   Told to send chit around (8) SNITCHED*
14 Mercury — perhaps vet may use as part of cure (5,5) HEAVY METAL {VET+MAY}* in {HEAL}
16 Test car — keep away, they say (8) AUDITION {~ audi shun)
17 Return a proposal to endorse — it’ll replace end (8) RECOMMIT RECOMM{-end+it}IT
18 State modelled over passion (8) TASMANIA {SAT<=}{MANIA}
22 Fast breeder makes preacher tense (6) RABBIT {RABBI}{T}
23 Is wood breaking into dreams? (6) IDEALS {I{DEAL}S}
24 Strong wind, one blowing from south has lead... (6) GALENA {GALE}{AN<=}
27 ... strong wind, gold gone in a month (4) GUST auGUST

Reference List
Girl = G, Old = O, Is in French = EST, Born = B, Fine = F, Gangster = AL, Tense = T 

Monday, 22 February 2021

No 13177, Monday 22 Feb 2021, Gridman

Solution to 17D  has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   The monarchy witnessed a tool with cutting edge (5,3) CROWN SAW {CROWN}{SAW}
6   Defects in testaments wisehead put out (4)  ILLS wILLS
9   Stop of French Express not right (6) DETAIN {DE}{TrAIN}
10 State’s correct and honest (7) UPRIGHT {UP}{RIGHT}
13 Drama by feeble girl at first — it’s not to be taken seriously! (9) PLAYTHING {PLAY}{THIN}{Girl}
14 Mad to offer such a stuff to the toothless (5) NUTTY [C&DD]
15 And kin follow them (4) KITH [CD]
16 With very Scottish bridge, etc. (3,2,5) AND SO FORTH {AND}{SO}{FORTH}
19 Peter, cricketer, trustee (10) SAFEKEEPER {SAFE}{KEEPER}
21 Sweeper holds back item for fencing (4) EPEE [T<=]
24 Got it wrong! Emergency Room’s embarrassed (5) ERRED {ER}{RED}
25 Filmfare is for me! I go over assiduously (9) MOVIEGOER*
26 Dog day some managed coolly (7) SAMOYED
27 Nuance in tiny changes around church (6) NICETY {NI{CE}TY*}
28 Grandmother’s double refusal (4) NANA {NA}{NA}
29 Leaves sailor and helpers without a trace of emotion (8) ABSCONDS {AB}{SeCONDS}

2   Respond again to hatless fellows going in to perform again (2-5) RE-ENACT {RE{mEN}ACT}
3   One has anger about a spirit (6) WRAITH {WRA{1}TH}
4   A few words go to make one judge’s verdict (9) SENTIENCE SENTiENCE
5   Heard step is twisted (5) WRUNG (~rung)
7   Less weighty barge (7) LIGHTER [DD]
8   Cause commotion — how we use the headphones (3,2,3,4) SET BY THE EARS [DD]
11 Go away and print (3,3) RUN OFF [DD]
12 One who gives news, not necessarily of wheel parts (12) SPOKESPERSON [CD]
17 Rations passed over western turnings (9) S?E?V?N?S (Addendum SWERVINGS {S{W}ERVINGS} - See comments)
18 Small child is without traction (6) SKIDDY {S}{KIDDY}
20 Supervisor, one in favour of Oriental worker (7) FOREMAN {FOR}{E}{MAN}
22 Man follows guide dropping one — that’s how it’s schemed (7) PLOTTED {TED}<=>{PiLOT}
23 Lover wildly catches cold — it’s sticky! (6) VELCRO {VEL{C}RO*}
25 Aimed to thrash agencies (5) MEDIA*

Reference List
Of in French = DE, Right = R, Church = CE, Sailor = AB, Small = S,  Western = W, Oriental = E, Cold = C

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Special, Sunday 21 Feb 2021, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3138, Sunday 21 Feb 2021

