Thursday 4 March 2021

No 13186, Thursday 04 Mar 2021, Incognito

Solution to 6D  has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Spenser left salesperson confused too (4)  ALSO sALSepersOn
9   Check depth of excellent bore-well in the beginning (5) PLUMB {PLUM}{Bo...l}
10 Indication from Englishman, to some extent (4) OMEN [T]
11 Landlord’s epistle (6) LETTER [DD]
12 Shatter grail after silly poem (8) MADRIGAL {GRAIL*}<=>{MAD}
13 Dress material for soldier and NCO (8) SERGEANT {SERGE}{ANT}
15 A law-man confiscates general’s plan of action (6) AGENDA {A}{GEN}{DA}
17 Haphazardly crossing without signal at first and succeeding in getting run (7) SCORING CROsSING*
19 Delivery woman? (7) MIDWIFE [CD]
22 Shout, “Start to block person who has lost his head” (6) BELLOW {Bl..k}{fELLOW}
24 Lifting device held by reportedly high queen for person who forcibly takes over vehicle (8) HIJACKER {JACK} in (~high){HI}{ER}
26 Female has torn garment scrap (8) FRAGMENT {F}{GARMENT*}
28 Lubricate rotating gear and ends of spindle (6) GREASE {GEAR*}{Sp...lE}
30 Snake gets head of tuna in vessel (4) BOAT {BOA}{T}
31 Hay strewn around English animal (5) HYENA {HY{EN}A*}
32 Endure final (4) LAST [DD]

1   River in Heidelberg (4) ELBE [T]
 Get Croat gyrating for rural resident (8) COTTAGER*
3   Fight with soldiers in Greek city state (6) SPARTA {SPAR}{TA}
4   Acknowledges, “Bums sit awkwardly” (7) SUBMITS*
5   Bah, Dubai becomes another Middle Eastern emirate (3,5) ABU DHABI*
6   Meek medicine man on island in France (6) ?O?I?E (Addendum - DOCILE {DOC}{ILE} - See Comments)
7   Wager, accompanied by a letter (4) BETA {BET}{A}
14 Compère gets Military Cross after end of programme with ease, one hears (5) EMCEE {MC}<={p...mE} and {EE}(~ease)
16 German enemy author? (5) DEFOE {DE}{FOE}
18 Blending wine held in capital (3,5) NEW DELHI*
20 Student wearing crumpled dickey follows head of waitresses with bad intentions (8) WICKEDLY {L} in {DICKEY}* after {Wa...s}
21 Camera part that is moved to capture image of an object that is closer (7) SHUTTER [DD]
23 Illuminates answers that you are filling up in this grid (6) LIGHTS [DD]
25 Was returning after dance? It can be puzzling! (6) JIGSAW {WAS<=}<+>{JIG}
27 Leaders of rebellious individuals orchestrate turmoil and anarchy (4) RIOT Acrostic
29 Silence after South African band (4) SASH {SH}<=>{SA}

Reference List
Law-man = DA, Queen = ER, Female = F, English = EN, Soldiers = TA, Island in French = ILE, German = DE, Student = L, Silence = SH


  1. 6D - DOCILE..meaning meek (Medicine man = DOC, and French word for island is ILE)

  2. 9a, 14d and 21d are my favourites.

  3. Waiting in the hospital for my COVID shot

    1. 👍
      Read the joke today that Times are such that children are taking their parents for vaccination.

  4. Cent% score my ambition this time.Thanks Incognito! 3D and 13A were the last to fall!

  5. Nice morning for me, clues fell and also England wickets!!!

  6. Normally I get all the answers. But rarely I can parse all of them. An exception to this today. For 1A for a while I tried to delete 'rep' from Spenser but I reaLised my mistake soon. A very good clue. I particularly liked midwife. A puzzle I enjoyed in its entirety.

  7. Way to go Col. Mine is scheduled for next week. Hope everyone takes it soon.

  8. Another typical one from Incognito. Make you feel happy and satisfied. May be easy but very interesting clues and surfaces. Thank you.
