Tuesday 17 October 2023

No 13997, Tuesday 17 Oct 2023, Afterdark

Artwork by Prasanna

Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Baron Ray is in trouble (6) BLIGHT {B}{LIGHT}
9   Longing (yen) lost after lady's information (8) LEARNING {yEARNING}<=>{L}
10 Finances in lacs, totally as private investment primarily? Fantastic (8) CAPITALS {LACS+To...y+As+Pr...e+In...t}*
11 Reptile's tail severed, flipped. Has a big head in the front, in a foreign country (6) BRAZIL {LIZARd<=} <=>{Big}
12 Dog breaks trends (8) CURRENTS {CUR}{RENTS}
13 Leader lacking insight to compose thoughts (6) THINGS iNSIGHT* 
14 Be in good shape to frequently receive angel's aid (7) BENEFIT {BE}{aNgEl}{FIT}
17 Cavaliers and king shape 13 (7) KNIGHTS {K}{THINGS}*
20 Courage shown by short boy alongside railway official preventing loot primarily (6) BOTTLE {BOy}{TT{Loot}E}
22 CERN to lead 50% to transform an elementary particle (8) ELECTRON {CERN+TO+LEad}*
25 Brutal punch taking power with force (6) FIERCE (-p+f)FIERCE
26 Editor recalled reporter in Express (8) DESCRIBE {ED<=}{SCRIBE}
27 Rural inhabitant's house at Germany (8) VILLAGER {VILLA}{GER}
28 Inventor of an element (erbium) (6) LEADER {LEAD}{ER}

1   Will's appeal indisputable (8) PLEASURE {PLEA}{SURE}
2   Undergraduate's invention's primarily reckless and more revolting (6) UGLIER {UG}{LIE}{Re...s}
3   Force coaches to cycle (6) STRAIN (+s)STRAIN(-s)
4   Shirt on top in the cupboard is dearest (7) CLOSEST {CLOSE{Sh..t}T}
5   Fruit and butter perhaps besides a lunch essentially (8) RAMBUTAN {RAM}{BUT}{A}{luNch}
6   Attacking reforms India arrests vain leader. No good (8) INVADING {IN{Vain}ADI*}{N}{G}
7   Pandemonium in England gets resolution (6) ENDING {EN{DIN}G}
15 Specialist's passion largely hollow in every way (8) ENTIRELY {ENT}{IRE}{La...lY}
16 Say cold people's eyes reportedly be with rage often taking on society (8) ICEBERGS {(~eyes)ICE}{BE}{RaGe}{S}
18 Upsets butler so badly (8) TROUBLES*
19 Audience on notice to ignore odd genres (7) READERS {RE}{AD}{gEnReS}
21 Soldiers arresting one nationalist at foundation (6) ORIGIN {OR}{1}{GI}{N}
23 Stands quiet at house (6) E?S?L? (Addendum - EASELS {EASE}{LS} - See comments)
24 Strange hatred for subject (6) THREAD*

Reference List
Baron = B, Yen = Y, Lady = L, King = K, Power = P, Force = F, Undergraduate = UG, No = N, Good = G, England = ENG, Specialist = ENT, Society = S, On = RE, Notice = AD, Soldiers = OR and GI, Nationalist = N, House = LS(Lok Sabha)


  1. 21d soldiers =soldier+soldier is ok
    But soldiers=soldiers+soldier!!! Infinite possibilities.

  2. 8a "in" Is redundant and misleading.

    1. True and I also had trouble. But surface? Probably clue should have been on different lines.

    2. Surface would also be fine. Like he is trouble.

  3. 14a frequently receive or receive frequently!!

  4. 14A How is 'frequently receive angel' NE? According to this parsing, frequently should be applied to 'receive' and not 'angel', right?

  5. Vladimir had visited several CAPITALS during his never ENDING travels in pursuit
    of business and PLEASURE.

    He was always looking for THINGS he could trade and BENEFIT.

    Here he was in Brasilia capital of BRAZIL.

    His TROUBLES were ENTIRELY due to one of his CLOSEST friends misguiding him.

    He was standing in the riverside wanting to tie up with Amazon!!!

    What happened next?

  6. Glad Vladimir is back after a short holiday. Keeps travelling both on working days and holidays!

  7. Nice artwork by Prasanna. Thank you.

  8. 23Dn EASELS - {EASE}{LS}
    Stands=Easels (Defn.); Quiet=Ease; House=LS (Lok Sabha)

  9. 23 Stands quiet at house (6)
    EASELS - stands
    quite - ease
    house - LS for Lok Sabha

  10. Replies
    1. No problem. Laurels can be shared!

    2. what a timing !!!!!! Mr Rao & Mr Kosaraju posted at same time......excellent solve.