1   Dire moments represented in Chaplin classic? (6,5) MODERN TIMES*
9   Every now and then, organist has dairy dish (5) RAITA {oRgAnIsT+hAs}
10 'Listen: I get votes. Listen: "masses"' ... (3,6) HOI POLLOI {HO}{I}{POLL}{OI}
11 ... empower crazy nut as leader? Indefensible (9) UNTENABLE {ENABLE}<=>{NUT}*
12 Some Hindu calendar concerning a nobleman (5) DUCAL [T]
13 Student, not so clean, loses money, gets more lean (7) LANKIER {L}{mANKIER}
15 Nowadays, character from Nato goes around boasting (7) BRAVADO {BRAV{AD}O}
17 Fried horse contains a little taste of umami (7) SAUTEED {S{A}{Um..i}TEED}
19 Book of little weight to cause injury (7) GRAMMAR {GRAM}{MAR}
21 You Trekkies suppress too much (5) OUTRE [T]
23 Campanologist feigned bad mood (9) QUASIMODO {QUASI}{MOOD*}
25 Low-quality Spanish wine consumed by personnel (5-4) TENTH-RATE {TENT}{HR}{ATE}
26 Resembling gold. Containing uranium. Shame (5) GUILT {G{U}ILT}
27 Household appliance increasingly warped as animals found inside (6-5) WASHER-DRYER {W{AS}{HERD}RYER}

1   In France, Everyman gathers up water (7) MOISTEN {MOI}{NETS<=}
2   With end removed, India paper rolled into tube (9) DRAINPIPE {INDIa+PAPER}*
3   Expressions of frustration and uncertainty arising in health facility (5) REHAB {BAH}{ER}<=
4   Something seen in bathroom; big tale to unfold (6,3) TOILET BAG*
5   Pet noisily bellowed (5) MOOED [CD]
6   Sail cut off somewhere in the W Indies (2,5) ST LUCIA*
 Looks for problems, finding Russian cash, heroin, cocaine's all around (13) TROUBLESHOOTS {ROUBLES}{H} in {TOOT'S)
8   I'll buy soot for reunion; make the most of it (4,4,5) FILL YOUR BOOTS*
14 Where Lenin may be seen as bloody bourgeois (3,6) RED SQUARE {RED}{SQUARE}
16 In the morning, a spirit loudly evacuated, causing astonishment (9) AMAZINGLY {AM}{A}{ZING}{Lo..lY}
18 Finally, John Woo put reboots all in the past (2,2,3) UP TO NOW {johN+WOO+PUT}*
20 Less decisive omnivore, not very prone to change (7) MOONIER {OMNIvORE}*
22 Primarily, essentially, that habitual organisational spirit? (5) ETHOS Acrostic &lit
24 In advance, or yet to come? (5) AHEAD [DD]

Reference List
Money = M, Personnel = HR, Heroin = H, Very = V

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #25, Sunday 21 Feb 2021, Gridman

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday can be accessed at the link given below. The interactive version at the link is free, you just need to sign in using an email ID and password, no subscription is required.

The crossword is not being blogged as the annotations are provided in the interactive version itself which can be seen if you click on 'Show a hint' under the 'reveal' tab on the top.

The same will be posted on every Sunday at 6 AM.


Saturday, 20 February 2021

No 13176, Saturday 20 Feb 2021, Gridman


 7 Cast off top of silo — see, it’s disgusting (6) SLOUGH {Silo}{LO}{UGH}
8 Omit // to jump too much? (8) OVERSKIP (DD)
9 Without being seen, a French ped’s collapsed over one (8) UNESPIED {UNE}{PEDS*} over {I}
10 Country is for real revolutionary (6) ISRAEL {IS}{REAL*}
11 Pass by old girl leaning backreally large (8) COLOSSAL {COL}{O}{LASS<=}
13 Calm down everybody at the far limits of bay (5) ALLAY {ALL}{bAY}
14 Every consignment, given credit at first, will pass fully (4,3,3,5) TICK ALL THE BOXES {TICK}{ALL}{THE BOXES}
17 Superhuman boy leaves a Greek order (5) IONIC {bIONIC}
19 Disappear after pocketing a diamond in an adventure (8) ESCAPADE {ESCAP{A}{D}E}
21 Apprehended for the bed, say (6) CAUGHT {~COT}
22 Rats! Game’s spoilt by big celebrity (8) MEGASTAR {RATS+GAME*}
24 Breads in pieces — have to press on! (4,4) BEAR DOWN {BREAD*}{OWN}
25 Demand fellows, leaving out first of them, to follow (6) ENTAIL {mEN}{TAIL}


