Monday 15 February 2021

No 13171, Monday 15 Feb 2021, Bruno

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

5   Thick ring, black and teal on top has value (6) OBTUSE {O}{B}{Teal}{USE}
7   Father’s on back seat — one vacated by dog (8) PAPILLON {PA}{PILLiON}
9   Dog’s nimble and he’s flexible (8) BLENHEIM {NIMBLE+HE}*
10 Essays about British families (6) TRIBES {TRI{B}ES}
11 Guide to reflect Almighty’s protector (9,3) SHEPHERDS DOG {SHEPHERD}{DOGS<=}
13 Dog of convict finally adopted by Judge (6)  RATTER {RA{c...cT}TER}
15 Horse carrying loose hunting accessory (3-3) GUN-DOG {G{UNDO}G}
18 Airline ships foreign dog (5,7) IRISH SPANIEL*
21 Tight glove missing edges found in empty fairground (6) FITTED {mITTEn} in {Fa...nD}
22 Old lover’s statement described second deportation? (8) REEXPORT {RE{EX}PORT}
23 Hybrid dog’s partly modified — flew around (4-4) DEMI-WOLF {MODIfied+FLEW}*
24 Officer’s right — threat was a non-starter (6) RANGER {R}{dANGER}

1   Tips for dog? (8) TURNSPIT {TIPS}* [RA]
2   Backup batsman essentially lacking respect (6) ?E?E?E (Addendum - REVERE REVERsE - See cimments)
3   Pomeranian’s got tail of birdzips excitedly (5,3) SPITZ DOG {GOT+birD+ZIPS}*
4   Setter stuck around making this? (6) GLUING ?  (Addendum - CLUING {CLU{I}NG} Semi&lit - See comments)
6   Spooner’s giant bottom has partition (8) BULKHEAD (~hulk bed to bulkhead)
7   Post Office produced locksmith’s tool? (6) POMADE {PO}{MADE}
8   Witches’ leader banished to hotspot (4) OVEN cOVEN
12 What some prophesies do: sorrow will follow heavenly body (4,4) COME TRUE {RUE}<=>{COMET}
14 God in sink water? (8) RAINDROP {RA}{IN}{DROP}
16 Side lost two to mystery spin bowling (8) NINEPINS {NINE}{SPIN*}
17 Cop suspects herI finally gathered (6) SHERIF [T]
18 Sign tourists often lack sense... (6) INTUIT {sIgN+ToUrIsTs}
19 Writer to have a go at verse (6) POETRY {POE}{TRY}
20 Fond of First Lieutenant Eisenhower? (4) LIKE {Li...t}{IKE}

Reference List
Black = B, British = B, Horse = GG, Right = R 


  1. 2 d. REVERE - respect.
    backukp - reserve; batsman essentially lacking is -s REERVE*

    1. That's an indirect anagram! Not used in THC. Relook.

  2. 2D , revere ( revere also means respect and it fits in the picture)

  3. 2D. REVERE. {REVERSE} minus {bat S man}.

  4. An enjoyable and stiff challenge from Bruno today.

  5. So less comments for an absolutely cracker of a themed puzzle.

  6. Great CW. Remembered so many dog breeds from my son's childhood picture book.

  7. Shouldn't sherif have two Fs.In fact my spell check corrected this spelling?
