Tuesday, 31 October 2023

No 14008, Tuesday 31 Oct 2023, Vidwan

Solution to 29A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Champion's back! (7) SUPPORT [DD]
5   One's buried in mobile, never shifting (7) VEERING {VEER{1}N}*G 'G' from?
9   Sappers boy consumed by disease, initially got sympathetic response (9) RESONATED {RE}{SON}{ATE}{Di...e}
10 Oddly look in for ground (5) FLOOR {F{LoOk}OR}
11 Simplicity of native English bum (7) NAIVETE {NATIVE+E}*
12 Connect Aryans had with a sweet liquid source (7) NECTARY [T]
14 Oh! Love fresh, cold/hot, cheap brew (5) HOOCH {OH+O}*{C}{H}
16 Report by government guys! On time! (9) STATEMENT {STATE}{MEN}{T}
19 Barbies, consuming sorbet endlessly for ringers! (9) DOORBELLS {DO{sORBEt}LLS}
22 Letter at the back, backwards! (5) THETA {AT<=}<=>{THE} (Correction - {AT}{THE<=}<= See comments)
23 Recall manoeuvres Cinderella deployed! (7) RESCIND [T]
24 Wine stains in similar manner (7) MARSALA {MARS}{A LA}
26 Cold Play, I, Old Lady and Old Man, for example (5) CACTI {C}{ACT I}
28 Sending out, consuming, stifling boyfriend (9) EMANATING {E{MAN}ATING}
29 Lords over the French striptease dancers (7) P?E?E?S (Addendum - PEELERS {PEE{LE}RS} - See comments)
30 Discussion remains misguided (7) SEMINAR*

1   Crushed noisily, crushed violently around, once in the middle (9) SCRUNCHED {SCRU{oNCe}HED*}
2   One eating sea food spreads one scoop virus!! (11) PISCIVOROUS {1+SCOOP+VIRUS}*
3   Trace naked staff at a night club (5) OUNCE bOUNCEr
4   Scraps start-up consuming time and energy (7) TATTERS {START}* over {T}{E}
5   Loved antagonistic part of Upanishads (7) VEDANTA [T]
6   Fine! Face it without a working professional (9) EFFICIENT {FINE+FaCE+IT}*
7   She saved Odysseus at home with love (3) INO {IN}{O}
8   King abducted by murderous left-wing writer (5) GORKY {GOR{K}Y}
13 Elementary - a nice bread and a shot! (11) ABECEDARIAN {A}{NICE+BREAD+A}*
15 Yes! His bride managed to blend (9) HYBRIDISE {Y+HIS+BRIDE}*
17 Mostly cultivate an oil seed (3) TIL TILl
18 A square, flat and a right kind of fish (9) TRAFALGAR {FLAT+A+R}*{GAR}
20 Left persons who avoid duty in absence of leader for those who are there to stay! (7) LODGERS {L}{dODGERS}
21 Almost identical vessels or boats in China (7) SAMPANS {SAMe}{PANS}
23 Fast bowler returns for rundown (5) RECAP<=
25 True male territory (5) REALM {REAL}{M}
27 He resides in each extremist's heart! (3) CHE Semi&lit

Reference List
Sappers = RE(Royal Engineers), English = E, Cold = C, Hot = H, The in French = LE, Time = T, Energy = E, King = K, Yes = Y, Right = RLeft = L, Male = M

Monday, 30 October 2023

No 14007, Monday 30 Oct 2023, Karaoke

Solution to 22D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Details of maniacs with bars (4,3,5) NUTS AND BOLTS {NUTS}{AND}{BOLTS}
9   Heavy iron block from African village (5) ANVIL [T]
10 I'm opting out of dodgy re-claimants in connection with inheritance (9) ANCESTRAL {RECLAimANTS}*
11 Special services for goblins (7) SPRITES {SP}{RITES}
12 Without light, you and I start browsing illegal sites (4,3) DARK WEB {DARK}{WE}{Br...g}
13 Type of vehicle that is difficult to handle, needs kick-starting by muscleman essentially (8) TRICYCLE {TRICkY}{musCLEmen}
14 Pleasure-seeker eliminates don in robbery (5) HEIST HEdonIST
18 Order to expel director for knavery essentially (5) EDICT E(-v+d)DICT
20 Couple wearing nothing at regatta (4,4) BOAT RACE {B{O}{AT}RACE}
24 They barely go out when it's Sun God's final eclipse (7) NUDISTS {ITS+SUN+goD}*
26 Ethnic cooking features ultimate rock cake (7) THICKEN {ETHNIC}* over {rocK}
27 Spooner's record battles for those helping to see things in obscurity (3,6) FOG LIGHTS (~log fights to fog lights)
28 I drifted off without penny in a place surrounded by water (5) ISLET {I}{SLEpT}
29 Limbs for a lot of money? (2,3,3,1,3) AN ARM AND A LEG [DD]

