Monday 29 March 2021

No 13207, Monday 29 Mar 2021, Incognito

Solution to 4D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Detest hotel at end of avenue (4) HATE {H}{AT}{a...uE}
9   Entertainment, initially on platform, before time (5) OPERA {On}{Pl...m}{ERA}
10 First man in Dharwad, a musician (4) ADAM [T]
11 Arterial blocks... may be mobile (6) EMBOLI*
12 Mice bile concoction for fool (8) IMBECILE*
13 Outdated and damaged bootees wrapped around leg initially (8) OBSOLETE {OBSO{Leg}ETE*}
15 Dancing lads with half tutu for grown ups (6) ADULTS {LADS+TUtu}*
17 Worried? Dip limb in ale before commencement of dinner (7) ALARMED {AL{ARM}E}{Di...r}
19 Normal assault course conducted in absence of escort (2,5) AS USUAL {ASSAULt+coUrse}*
22 Elegant bird with King at the end of party (6) SWANKY {SWAN}{K}{p..tY}
24 “Flower’s edge” in non-poetic writing (8) PRIMROSE {P{RIM}ROSE}
26 Variable resistor set as Hotter” (8) RHEOSTAT*
28 GIs jaw is broken? It’s a puzzle! (6) JIGSAW*
30 Word for area surrounded by water in Dalis lexicon (4) ISLE [T]
31 Perhaps, a monarch earning extensive royalty, for starters (5) AMEER Acrostic &lit
32 Slim movie director (4) LEAN [DD]

1   Moderately heated fight by militants in the beginning (4) WARM {WAR}{Mi...s}
2   Scheduled time for military operation? 00:00 (4,4) ZERO HOUR [DD]
3   Submissive doctor is endlessly ill... has some earache (6) DOCILE {DOC}{ILl}{Ea...e}
4   Also next to ship (7) ?E?I?E? (Addendum - BESIDES {BESIDE}{S} - See comments)
5   Some Africans release girl for Zulu and other Africans (8) ZAMBIANS (-g+z)ZAMBIANS
6   Ethnic Chinese person with Chinese uniform (6) MANCHU {MAN}{CH}{U}
7   Cry, “Ring” (4) CALL [DD]
14 Under bent elbow (5) BELOW*
16 Hot beverage at beginning of match session for groups of players (5) TEAMS {TEA}{Ma..h}{Se...n}
18 Mad Pat eying Pharaoh, for example (8) EGYPTIAN*
20 Fight saint on mat with broken leg (8) STRUGGLE {ST}{RUG}{LEG*}
21 Saw something like a leopard (7) SPOTTED [DD]
23 Loops ring into snouts (6) NOOSES {NO{O}SES}
25 Indian legal panel’s loss (6) INJURY {IN}{JURY}
27 That guy’s sister starts to make sibilant sound (4) HISS {HIS}{Si...r}
29 Middle Easterner found in car abroad (4) ARAB [T]

Reference List
Hotel = H, King = K, Ship = S, Girl = G, Zulu = Z, Uniform = U, Saint = ST,  Indian = IN


  1. 4d) Next to is beside
    Ship is S
    Besides meaning also

  2. 4D- besides; also- besides; next to- beside and ship- s

  3. Thank you Incognito. I know what I'll do next time when I get worried. I will look for a glass of ale to put my finger in it. Simple!!

  4. As usual simpliance (brilliance simplicity) from incognito. But surprised to see repeat at 27d so close.

    1. +1. As a famous setter once said," It's very difficult to write simple clues"

  5. Hissed at frequent intervals? Beware.

  6. Today we have a 'strain easer'.

  7. Nice CW. For the first time I cleared the board in 1 hr. Thanks incognito . Great way to start a week.

  8. 19A teased me for long, for an Armed Force man. AS USUAL did!

  9. Jab We Met

    बांह में आकर बस गयी वह
    इक खतरनाक बला से छुटकारा देने के लिए।
    मेरी रग-रग में बस गयी वह
    न्योता मुझे दे गई चंद हफ़्तों में मिलने के लिए।

    1. के जब अगली बार मिले
      जब ये भांग और रंग उतार जाए
      तो पहचान से इंकार तो नहीं करोगे!

    2. उसका कोई रंग नहीं
      उसका कोई रूप नहीं
      यह कोविशील्ड है
      बाला कमसिन नहीं

    3. सखियों को
      ना मलने का मलाल ...
      रहेगा इस बार 😍

      उमंग की तरंग में बहकने का,
      मन की हिलोर के बहने का
      मलाल ... रहेगा इस बार

      रंग से रंग आने का
      रंग से रंग जाने का
      दुश्मन को भी गले
      ना लगा पाने का
      मलाल ... रहेगा इस बार

      ठिलवों की ठिलवाई का
      गुझिया संग मिठाई का
      रंगों में भीगें दामन में
      तेरी अंगड़ाई का...

      मलाल .... रहेगा इस बार

      भांग में बहकने का
      महफ़िल सजाने का
      उनके शरमाने का

      मलाल .... रहेगा इस बार

      होली बेदर्दी तो
      दिल तक ना पहुंची
      कोरोना के जाने का
      वेक्सीन लगवाने का
      इंतज़ार रहेगा इस बार !!

  10. Thank you for today too, Incognito. Another quick one for me.
