Monday 1 February 2021

No 13159, Monday 01 Feb 2021, Incognito

Solution to 19A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Aunt cooked fish (4) TUNA*
9   Superannuate, give up subsequent right, and join again (5) RETIE RETIrE
10 Reportedly bear expenditure for an old Peruvian empire (4) INCA (~incur)
11 Endlessly have a North American smoke (6) HAVANA {HAVe}{A}{NA}
12 Of the same length at one time, not now (2,6) NO LONGER [DD]
13 Bakshi said “It’s free” (8) BUCKSHEE (~bakshi)
15 Stars had two axes after a festive occasion (6) GALAXY {GALA}{XY}
17 South-western European found when Stalin’s secret police chief hid in Indiana (7) IBERIAN {I{BERIA}N}
19 Complain before retrograde toilet is used for joint movement (7) ?A?P?O?  (Addendum - CARPOOL {CARP}{LOO<=} - See comments)
22 Chinese minority hiding in Norman church (6) MANCHU [T]
24 Unusual kind of gate that Lamba went back around (8) ABNORMAL {AB{NOR}MAL<=}
26 Scurvy cardsharp... (8) BLACKLEG [DD]
28 ... coaches rakes, perhaps (6) TRAINS [DD]
30 Ancient mariner’s poem returned to Arab chief (4) EMIR<=
31 Rewired Sion East for sound (5) NOISE {SION*}{E}
32 Type of security, carried in vehicle, for ruler (4) CZAR {C{Z}AR}

1   Cougar, which when beheaded, represents Shiva’s consort (4) PUMA pUMA
2   Ask Raman to go round greeting in Indian style (8) NAMASKAR*
3   Open up a discussion about another topic; “Alternative way of spelling Bharuch” (6) BROACH [DD]
4   Cut short daredevil act in front of journalist (7) STUNTED {STUNT}{ED}
5   Para-legal lost an article, mutated, and got a disease (8) PELLAGRA {PARa+LEGAL}*
6   Sailing adrift, setter leaves message (6) SIGNAL SAiLING*
7   One revolutionary can be a pain (4) ACHE {A}{CHE}
14 Darkest shadow observed when umbrella loses length (5) UMBRA UMBRellA
16 With damaged sax outside Head Office, a South African clicks in this (5) XHOSA {X{HO}SA*} 
18 Dive endlessly under water to get breathing apparatus (8) AQUALUNG {LUNGe}<=>{AQUA}
20 Average javelin, in a way to say (8) PARLANCE {PAR}{LANCE}
21 Lawyers profit with a cheap buy (7) BARGAIN {BAR}{GAIN}
23 Commanding officer consumed rice cooked for Tully, the orator (6) CICERO {C{RICE*}O}
25 Not wholly great to follow a madman to get spice (6) NUTMEG {MEGa}<=>{NUT}
27 Animal that followed not only Mary, but also Charles (4) LAMB [DD]
29 Either way, it is Indian bread (4) NAAN <=>

Reference List
Right = R, Axes = X,Y, Toilet = LOO, Gate = NOR, Type of security = Z, Journalist = ED, Length = ELL


  1. 19 a. CARPOOL - Joint movement. Complain = CARP; + Toilet = LOO retrograde OOL

  2. A nice puzzle, in general. Enjoyed solving.
    My favourite today is 27d.

  3. 19a carpool carp-complain before loo

  4. What a start for the week. I can't thank you enough. So smooth.

  5. Beautiful....smooth flowing.... can's describe enough. Thank you.
    Oddly enough,No longer was the last to fall. I was (needlessly )complicating it by thinking of some obscure foreign phrase. Turned out to be no longer the case.
    BTW I see it as MD- 3 def.'s to be precise. (of the same length being the 3rd)

  6. Got stuck in 13a. Was trying to fit in Bakshish..

  7. B.Balagopal.Solved Across.8,9,13, 31,
    Down 2,5,14,27 without much fuss.Solved Across 11,28,with google help.Maiden attempt

    1. For a maiden attempt, that's great!Keep at it, visit the blog daily, see annotations and participate in the blog. I am sure soon you will be able to solve the entire puzzle.

  8. B.Balagopal.Solved Across.8,9,13, 31,
    Down 2,5,14,27 without much fuss.Solved Across 11,28,with google help.Maiden attempt

  9. It's good that you made your maiden attempt on an Incognito CW. Always encouraging and comparatively without many googlies. Kee it up and as Vasant says follow the blog. Most of us have honed our skills here.