1   Don't worry about hideout sheltering obnoxious people (5,4) NEVER MIND {NE{VERMIN}D<=}
2   Author narrated plot to kill Democrat and Republican (7) TOLSTOY {TOLd}{STOrY}
3   A trade barrier gets priority for water (5,3) ADAMS ALE {A}{SALE}<=>{DAM}
4   Commit yourself to defeat independent for old crack (6) DECODE DEC(-i+o)ODE
5   The side of a coin's original value swapping the place of shilling, say (7) OBSERVE OB(-v+s)SER(-s+v)VE
6   Announcement of fit project (5) THROW (~throe)
7   Hounds wild beasts biting some student (7) BASSETS {BEASTS}* over {St...s}
8   Strikes by staffs (5) CLUBS [DD]
15 Device for firing bullet around playground quietly (9) SPARKPLUG {S{PARK}{P}LUG}
16 Bruised jailbird took advantage of model inside (8) CONTUSED {CON}{USED} over {T}
17 Angry ape gets bananas, maybe 21 (7) PEANUTS {APE}*{NUTS}
19 Get rid of tunic as hierarchical clothing (7) CASHIER [T]
21 Everyday fight ending with opponent usurping island (7) TRIVIAL{f..hT}{RIV{I}AL}
22 Chopper of king regularly providing drugs (5) ?N?F? (Addendum - KNIFE {KiNg}{IF}{E} - See comments)
23 Arguably steroid treatment has magical answer basically for breathing problem (6) ASTHMA Acrostic Semi&lit
25 What will the workers at the coalface do to eat heartily? (3,2) DIG IN [DD]

Reference List
Special = SP, Director = D, Penny = P, Democrat = D, Republican = R, Independent = I, Old = O, Shilling = S, Quietly = P, Model = T, Island = I, Drugs = E

Sunday, 29 October 2023

The Sunday Crossword No 3278, Sunday 29 Oct 2023

1   Dealt with spade: ditch reconstructed (10) DISPATCHED*
6   Ninnies kicked back in pampering places (4) SPAS<=
9   Musicians given some potent rum Peter supplied (10) TRUMPETERS [T]
10 Cuts of wagyu steak, at the outset? (4) COWS Acrostic &lit
11 I came clean: Hi, implausibly, I'm in movies (7,5) MICHAEL CAINE*
15 Tennis champ against footballers (7) EVERTON {EVERT}{ON}
16 Moderates fits of rage (7) TEMPERS [DD]
17 Starts to eat, taking in starters of assorted seeds and nuts (7) CASHEWS {C{As...d}{Se..s}HEWS}
19 Less bronzed: only short time in Italian resort (7) PALERMO {PALER}{MO}
20 Jazz singer's support: vain, not half forgetful type (12) SCATTERBRAIN {SCATTER}{BRA}{vaIN}
23 Advance slowly (steal, but not quietly) (4) INCH pINCH
24 Queen tucked in to drink, becoming free (10) LIBERATION {LIB{ER}ATION}
25 Message in school sent round (4) NOTE<=
26 Highly amused, as you may be following an accident (2,8) IN STITCHES [DD]

1   Meeting poet with no name (4) DATE DAnTE
2   Ignore rampaging Huns (4) SHUN*
3   Choosing a time to meet (11) APPOINTMENT [DD]
4   Become fashionable, understand? (5,2) CATCH ON [DD]
5   Attention on home: it's serious (7) EARNEST {EAR}{NEST}
7   Free port is arranged for ruthless investors (10) PROFITEERS*
8   Awfully supine sons, 'hanging' (10) SUSPENSION*
12 One with grievance reverses direction, becoming agreeable (11) COMPLAISANT COMPLAI(-n+s)SANT
13 Section of band performing Supersonic (10) PERCUSSION*
14 Pet tapir's acne treated (7,3) PERSIAN CAT*
18 National loser biannually taking part (7) SERBIAN [T]
19 Faultless – and kind of tense? (7) PERFECT [DD]
21 Announced search for person of faith (4) SIKH (~seek)
22 Everyman's banknotes no longer valid (4) ONES [DD]

