Sunday 27 February 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3191, Sunday 27 Feb 2022

1   Shake up failing orangeries (10) REORGANISE*
6   Bird's hiding in hibiscus (4) IBIS [T]
9   Student getting in to poor folk's banter (10) PLEASANTRY {P{L}EASANTRY}
10 Country's drier, we're told (4) EIRE (~airer)
12 Ordained priest taking jab next to outhouse (11) ESTABLISHED {E{STAB}LI}{SHED}
15 Manages a warning (5-2) HEADS-UP [DD]
16 Drunkard now offering defiant expression (2,5) SO THERE {SOT}{HERE}
17 Shifting a drop of Sancerre in wine glasses might help them focus (7) RETINAS RET(-s)INA(+s)S
19 Most of newspapers getting letter: 'Flog, in advance!' (3-4) PRE-SELL {PRESs}{ELL}
20 Sportsman angers as aid redistributed (5,6) ANDRE AGASSI
23 A practice exam delivered orally: that's crazy (4) AMOK {A}{MOK(~mock)}
24 Clobber living things – desire's suppressed (10) BELONGINGS {BE{LONG}INGS}
25 Frame that's worn over shoulder (4) SASH [DD]
26 More toasts raised here? (10) STATEROOMS* Semi&lit

1   Criticises what hip-hop artist does (4) RAPS [DD]
2   Fictional captain looking up for a sign (4) OMEN<=
3   Vocalist, Spice Girl, slopes off part-way through (6,6) GOSPEL SINGER {GINGER} over {G+SLOPEs}*
4   Incessant refusal in Lyon: diners get no soup in the end (3-4) NON-STOP {NON}{d...rS}{geT}{nO}{souP}
5   Writers' second copies' entertaining energy (7) SCRIBES {S}{CRIB{E}S}
7   Song, live, enthralling: indeed, indeed (6,4) BRIGHT EYES {B{RIGHT}E}{YES}

8   Primarily slender perennials, encroachers extraordinaire, dwelling within England's landscaped lawns, sadly! (10) SPEEDWELLS Acrostic Semi&lit
11 Body part: it gets rubbed up. Wait around (6,6) LITTLE FINGER {L{IT}{FELT<=}INGER}
13 Who's not to be trusted, nastier than rascal? (10) CHARLATANS*
14 Meticulous, firm, Everyman had promises to pay later (10) FASTIDIOUS {FAST}{I'D}{IOUS}
18 Recommend extremely self-satisfied Frenchman leaves (7) SUGGEST SmUGGEST
19 Deal to collapse (4,3) PASS OUT [DD]
21 Details concerning nickel written up (4) INFO {OF}{NI}<=
22 Goddess seen in Ellis Island (4) ISIS [T]

Reference List
Student = L, Letter = ELL, Refusal in French = NON, Second = S, Energy = E, Frenchman = M 


  1. Special at 10:30 by Ajji.
    Someone may please monitor as I am going out for lunch

  2. 9A- Typo.
    It has to be 'Pleasantry' and not as stated.
