Monday 15 March 2021

No 13195, Monday 15 Mar 2021, Dr. X

Solution to 11A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Clear about liaisons at Thailand being most improper (8) DIRTIEST {RID<=}{TIES}{T}
5   Fellow getting unusually close in sailors’ quarters (6) FOCSLE {F}{CLOSE*}
10 Brash young woman slowly inhales dope on vacation with model (7) LADETTE {LA{DopE}{T}TE}
11 Female lost head, throttling pervert on one Japanese craft (7) O?I?A?I (Addendum - ORIGAMI {fO{RIG}AM}{1} - See comments) 
12 Turn to complain after losing wicket (5) HINGE wHINGE
13 Church gallery, dilapidated for a long time (5,4) ORGAN LOFT {FOR+A+LONG}*{T}
14 Warehouse articles containing phosphorus degenerate rapidly (2,4,3,3) GO DOWN THE PAN {GODOWN}{THE}{P}{AN}
18 Expensive contract to retain champion for horse race (12) STEEPLECHASE {STEEP}{LE{CH}ASE}
21 Mirrored solar device at hotel is unconventional (9) HELIOSTAT*
23 Regret love affair after abandoning a maiden finally (5) MOURN {aMOUR}{m...eN}
24 Most ladies around the Spanish club are desirable (7) WELCOME {W{EL}{C}OMEn}
25 Poor old bums in public vehicle (7) OMNIBUS {O+BUMS+IN}*
26 Stupidly tried to gulp hot stew (6) DITHER {DIT{H}ER*}
27 Brave revolutionary craving to capture northern base (8) CHEYENNE {CHE}{YE{N}N}{E}

1   Seat of famous oracle in Philadelphia (6) DELPHI [T]
2   Gnawing mammal in rubbish outside dive (6) RODENT {RO{DEN}T}
3   Informed where one might find toilet roll — close to mop (2,3,4) IN THE LOOP {IN THE LOO}{moP}
4   What a careless dancer might do to offend? (4,2,4,4) STEP ON ONES TOES [DD]
6   Hunter working outside city in Brazil (5) ORION {O{RIO}N}
7   Wild pea in mushy plant found on sandy shores (3,5) SEA POPPY {S{PEA*}OPPY}
8   Being old, one gets pain (8) EXISTING {EX}{1}{STING}
9   Old mischievous gent, hot in sack, going around hotel (4,2,3,5) LONG IN THE TOOTH {GENT+HOT+IN+HOTEL}* Seems to be an error in the fodder. Extra E and an O less? (Addendum {GENT+HOT+IN}* in {LOOT} and {H}
15 Darling going round America with hot maiden gives bribe to keep it secret (4,5) HUSH MONEY {H{US}{H}{M}ONEY}
16 Abandoned largely cheesy romantic to get married (8) ESCHEWED {CHEESy}*{WED}
17 Hill-facing apartment failed to impress (4,4) FELL FLAT {FELL}{FLAT}
19 Time to get most sophisticated headdress (6) TURBAN {T}{URBANe}
20 Actually existing skill, not fake primarily (2,4) IN ESSE fINESSE
22 Old bar in Polish city (5) OPOLE {O}{POLE}

Reference List
Fellow = F, Female = F, Model = T, Wicket = W, Time = T, Phosphorus = P, Champion = CH, The in Spanish = EL, Club = C, Old = O, Hotel = H, Hot = H, Northern = N, Base = E, Maiden = M


  1. 11 ac, just speculating if anno could be 'Female losing head' as '(N)oami' taking in 'Rig' for 'pervert' resulting in Origami as an Japanese craft?

    1. Since past 12, carefully look at who's losing whom!

    2. Hmm, frothy foam definition from beer head as head leading to (f)oam, taking in rig and finally the I for 'one'?? So it could be [(f)o(rig)am]i?

    3. That is correct CPC πŸ‘
      (-f)O{RIG}AM + I
      Female lost= F deleted
      Head = foam
      Throttling = container
      Pervert= Rig
      One= I

    4. Tough to parse but a penny drop moment once you get it! Nice clue and we'll solved.

  2. Dr X at his devious best. Tough going all the way.