Reference List
Short time = MO, Quietly = P, Queen = ER, Name = N

Saturday, 28 October 2023

No 14006, Saturday 28 Oct 2023, Gussalufz

9   Eggs on star hugging a dying star (9) SUPERNOVA {OVA}<=>{SU{PER}N}
10 Answer only around five (5) SOLVE {SOL{V}E}
11 Regular coverage in greater detail? That's not gonna happen (3,4) GET REAL {GrEaTeR+dEtAiL}
12 Dispute over extremely radioactive consignment (7) FREIGHT {F{Ra...vE}IGHT}
13 Some dope went after the head of state (5) SPEED {PEED}<=>{St..e}
14 Guys, a fancy phone first, or spectacles? (9) PHENOMENA {MEN}{A}<=>{PHONE*}
16 Needing fixes, man to book clinic providing safe access (11,4) COMBINATION LOCK*
19 Uncontrollable jobs mess? Give pink slips to leaders! (9) OBSESSIVE {jOBS+mESS+gIVE}
22 One going around in circles or lost — a scared dog, perhaps (5) BITER orBITER
24 Uneasy truce involving toilet style (4,3) CREW CUT {CRE{WC}UT*}
26 Squeals about diamonds (7) LASQUES*
27 Measures and marinates, half-heartedly (5) STEPS STEePS 
28 Texted, "are you lousy in cooking?" with terrible consequences (9) RUINOUSLY {(~are you)RU}{LOUSY+IN}*

1   Release gas unapologetically, somewhat up-ending conventions (6) USAGES [T<=]
2   Against the flow, northern state's rail transport saves energy (8) UPSTREAM {UP`S}{TR{E}AM}
3   Non-competitive games in France: one-goal stories (10) FRIENDLIES {FR}{1}{END}{LIES}
4   Helping Barbie say two opening bits from Oppenheimer (6) DOLLOP {DOLL}{OPp...r}
5   JAR file getting built? Eating a bit of zafrani curry (8) JALFREZI {JAR+FILE}* over {Za...i}
6   Man, perhaps loudly read passage (4) ISLE (~aisle)
7   Society under pressure to eradicate drug epidemic (6) PLAGUE {LeAGUE}<=>{P}
8   Occasionally kick at butt feebly, when upset with defender (4,4) LEFT BACK {KiCk+At+BuTt+FeEbLt}<=
15 Reprogrammed bomb (OS: Unix) in a large theatre area (7,3) OMNIBUS BOX*
16 Extremely fine cocaine and methamphetamine smuggled by anchor (8) CHOICEST {C}{HO{ICE}ST}
17 A soldier rests, unwinding with cattle grazers (8) AGISTERS {A}{GI}RESTS*}
18 Fit from muscular cycling, welcoming back rub (8) OUTBURST {(-st)OUT(+st)ST} over {RUB<=}
20 Ridicule king inhabiting filthy place (6) SKEWER {S{K}EWER}
21 Sweet nothings rejected — essentially preferred comfortable AC output (6) ECLAIR {prefErred}{CooL}{AIR}
23 Controversy, as Erdogan shows up, echoes statement (6) RESAYS [T<=]
25 Suit jacket (4) CASE [DD]

Reference List
Went = PEED, Toilet = WC, Energy = E, France = FR, Drug = E, Pressure = P, Cocaine = C, Methamphetamine = ICE, King = K

Friday, 27 October 2023

No 14005, Friday 27 Oct 2023, Avtaar

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Notice hundred thousand from India breaking into Pennsylvania Avenue (7) PLACARD {P{LAC}A}{RD}
5   Ring inlaid in my filigree headgear (7) CORONET {O} in {COR}{NET}
9   Regiment is hoarding stray, withered fruit (7) RAISINS {RA}{I{SIN}S}
10 Cravin' for drug? (7) ASPIRIN ASPIRIN`
11 Oriental wearing a cape wins fight, getting appreciation (9) AWARENESS {E} in {A}{NESS} over {WAR}
12 Upper class elements of the literati (5) ELITE [T]
13 Dope obtained from discharged airmen fleeing European city (5) TWERP anTWERP
15 Singular, Byzantine beer mugs in swamps (9) SUBMERGES {S}{BEER+MUGS}*
17 Not like I fight amidst evening out with partner! (9) DISPARATE {D{I}{SPAR}ATE}
19 After rejecting outliers, certifies statistical assessment (1-4) T-TEST  aTTESTs
22 Implement vacuous scheme to protect quarters (5) SPADE {Sch{PAD}emE}
23 Doctor induced to cut (9) DEDUCTION*
25 Model remains outside parking area (7) REPLICA {RE{P}LIC}{A}
26 Doctor linked to a charge involving model who has been recruited recently (7) DRAFTEE {DR}{A}{F{T}EE}
27 Case of rector getting involved in petition by don is bizarre (7) SURREAL {SU{Re..oR}E}{AL}
28 Developing new source of aromatic perfume (7) NASCENT {N}{Ar...c}{SCENT}

