Tuesday 23 March 2021

No 13202, Tuesday 23 Mar 2021, Arden

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Do second language, start with German (7) SHINDIG {S}{HINDI}{G}
5   Show time — long to be outside (7) PAGEANT {P{AGE}ANT}
9   Herb returned shortly to America (5) SUMAC {CAMe}{US}<=
10 Love talk with naked lady (9) ADORATION {lADy}{ORATION}
11 Valet or cook — many afraid to leave midway (3,6) MAN FRIDAY {MANY+AFRaID}*
12 Leaders go to the bottom with crime detector (5) S?N?R (Addendum - SONAR (-ar)SON(+ar)AR - See comments)
13 Insect bite in reverse (4) GNAT<=
15 Quick inspection of cooperative banks on both sides (4-4) ONCE-OVER {Co...vE} in {ON} and {OVER}
18 Long term contract’s no good (8) DECADENT {DECADE}{NT}
19 Regularly read idea from Norse folklore (4) EDDA {rEaD+iDeA}
22 Spirit imbibed — get hospitalised (5) ETHOS [T]
24 Celebration for planetary transit over a grid, perhaps (5,4) MARDI GRAS {MAR{A+GRID}*S}
26 Genuine gold article and tin mixed about (9) AUTHENTIC {AU}{THE}{TIN*}{C}
27 Step in to include the horse (5) PINTO [T]
28 Decline in entrance to finish one off (7) GAROTTE {GA{ROT}TE}
29 Strange way to cover something prominent (7) SALIENT {S{ALIEN}T}

1   Follow directions on identical oil producer (6) SESAME {S}{E}{SAME}
2   State of being inherent in men, came out (9) IMMANENCE*
3   Colour scheme inside corner room (5) DECOR [T]
4   “Thousand moons” — direction is awe-inspiring (9) GRANDIOSE {GRAND}{IO}{SE} (Correction {GRAND}{IOS}{E} - See comments)
5   A flower changes, in short, Penelope’s heart (5) PEONY PE(-n+o)ONY
6   Close to booming, boy’s voice reached a PM once (9) GLADSTONE {b...nG}{LADS}{TONE}
7   One’s right under, that’s strange (5) ALIEN {A}{LIEN}
8   Fish doctor’s intervention is plain (6) TUNDRA {TUN{DR}A}
14 Temporary accommodation, rains pouring in (9) TRANSIENT {T{RAINS}*ENT}
16 Complaints about laws broken by a sailor (9) CATARACTS {C}{A}{TAR}{ACTS}
17 Tolerance, with Cobalt correctly counterbalanced (9) ENDURANCE coUNtERbalANCED* [CA]
20 Atonement — church goes for good in the city (6) PENANG PENAN(-ce+G)G
21 Mad democrats - mad to accompany them (6) ESCORT dEmOCRaTS* [CA]
23 Heart problems? One doesn’t like it (5) HATER*
24 Most of the thing is dull (5) MATTE MATTEr
25 Force politician to get involved in raising some money (5) IMPEL {I{MP}EL<=}

Reference List
Second = S, German = G, Contract = NT (In Bridge), About = C, Sailor = TAR, Church = CE, Money = LEI


  1. 12A crime = arson. Leaders go to the bottom => (-ar)son(+ar) = sonar = detector.

  2. 9a if returned is came back, does it (back) apply to US? The way I read the clue gives MACUS. Please clarify.

  3. 20D For Penang 2 letters CE get replaced for only 1 letter G. Is this allowed?

    1. Word play clearly states it.

    2. Yes it is allowed - since the wordplay is fair, and clearly indicates that "church" is getting replaced by "good".

  4. Truly a tricky grid and let me admit that I relied on wordplays.com in my attempts

    1. Sureshji, I eould suggest you to rely on standard dictionary/thesaurus for solving. It improves your knowledge for certain.

    2. Thank you Sir and you are right....

  5. 20D Am expecting a reply from experts ?for my 1117 mail

  6. Minor correction. Since 4D says "moons" in the wordplay, I think the anno should be {GRAND}{IOS}{E}.

  7. 15A. Not clear to me where we get OVER from.

