Saturday 21 October 2023

No 14001, Saturday 21 Oct 2023, Dr. X

Artwork by Prasanna

1   Flog after securing rope kinkily in sexual activity (8) FOREPLAY {F{ROPE*}LAY}
5   A subject relating to type of allergy (6) ATOPIC {A}{TOPIC}
10 Colour of coaster smuggling dope close to Goa (7) MAGENTA {MA{GEN}T}{goA}
11 Automatic rifle dacoit used to kill lawyer (7) ROBOTIC {ROB}{daCOIT}*
12 Grandmother's unexpected gift, a little necklace for maiden (5) NANNA (-m+n)NANNA
13 Party endlessly involved in work for development (9) ACCRETION {AC{CREw}TION}
14 Somehow coped with payment for surgical procedure (12) APPENDECTOMY {COPED+PAYMENT}*
18 Disheartened, curse after rogue applied for most prominent position (5,2,5) PRIDE OF PLACE {CursE}<=>{APPLIED+FOR}* 
21 Wait until next day to decide what to do with mattress (5,2,2) SLEEP ON IT [C&DD]
23 Girl overwhelmed by distressing elegy (5) DIRGE {DIR{G}E}
24 Knocked unconscious by hooligan, receiving help (4,3) LAID OUT {L{AID}OUT}
25 Morale's high after hiring new medical social worker (7) ALMONER {ALMO{N}ER*}
26 Seal batch containing contaminated gin (6) SIGNET {S{GIN*}ET}
27 Extortionate unionist wanting power, fraudulent (8) USURIOUS {U}{SpURIOUS}

1   Raise warning, overcome by extremes of fright (6) FOMENT {Fri{OMEN}ghT}
2   Seeing red drink picked up by kid (6) RAGING {RA{GIN}G}
3   Long programme on extremely large fruit (9) PINEAPPLE {PINE}{APP}{LargE}
4   Scoundrel in Santa Fe took off very fast (2,1,4,2,5) AT A RATE OF KNOTS {RAT} in {SANTA+FE+TOOK}*
6   Fit after starting to try diet (5) TABLE {ABLE}<=>{Try}
7   Endless quarrel after darling knocked back spirit to quibble over trifles (8) PETTIFOG {TIFf}<=>{PET}{GO<=}
8   Tips to tackle mounting hunger in East Londoners (8) COCKNEYS {COCK{YEN<=}S}
9   Actors recoiled artfully, showing fake grief (9,5) CROCODILE TEARS*
15 Nut in convention hosted by rising star (4-2-3) COCO-DE-MER {CO{CODE}MER}
16 Letters from oriental saint in packets (8) EPISTLES {E}{PI{ST}LES}
17 Independent survey conducted by group is interesting (8) RIVETING {R{I}{VET}ING}
19 American in Mexico shot outside arena (6) GRINGO {G{RING}O}
20 Insecticide powder, risky to consume (6) DERRIS [T]
22 Confirm likely victory for nationalist (5) PROVE PRO(-n+v)VE

Reference List
Lawyer = DA, Maiden = M, Girl = G, New = N, Power = P, Kid = RAG, Oriental = E,  Victory = V, Nationalist = N


  1. Diet= Table. This synonym is found in Oxford Dictionary,rather in the free dictionary

  2. Learnt a new word 'Foment' Excellent word play. Thank you Dr. X. Enjoyable Grid.
    @ Col.sir, Thank you for posting my Artwork. Have a Nice weekend.

    1. Probably you are aware of the word in a different for- fomentation ( with hot water) or foment trouble.

    2. yes. correct sir.....fomentation for making idli. Thanks for the tips.

    3. No. That us fermentation.
      Hot water bottle that we use ( probably not,nowadays) for pain relieving is fomentation

  3. Nice artwork Prasanna! Thank you for helping us celebrate the occasion

  4. Another delight from Doc. Tha k you for providing us a lot if enjoyment and Aha moments ( some by me and the rest from the blog)

  5. Replies
    1. Hope it us only the wordplay!!

    2. Is there another kind?
      - Jack Nicholson in Few Good Men🙂

    3. There could be "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"!!!

    4. Particularly if D means drug.

    5. Glad it tickled the funny bone! Till next month then...keep having close encounters of whatever kind you like... :)

  6. Enjoyable grids from Dr X over the last 4 days. Lovely artwork by Gowri and Prasanna. Thanks all!