1   Airmen from India turned up to divide portion for dessert (7) PARFAIT {PAR{IAF<=}T}
2   Article by Avtaar and partner in Kindle (7) ANIMATE {AN}{I}{MATE}
3   Spice displayed on the counter by warehouses in Africa (5) ANISE [T]
4   Torrid days - drinking cola leads to indigestion (9) DYSPEPSIA {DYS{PEPSI}A*}
    5   Stupid sort taking the wrong turn (5) CRASS C([l+r)RASS
6   Picture is on now (9) REPRESENT {RE}{PRESENT}
7   From Athens, a letter and phone about son's job in a hospital (7) NURSING {NU}{R{S}ING}
    8   Quotes from merchant, agent and accountant, perhaps? (7) TENDERS {T enders}
14 This is offered after a handshake by top seed after work-out with beginner in England (5,4) PEACE PIPE {ACE}{PIP}<=>{PE} and {E}
16 Fancy bed linen with diamonds seamlessly integrated (7,2) BLENDED IN {BED+LINED+D}*
17 Leaves voids (7) DESERTS [DD]
18 Sparta's principal caravan race (7) SCAMPER {Sp...a}{CAMPER}
20 First line in "Introduction to Effective Training and Communication" (7) EPISTLE  {1ST}{L} in {Ef...e}{PE}
21 Touching line from explosive, overpowering novel "Agnes' son goes missing" (7) TANGENT {T{AGNEs*}NT}
23 Puppet-stringing amateur odd-job man (2-3) DO-ALL{DO{A}LL}
24 Bears hiding egg under college mess (5) CHAOS {HA{O}S}<=>{C}

Reference List
My = COR, Regiment = RA(Regiment of Artillery), Singular = S, Parking = P, Area = A, Model = T, Don = AL(Capone), New = N, On = RE, Son = S, Work-out = PE, Beginner = PIP, Diamonds = D, Line = L, Training = PE,  Amateur = A, College = C

Thursday, 26 October 2023

No 14004, Thursday 26 Oct 2023, Lightning

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Save criminal with aid (8) CONSERVE {CON}{SERVE}
5   Signs of affection king is showing - extremely surprising at first (6) KISSES {K}{IS}{Sh...g}{Ex...y}{Su...g}
9   Former lover to squeal about Channel Islands levying tax (8) EXCISING {EX}{SING} over {CI}
10 Mostly trim issue for inventor (6) EDISON {EDIt}{SON}
12 Seasoning item cut short these days in green meal (5) SALAD {SALt}{AD}
13 Kidnapping of sailor near channel by revolutionary leader (9) ABDUCTION {AB}{DUCT}{NO 1<=}
14 Rare mark by church (6) SCARCE {SCAR}{CE}
16 Bury one male - it's not final (7) INTERIM {INTER}{1}{M}
19 Took for granted that Sam used building (7) ASSUMED*
21 Food sent back by king for is a bread based item (6) BURGER {GRUB<=}{ER}
23 Can a rookie hide botched dish (9) ENCHILADA {CAN+A+L+HIDE}*
25 Part of harmony we hear (5) PIECE (~peace)
26 Mock journey going past Delaware (6) DERIDE {RIDE}<=>{DE}
27 Terribly upset lad throbbed (8) PULSATED*
28 Yardsticks for leaders? (6) RULERS {DD]
29 Plunder area, murder a doctor (8) MARAUDER {A+MURDER+A}* Shouldn't it be PLUNDERER? See comments

