1 Making up: “Big African was dancing round tent in the beginning” (11) FABRICATING {BIG+AFRICAN*} around {Tent}
9 Wood-workers drop fishes and go in (5) ENTER {carpENTERs}
10 P.M.’s address? // It can be seen on attacking play-maker’s jersey! (6,3) NUMBER TEN (DD)
11 Cheat soldier after trial of participant in competition (10) CONTESTANT {CON}{TEST}{ANT}
12 Pie crust’s colour? (4) ECRU (T)
13 Colonel left Coolidge confused about famous footballer’s first name (5) DIEGO {coOlIDGE*}
15 How and why cheap lyrics may be had? (3,1,4) FOR A SONG (CD?)
17 Radio broadcast around beginning of night in New York gives type of food suitable for lactose intolerant people (3-5) NON-DAIRY {N{RADIO*} around {Night}Y}
19 Snakes behind girl’s pants (5) GASPS {G}{ASPS}
22 Bars // watering holes (4) PUBS (DD)
23 Trainee, irritated about poor payment initially, acquires some craftsmanship... He learns on the job (10) APPRENTICE {{TRAINEE*} around {Poor}{Payment} } around {Craftsmanship}
26 Shelved new ideas after dial repair (4,5) LAID ASIDE {DIAL*}{IDEAS*}
27 Totally sick after consuming sodium (2,3) IN ALL {I{N A}LL}
28 Excitedly Edgar licked flapjack (7,4) GRIDDLE CAKE {EDGAR+LICKED*}
1 Fun to include a bit of tomfoolery and love on sofa bed (5) FUTON {FU{Tomfoolery}{O}N}
2 Destroyed barnacle around second of month in Spanish port city (9) BARCELONA {BARNACLE*} around {mOnth}
3 Burn rebellious vigilantes after irritated Slav leaves (6) IGNITE {vIGIlaNTEs*}
4 Endlessly, Maradona miss-spelt his middle name (7) ARMANDO {MARADONa*}
5 Thing stored by cosmetician on retirement (4) ITEM (T<=)
6 Ford damaged gate... angry? (3,6) GET ACROSS {GATE*}{CROSS}
7 What the duellers did, // perhaps, protected by barriers (6) FENCED (DD)
8 Peace-keeper’s guns are damaged and neglected (6) UNSUNG {UN}{GUNS*}
14 Giving title to big Lennon composition (9) ENNOBLING {BIG+LENNON*}
16 Secular gent in America protects country (9) ARGENTINA (T)
17 Lion is excited about tailless animal in Naples sports club (6) NAPOLI {LION*} around {APe}
18 Answered, “El Pibe de Oro is confused after loss of damaged oboe” (7) REPLIED {EL+PIbe+DE+oRo*}
20 Hell on board, when these start coming in (6) SHELLS {S{HELL}S} &lit
21 Picnic stroll (6) BREEZE (DD)
24 Imagine India is missing in picture (5) IMAGE {IMAGinE}
25 Seatrain regularly displays an item of clothing (4) SARI {SeAtRaIn}
Reference List
Cheat=Con, Soldier=Ant, Colonel=Col, New York=NY, Girl=G, Sodium=Na
Love=O, Peace-keeper=UN, India=In
Colour/Font Scheme
Definition, Solution, Component letters, Embedded links, Theme word, Reference list word, Anagram Indicator, C/C indicator, Reversal Indicator, Hidden word Indicator, Letter Pick indicator, Deletion Indicator, Homophone Indicator, Movement Indicator, Positional Indicator, Substitution, Indicator, Opposite indicator, Link/Connector, Extraneous