Tuesday 23 February 2021

No 13178, Tuesday 23 Feb 2021, Arden

Solution to 28A  has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Girl on the run gets our support, that’s IT! (7)  GLAMOUR {G}{LAM}{OUR}
10 Take old gear (7) OPINION {O}{PINION}
11 Whispers Ulsters free!” (7) RUSTLES*
12 Top of the world — always is in Paris (7) EVEREST {EVER}{EST}
13 Chart out cure — principally tobacco is a killer (9) CUTTHROAT {CHART+OUT}*{To...o}
15 He had to get killed, travelling back in time (5) EPOCH {H{COP}E}<=
16 A bit macabrea stranger got alongside (7) ABREAST [T]
19 Back to render a composition (4,3) REAR END*
20 Day lodging — part of London in decline (5) DECAY {D{EC}AY}
21 Young lad’s fall, gets external support (9) STRIPLING {S{TRIP}LING}
25 After rate cut time for some painting (7) TEMPERA {TEMPo}{ERA}
26 Like a pimple, for Spooner it’s important (3,4) BIG DEAL (dig beal to big deal)
28 Paper work wont be shifted to waiting room (7) O?I?A?I (Addendum - ORIGAMI {wAItInG+RoOM}* [CA]- See comments) 
29 Hormone found within on both sides of skull, oddly (7) INSULIN {IN}{SkUlL}{IN}

1   Fungus found on a fish I see (6) AGARIC {A}{GAR}{IC(see)}
2   Hound those born with wealth (6) BASSET {B}{ASSET}
3   Fine bird, or just a bird? (4) FOWL {F}{OWL}
4   Picture with gangster out in the open (6) FRESCO alFRESCO
5   Europeans blame top guide (8) POLESTAR {POLES}{TAR} Enu (8) or (4,4)
6   Misplaced idea to elope with personal assistant (4-2-4) AIDE-DE-CAMP {IDEA*}{DECAMP}
7   Annoying book covers — shoots the top off (8) TIRESOME {T{fIRES}OME}
8   Told to send chit around (8) SNITCHED*
14 Mercury — perhaps vet may use as part of cure (5,5) HEAVY METAL {VET+MAY}* in {HEAL}
16 Test car — keep away, they say (8) AUDITION {~ audi shun)
17 Return a proposal to endorse — it’ll replace end (8) RECOMMIT RECOMM{-end+it}IT
18 State modelled over passion (8) TASMANIA {SAT<=}{MANIA}
22 Fast breeder makes preacher tense (6) RABBIT {RABBI}{T}
23 Is wood breaking into dreams? (6) IDEALS {I{DEAL}S}
24 Strong wind, one blowing from south has lead... (6) GALENA {GALE}{AN<=}
27 ... strong wind, gold gone in a month (4) GUST auGUST

Reference List
Girl = G, Old = O, Is in French = EST, Born = B, Fine = F, Gangster = AL, Tense = T 


  1. 28A- origami meaning paper work; waiting room minus wont and jumble the rest.

  2. Where are all the others?
    No comments for a good CW?
    Polestar- Both 8 lettred and hyphenated are given. More particularly,It is an 8 letter word for the given def.- Guide.

  3. Nice to see Paddy back in action. Lovely puzzle today!

  4. Thank you Vasant. Things are improving.