1   Food that may make you smile in front of a camera (6) CHEESE [CD]
2   Jewellery wild scene lacks for the most part (9) NECKLACES {SCENE+LACKs}*
3   Relieved that lease described houses (5) EASED [T]
4   Very hard worker with time gets to a position of superiority (7) VANTAGE {V}{ANT}{AGE}
6   Guide caught in country by small hill (9) INDICATOR {INDI{C}A}{TOR}
7   Primarily seafood (uncooked) specially housed in a wrap (5) SUSHI Acrostic Semi&lit
8   Equivalent words in partial summary extracted in the middle of ninety minutes (8) S?N?N?M? (Addendum - SYNONYMS {SYNOpsis}{Ni..tY}{Mi...eS} - See comments)
11 Indian dish largely ingested for starters (4) IDLI   Acrostic Semi&lit
15 Prompt to consume a left over (9) REMAINDER {REM{A}INDER}
17 Film editor covering European community is chosen again (5,4) REELECTED {REEL}{TED} over {EC}  (5,4 or 2-7)? 
18 Clear and well formed system of timekeeping (8) CALENDAR*
20 Fellow returned without hot liquid - it has protein (4) DHAL {LA{H}D<=}
21 Daring spirit of supporter very oddly unreal (3,4) BRAVURA {BRA}{V}{UnReAl} (3,4 or7) Enu error?
22 Delicate offer (6) TENDER [DD}
24 Vehicle by old lake - it's a part of Christmas celebrations (5) CAROL {CAR}{O}{L}
25 Italian delicacy finished by amateur at first (5) PASTA {PAST}{Am...r}

Reference List
King = K, Former lover = EX, These days = AD, Sailor = AB, Church = CE, Male = M, King = ER, Rookie = L, Area = A, Very = V, Caught = C, Small hill = TOR, Hot = H, Old = O, Lake = L

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

No 14003, Wednesday 25 Oct 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 12D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   In general, tall model trips around one - it could be dangerous (1,6,8) A LITTLE LEARNING {IN+GENERAL+TALL+T} over {1}
10 An agile king reforms country (7) ALGERIA {A}{AGILE+R}*
11 Brown shirt and green flip flops reserved outside (7) SWARTHY {T}{RAW}<= in {SHY}
12 I adopt her anyhow as a symbol of love (9) APHRODITE*
14 Marsh takes maiden in exchange (5) SWAMP {SWA{M}P}
17 Was left around saint (7) EXISTED {EXI{S}TED}
19 Zoologist Amar inquisitively captures primate (7) TAMARIN [T]
21 Team in all-terrain vehicles moving back to the front (5) SQUAD (+s)SQUAD(-s)
23 Spread this and get stuffed with father's pasta (9) SPAGHETTI {THIS+GET}* over {PA}
25 Fruit and eggs on the counter with rogue's duck (7) AVOCADO {OVA<=}{CAD}{O}
27 Jobs with boring blunders (7) ERRANDS {ERR{AND}S}
30 Inane men act as extremely demanding (4,11) HIGH MAINTENANCE {INSANE+MEN+ACT}* [RA]

1   Basically just a very addictive beverage (4) JAVA Acrostic
2   Husband at home? Good. That'll spice things up! (4) HING {H}{IN}{G}
3   Kick off in major market (5,3) START OUT {STAR}{TOUT}
4   Asian plane travelling to India (6) NEPALI {PLANE}*{I}
5   Heard Reverend discarded best blanket (3,5) BED SHEET (~ said beat to bed sheet) (Correction ~ shed beat to bed sheet- See comments)
6   Reads novel about million fantasies (6) DREAMS {DREA{M}S*}
7   Official sanction for car (4) FIAT [DD]
8   Picked up fruit that's revolting (4) UGLY (~ugli)
12 Encourages a boy band touring Spain (5) A?E?S (Addendum - ABETS {A}{B{E}TS} - See comments)
13 Poem leads to hope and inspiration kindled ultimately (5) HAIKU Acrostic
15 Initially Adam's apple, say disheartened evil spirit (5) AFRIT {Adams}{FRuIT}
16 Frequently look up to a Nazi in fraudulent scheme (5) PONZI {uP+tO+a+NaZi+In}
18 Extremely dirty bar oddly ignored in Bihar - not an ideal place (8) DYSTOPIA {DirtY}{STOP}{bIhAr}
20 Queen's athletic and hot in Armani pants (8) MAHARANI {A}{H} in {ARMANI}*
22 Inflict pain through lawyer or law (6) DHARMA {D{HARM}A}
24 Signals picked up from lost relatives (6) ALERTS [T<=]
25 Every one cycling's smart (4) ACHE (-e)ACH(+e)E
26 Party's young leader supports web domain (4) ORGY {Yo...g}<=>{ORG}
28 Say Mother Theresa sounds like nobody else (4) NONE (~nun)
29 Bother to cook (4) STEW [DD]

Reference List
Model = T, King = R, Shirt = T, Maiden = M, Saint = ST, Husband = H, Good = G, India = I, Million = M, Spain = E, Athletic = A, Hot = H, Lawyer = DA

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Special, Tuesday 24 Oct 2023, Economizer

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Economizer
Squares filled: 0/155
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Economizer & THCC