1 Style borrowed from Melania (4) ELAN (T)
2 Good to remove part of rifle (8) GUNSTOCK {G}{UNSTOCK}
3 In which presidents of meetings sit, no doubt (6) CHAIRS (CD)
4 Fine food shop with choice bit of old (8) DELICATE {DELI}{CATE} Anno thanks to Col.
5 Of the stars in a past rally (6) ASTRAL (T)
6 S u s t a i n e d? (6,4) WIDELY HELD (Rebus type clue, Sustained=Held, with extra spacing=>Widely Held)
8 Might he relate a rags-to-riches story later? (3,7,3) OLD CLOTHES MAN (CD)
12 Begins a rite — go in happily with saint (10) ORIGINATES {A+RITE+GO+IN*}{S}
15 See action unfolding in place (8) LOCATION {LO}{ACTION*}
16 Against work at river area (8) OPPOSITE {OP}{PO}{SITE}
18 One newspaper with a piece of news is up in Andhra Pradesh town (6) NAGARI {I}{RAG}{A}{News}<=
20 Fancy benign, sweet conclusions by bird (6) CYGNET {fanCY}{beniGN}{sweET}

23 A cricket teams turning point (4) AXIS {A}{XI}{S}

Reference List

See=Lo, A French=Une, One=I, Pass=Col, Old=O, Boy=B, Diamond=D
Good=G, Saint=S, See=Lo, Work=Op, River=Po, One=I, Newspaper=Rag, Cricket team=XI

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list word, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday, 19 February 2021

No 13175, Friday 19 Feb 2021, Gridman


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Boy lover’s primarily defective command that cannot be obeyed (3,5) BAD ORDER {B}{ADOR{D}ER} 
5   Go to sort out mixed-up socks (6) REPAIR [C&DD]
9   Too well established on place (7) OVERSET {OVER}{SET}
10 Coax daughter in revolution to end game (7) WHEEDLE {WHEE{D}L}{gamE}
11 I, with saint, right in local — relocated and isolated (9) CLOISTRAL {I}{ST}{R} in {LOCAL}*
12 Brief section of winter setting (5) TERSE [T]
13 First start, then finish and transmit (4) SEND {St..t}{END}
14 Scheming chap’s beginning to recommend chaps’ model paper (9) PARCHMENT {CHAP+Re...d}*{MEN}{T}
17 Logic a heavy drinker won’t like, apparently (9) RATIONALE {RATION}{ALE}
19 Reject short needle (4) SPUR SPURn
23 Some worried over old animal (5) MOOSE {MO{O}SE*}
24 Been looking over chef cutting up right plant (5,4) BEECH FERN {BEE{CHEF*}{R}N}
25 Inigo left the middle with totally opposite result (7) OUTCOME (INiGO opposte is OUT COME)
26 Quick redoundvisa served to the sage (7) TAPASVI {PAT<=}{VISA*}
27 Agreement calls for celebration by party at last (6) TREATY {TREAT}{p..tY}
28 I had oldies pampered over and held dear (8) IDOLISED {I'D}{OLDIES*}

1   What policemen might do in a furniture showroom (4,4) BOOK CASE [DD]
2   Yearn to have a drink and fade away (3,4) DIE DOWN {DIE}{DOWN}
3    Among others, one's up to oppose (6) RESIST {RE{1'S<=}ST}
4    Such a person can indeed be amused by a show (13) ENTERTAINABLE {ENTERTAIN}{ABLE} Semi&lit
6   Sprinting contest Im beginning to explore (8) EVENTIME {EVENT}{I'M}{Ex...e
7   Woman embracing girl right in front ofiredog (7) ANDIRON {AN{DI}{R}{Of}N}
8   Reportedly did — did smell badly (6) REEKED (~wreaked)
10 We will be calm — such specimens are sure to be in a good museum (4-9) WELL-COLLECTED {WE'LL}{COLLECTED}
15 Eliminated with one dope administered just regularly (5,3) WIPED OUT {W}{1}{DOPE*}{jUsT}
16 French denizen (not new) is excited, wildly excited (8) FRENZIED {FR}{DENIZEn}*
18 A piece of advice by the French teacher (7) APOSTLE {A}{POST}{LE}
20 Urges newspapers (7) PRESSES [DD]
21 I am left with what’s brought in (6) IMPORT {I'M}{PORT}
22 Bhopall keep certain heads up at this disaster site (6) BHOPAL {By}{HOPe}{ALl}

Reference List
Boy = B, Daughter = D, Saint = ST, Right = R, Model = T, Old = O, With = W, New = N, The in French = LE