Sunday 29 October 2023

The Sunday Crossword No 3278, Sunday 29 Oct 2023

1   Dealt with spade: ditch reconstructed (10) DISPATCHED*
6   Ninnies kicked back in pampering places (4) SPAS<=
9   Musicians given some potent rum Peter supplied (10) TRUMPETERS [T]
10 Cuts of wagyu steak, at the outset? (4) COWS Acrostic &lit
11 I came clean: Hi, implausibly, I'm in movies (7,5) MICHAEL CAINE*
15 Tennis champ against footballers (7) EVERTON {EVERT}{ON}
16 Moderates fits of rage (7) TEMPERS [DD]
17 Starts to eat, taking in starters of assorted seeds and nuts (7) CASHEWS {C{As...d}{Se..s}HEWS}
19 Less bronzed: only short time in Italian resort (7) PALERMO {PALER}{MO}
20 Jazz singer's support: vain, not half forgetful type (12) SCATTERBRAIN {SCATTER}{BRA}{vaIN}
23 Advance slowly (steal, but not quietly) (4) INCH pINCH
24 Queen tucked in to drink, becoming free (10) LIBERATION {LIB{ER}ATION}
25 Message in school sent round (4) NOTE<=
26 Highly amused, as you may be following an accident (2,8) IN STITCHES [DD]

1   Meeting poet with no name (4) DATE DAnTE
2   Ignore rampaging Huns (4) SHUN*
3   Choosing a time to meet (11) APPOINTMENT [DD]
4   Become fashionable, understand? (5,2) CATCH ON [DD]
5   Attention on home: it's serious (7) EARNEST {EAR}{NEST}
7   Free port is arranged for ruthless investors (10) PROFITEERS*
8   Awfully supine sons, 'hanging' (10) SUSPENSION*
12 One with grievance reverses direction, becoming agreeable (11) COMPLAISANT COMPLAI(-n+s)SANT
13 Section of band performing Supersonic (10) PERCUSSION*
14 Pet tapir's acne treated (7,3) PERSIAN CAT*
18 National loser biannually taking part (7) SERBIAN [T]
19 Faultless – and kind of tense? (7) PERFECT [DD]
21 Announced search for person of faith (4) SIKH (~seek)
22 Everyman's banknotes no longer valid (4) ONES [DD]

Reference List
Short time = MO, Quietly = P, Queen = ER, Name = N


  1. Re: IXL round 7. This round should be business as usual for most of the leaderboard. Some of the clues were almost too easy. I again submitted in the 43-44 minute range, though I had 90% completed within half an hour. The time-consuming bit in the end was working out the annos for some intuitive complaints from me.

  2. I usually give little time to Sunday THC, because it is mostly tougher than daily ones. Well, I had that thing for two, three decades. But, since joining the blog, I found it less tougher than the toughest daily ones, still tough.
    Today's puzzle was really easy. 21D and 22D I didn't fill before coming to the blog.

  3. I mean 21D and 22D are the only ones I didn't have answers for.

  4. To solve a small number of clues we need to be an English man or lived in UK for many years...!!