1Twins squeal excitedly (6)
5People heartlessly attempt to follow little dog - it’s entertainment with strings attached (8)
9Dances energetically and starts to jump in gleeful spirits (4)
10Sister affected by hideous acne develops ability to face adversity (thick skin?) (10)
11Colleagues with low self-evaluations (7)
12Madmen return a million in cash, carelessly losing heroin (7)
14Passionately unveil oratory triggering dramatic change (13)
17Messy tables and soldiers found in this corrupt organization (13)
21European and Latina drinking some vodka and dancing (7)
23Opens Spanish article with French web addresses (7)
25Segregates and seals sci-fi novel (10)
26Demolish lift loudly (4)
27Prominent European journalist receives pressure on air (8)
28American man hugs the Spanish fool (6)

2Tremble with fear as a holder of arrows (6)
3Cleanse contents of lab solvent (7)
4The Reverend suggests “hoof excursion” as a means to collect public opinion (5,4)
5Upscale shop ransacked (4)
6Father’s student-helper makes noodles (5)
7Electric vehicle drops from height, generating excitement (7)
8Sports vehicles almost crash, damaged after poor care (8)
13Quietly utter profanities as note leaves wallet (5)
15Protected from Indian moral leaders, university is crowded with denims in fashion (9)
16Smacks off the tongue like seasonings (8)
18Seadive planned for a person (with a coach) (7)
19Experimentally turn ale inert (7)
20Girl idled with eyes thus described (6)
22Statement from two Asian leaders before prayer (5)
24Benign variety (4)


Monday, 23 October 2023

No 14002, Monday 23 Oct 2023, Hypatia


Rangoli by Gowri


Artwork by Prasanna

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Exotic roses with aloe mostly in sprays (8) AEROSOLS {ROSES+ALOe}*
9   Extremely healthy sound around animals (6) HYENAS {He...hY}{SANE<=}
10 Kept a heavily wrapped Egyptian God (4) PTAH [T]
11 Oh dear! Best puzzles in newspaper (10) BROADSHEET*
12 Reverend's request: "Go worship and settle ahead of time" (6) PREPAY (~pee pray to prepay)
14 Attempt to control one evil triumvirate (8) TRIARCHY {TR{1}{ARCH}Y}
15 Setting aside a day, lecture smart newlyweds changing places (8,5) DRESSING ROOMS {adDRESS}{IN}{GROOMS}
18 Maya's got to exercise in anti-slip pads (4,4) YOGA MATS*
20 Cutting the end, contract length to sell (6)  R?T?I? (Addendum - RETAIL {RETAIn}{L} - See Comments)
21 Pet goes behind cafeteria - often he plays gently (10) DELICATELY {CAT}<=>{DELI} with {hE+lLaYs}
22 Pulse of average bachelor getting married (4) BEAN (-m+b)BEAN
23 Open global organization's fine website (6) UNFURL {UN}{F}{URL}
24 Every now and then the ODI team likes motivational videos (3,5) TED TALKS {ThE+oDi+TeAm+LiKeS}

1   Bullied the man getting disheartened over time (8) HECTORED {HE}{C{T}ORED}
2   Android and human's first couple (4) BOTH {BOT}{Hu..n}
3   Old city of dabbawallas bringing one's meal, banana and yoghurt, for starters (6) BOMBAY Acrostic Semi&lit
4   More hesitant to drink rum that's cheaper (8) SHODDIER {SH{ODD}IER}
5   Lowest part of flask in bag (10) NETHERMOST {NE{THERMOS}T}
6   Worry about that woman circumambulating God (6) GANESH {NAG<=}{(+e)SH(-e)}
8   What bears do with honeyed treat that's nicely condensed (5,3,5) SHORT AND SWEET  {SHORT}{AND}{SWEET} Anno for SHORT not clear See comments
13 Unsure of prior debt obligations involving automobile (10) PRECARIOUS {PRE}{IOUS} over {CAR}
16 Basically small computers are light, fit and upgradable (8) SCALABLE {Sm..l}{Cc...s}{Are}{Li..t}{ABLE}
17 State of torrential rains flooding lake at Korea's borders (3,5) SRI LANKA {RAINS}* over {L} and {KoreA}
19 No sea waves without cold waters (6) OCEANS {NO+SEA}* over {C}
20 Cherish day I ran partly around city (6) RIYADH [T<=]
22 Varaha, for instance carried on air (4) BOAR (~bore)

Reference List
Go = PEE, Day = D, Length = L, Bachelor = B, Married = M, Fine = F, Time = T, Lake = L, Cold = C

Sunday, 22 October 2023

The Sunday Crossword No 3277, Sunday 22 Oct 2023

1   Withdraw fix (6) REPAIR [DD]
4   Light reading? (6) KINDLE [DD]
8   So endlessly berate furiously: show some backbone! (9) VERTEBRAE {VERy}{BERATE*}
9   One's destined to have hot head in sports event (5) MATCH [DD]
11 Jolly's hiring ship: it's renovated (2,4,7) IN HIGH SPIRITS*
13 Red coat fashioned in '20s style (3,4) ART DECO*
14 Greek character averse to a fruity Red? (7) CHIANTI {CHI}{ANTI}
16 Collection of lies in dispute (2,5) AT ISSUE {A TISSUE}
18 Gap's first day of trading (7) OPENING [DD]
20 Lots shall hide out like Methuselah (3,2,3,5) OLD AS THE HILLS*
23 Calling, wanting portion of macaroni cheese (5) NICHE [T]
24 Fancy flesh out (9) ELABORATE [DD]
25 Whispered comments in LPs' first tracks (6) ASIDES {A SIDES}
26 Temperament of eg iron, did you say? (6) METTLE (~metal)

1   Range demonstrated to have no beginning or end (4) ROVE pROVEd
2   Soldier on some uppers is tingling (7) PERSIST [T]
3   Reworked cheesiest material way up North (3,6) ICE SHEETS*
4   Chills hake, escalope and cod (with head removed) for cooking (5,1,4,4)  KEEPS A COOL HEAD {HAKE+ESCALOPE+cOD}*
5   We hear one opposing building in clouds (5) NIMBI (~nimby = cloud type and NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard)
6   Lettish (although this version's its alternative name), primarily! (7) LATVIAN Acrostic &lit
7   Everyman's stuck between bores and rotters in stalls (5,4,5) DRAGS ONES HEELS {{ONES} in {DRAGS}{HEELS}
10 Surprised expression before attacks from airborne in battle (8) HASTINGS {HA}{STINGS}
12 French president's eaten starter of andouilles; later duck and almondy cake (8) MACAROON {MAC{An...s}RO{O}N}
15 Disco classic, If Slippery Character Comes to Nothing (1,4,4) I FEEL LOVE {IF}{EEL}{LOVE}
17 Ordains where water flows (7) INDUCTS {IN DUCTS}
19 Mo's coffee (7) INSTANT [DD]
21 Rate of knots in ocean – capsized! (5) SPEED<=
22 Shoe tree regularly rejected as present (4) HERE {sHoE+tReE}

Reference List
Surprised expression = HA!

Saturday, 21 October 2023

No 14001, Saturday 21 Oct 2023, Dr. X

Artwork by Prasanna

1   Flog after securing rope kinkily in sexual activity (8) FOREPLAY {F{ROPE*}LAY}
5   A subject relating to type of allergy (6) ATOPIC {A}{TOPIC}
10 Colour of coaster smuggling dope close to Goa (7) MAGENTA {MA{GEN}T}{goA}
11 Automatic rifle dacoit used to kill lawyer (7) ROBOTIC {ROB}{daCOIT}*
12 Grandmother's unexpected gift, a little necklace for maiden (5) NANNA (-m+n)NANNA
13 Party endlessly involved in work for development (9) ACCRETION {AC{CREw}TION}
14 Somehow coped with payment for surgical procedure (12) APPENDECTOMY {COPED+PAYMENT}*
18 Disheartened, curse after rogue applied for most prominent position (5,2,5) PRIDE OF PLACE {CursE}<=>{APPLIED+FOR}* 
21 Wait until next day to decide what to do with mattress (5,2,2) SLEEP ON IT [C&DD]
23 Girl overwhelmed by distressing elegy (5) DIRGE {DIR{G}E}
24 Knocked unconscious by hooligan, receiving help (4,3) LAID OUT {L{AID}OUT}
25 Morale's high after hiring new medical social worker (7) ALMONER {ALMO{N}ER*}
26 Seal batch containing contaminated gin (6) SIGNET {S{GIN*}ET}
27 Extortionate unionist wanting power, fraudulent (8) USURIOUS {U}{SpURIOUS}

1   Raise warning, overcome by extremes of fright (6) FOMENT {Fri{OMEN}ghT}
2   Seeing red drink picked up by kid (6) RAGING {RA{GIN}G}
3   Long programme on extremely large fruit (9) PINEAPPLE {PINE}{APP}{LargE}
4   Scoundrel in Santa Fe took off very fast (2,1,4,2,5) AT A RATE OF KNOTS {RAT} in {SANTA+FE+TOOK}*
6   Fit after starting to try diet (5) TABLE {ABLE}<=>{Try}
7   Endless quarrel after darling knocked back spirit to quibble over trifles (8) PETTIFOG {TIFf}<=>{PET}{GO<=}
8   Tips to tackle mounting hunger in East Londoners (8) COCKNEYS {COCK{YEN<=}S}
9   Actors recoiled artfully, showing fake grief (9,5) CROCODILE TEARS*
15 Nut in convention hosted by rising star (4-2-3) COCO-DE-MER {CO{CODE}MER}
16 Letters from oriental saint in packets (8) EPISTLES {E}{PI{ST}LES}
17 Independent survey conducted by group is interesting (8) RIVETING {R{I}{VET}ING}
19 American in Mexico shot outside arena (6) GRINGO {G{RING}O}
20 Insecticide powder, risky to consume (6) DERRIS [T]
22 Confirm likely victory for nationalist (5) PROVE PRO(-n+v)VE

Reference List
Lawyer = DA, Maiden = M, Girl = G, New = N, Power = P, Kid = RAG, Oriental = E,  Victory = V, Nationalist = N

Friday, 20 October 2023

No 14000, Friday 20 Oct 2023, Dr. X

Rangoli by Gowri

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Anticipate with pleasure as chicks on poles dance (4,4,5) LICK ONES CHOPS*
8   Anaemic? Finished last of chemotherapy (5) PASTY {PAST}{c...rY}
9   Ousted in public by harridan losing head (9) OVERTHREW {OVERT}{sHREW}
11 For that reason, steals retired fellow's old British coin (10) THREEPENCE {TH{PEER<=}ENCE}
12 Favourite winning long race (4) PELT {PE{L}T}
14 Scoundrel, one concealing King and mostly Acof hearts (7) CARDIAC {CA{R}D}{1}{ACe}
16 Cheeky, mischievous rub resulting in trouble (7) PERTURB {PERT}{RUB*}
17 Most enthusiastic about director's plans (7) INTENDS {INTEN{D}Se}
19 Males do go crazy for young unmarried woman (7) DAMOSEL*
21 Lady after drink turned weary (4) PALL {L}<=>{LAP<=}
22 Deceitful and hypocritical rogue fired, imprisoned (10) PERFIDIOUS {P{FIRED*}IOUS}
25 Sad loner in bar needs a little love! That's obvious (2-7) NO-BRAINER {lONER+IN+BAR}*
26 Sivan is another entertaining Jewish month (5) NISAN [T]
27 Reckless lad and brunette smuggling heroin and ecstasy secretly (5,3,5)  UNDER THE TABLE {LAD+BRUNETTE}* over {H}{E}

2   Underwriter in ruins, devastated by heartless embezzler (7) INSURER {RUINS}*{Em...eR}
3   Pointers about possibly insane advocates of English economist's theories (10) KEYNESIANS {KEY{INSANE*}S} Had to cheat on this  one
4   Inaccurate name for large snare (5) NOOSE (-l+n)NOOSE
5   Sailing boat on page in blue notebook for drawing (6,3) SKETCH PAD {S{KETCH}{P}AD}
6   Bowlers, say, in match at Sydney (4) HATS [T]
7   Upstart is a little nervous in fancy rave-up (7) PARVENU {PARVE{Ne...s}U*}
8   What hairdresser using curling-tongs might do to hinder (3,1,5,2) PUT A CRIMP IN [DD]
10 Fine lad having sex with hot babe at launch eagerly (4,5,2) WITH BELLS ON {W{IT}{H}{Babe}ELL}{SON}
13 Demure girl hosting party is a diva (5,5) PRIMA DONNA {PRIM}{A{DO}NNA}
15 Change reactionary song about women - it may get roasted (6,3) CASHEW NUT {CASH}{E{W}NUT<=}
18 Endless speech by one to disallow fundamentalist group (7) TALIBAN {TALe}{1}{BAN}
20 Rebellious girl tackling issue largely relating to marriage (7) SPOUSAL {S{POUr}SAL<=}
23 Fine core exercises for strength (5) FORCE {F}{CORE*}
24 Swiftness of champion under pressure (4) PACE {ACE}<=>{P}

Reference List
Long = L, King = R, Director = D, Lady = L, Heroin = H, Ecstasy = E, Name = N, Large = L, Page = P, Sex = IT, Hot = H, Women = W, Fine = F, Pressure = P