Saturday 5 October 2024

No 14298, Saturday 05 Oct 2024, Arden

1   Forfeits a part to weave carpet (4,1,5,3) TEAR A STRIP OFF*
10 Rule for keeping some money with Mike (5) REALM {REAL}{M}
11 Sweet finish, getting attention (9) ENDEARING {END}{'EARING} No indicator for deletion of H or  homophone? (Correction {END{EAR}ING} - See comments)
12 Soft rock - Abba's "Not born in change" (9) ALABASTER {AL{ABbAS}TER}
13 Plant review - some of it timeless (5) ELEMI [T<=]
14 Views heard, choose a bartender's tool (7) ICEPICK {(~eyes)ICE}{PICK}
16 Against taking note - a severe learning disability (7) AMENTIA {A{ME}NTI}{A}
18 A dagger mistakenly left in the car port (7) GARAGED*
20 Tended to walk over the sides (7) TREATED {TREA{ThE}D}
22 Essentially dog and cat, did try broadcasting (2,3) ON AIR {dOg+aNd+cAt+dId+tRy}
24 One with knowledge in a branch gets activation (9) AWAKENING {A}{KEN} in {A}{WING}
26 Club of sorts to spread things on grass (9) NIGHTSPOT {THINGS}*{POT}
27 His cook introduces American to a Japanese dish (5) SUSHI {S{US}HI*}
28 Drag maybe uniform during transit (5-8) CROSS-DRESSING {CROSS{DRESS}ING}

2   Oriental guy had issue (7) EMANATE {E}{MAN}{ATE}
3   Furious about current charging (9) RAMPAGING {R{AMP}AGING}
4   Fish raised a stink (5) SMELT [DD]
5   Pause to have bread roll - one is a frequent flyer (9) REDBREAST {RE{BREAD*}ST}
6   Extremely passive, one is quiet (5) PEACE {Pa...vE}{ACE}
7   Music during a special event - most even-handed (7) FAIREST {F{AIR}EST}
8   No tip for the moment of reckoning (8,5) BREAKING-POINT {NO+TIP}* [RA]
9   Indian gang shuffling top cards in a game, repeatedly (5,3,5) AGAIN AND AGAIN {INDIAN+GANG+A+A+A}*  
15 Crime committed as child slept (9) KIDNAPPED {KID}{NAPPED}
17 In addition school gets even break (9) ELEVENSES {EL{EVEN}SE}{S} 
19 Mineral from a larger rock (7) REALGAR*
21 Abnormal rise in weight - checks whether it fits (5,2) TRIES ON {T{RISE*}ON}
23 Deserves to be included for a test (5) RATES [T]
25 Starts at nine, the road enters a cave (5) ANTRE Acrostic

Reference List
Mike = M, Born = B, Note = ME, Knowledge = KEN, Grass = POT, Oriental = E, School = S

Friday 4 October 2024

No 14297, Friday 04 Oct 2024, Arden

Artwork by Prasanna
All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Finally, petition followed (6) ENSUED {EN{SUE}D}
4   Debated about protecting a waster (8) DEADBEAT {DEBATED}* over {A}
10 Busy? Get me out and do as you please (2,2,5) BE MY GUEST*
11 Idea of you formally getting married (5) THEME {THE{M}E}
12 African country follows plan, well done! (3,2,2) WAY TO GO {TOGO}<=>{WAY}
13 Butter a bit, get a secure place (7) RAMPART  {RAM}{PART}
14 Tragic send-off forces out joints (5) NODES {SEND+Off}*
15 Two of them combined to protect eastern border, it's a big thing (8) BEHEMOTH {B{E}{HEM}OTH}
18 Finished cutting the rope and isolated (8) CORDONED {COR{DONE}D}
20 Leading lady in game set to shine (5) GLEAM {G{Lady}EAM*}
23 Charge with gunners in a ring at sea (7) ARRAIGN {RA} in {A+RING}*
25 Firm at grabbing union territory (7) ADAMANT {A{DAMAN}T}
26 Synchronized to come back and resign (5) TIMED<=
27 This animal roamed all over the place in arid surroundings (9) DROMEDARY {D{ROAMED*}RY} Semi&lit
28 Democrat wearing crazy coloured pieces of cloth round his neck (8) BANDANAS {BAN{D}ANAS}
29 Pastry without sugar at the top - leave it (6) DESERT DESsERT

1   Pushing below frantically in gravity (8) ELBOWING {BELOW*}{IN}{G}
2   Maybe someday get this breed of dog (7) SAMOYED*
3   Big in France, English finally are preoccupied (9) ENGROSSED {EN{GROSS}{E}D}
5   Come in with the pull over for the movie (5,3,6) ENTER THE DRAGON {ENTER}{THE}{DRAG}{ON}
6   Mother protecting, thank you after vacating the base (5) DATUM {DA{Thank yoU}M}
7   Stylish and neat way to cover a stump (7) ELEGANT {E{LEG}ANT*}
8   Score - after he left they went in (6) TWENTY {TheY} over {WENT}
9   Altered Gene sequences - used tonic brand name (11,3) RECOMBINANT DNA*
16 Mary somehow managed to bring in the French (9) MAGDALENE {MAGDA{LE}NE*}
17 Building stately homes, don't lose the stone (8) AMETHYST +LOSE=STATELY HOMES [CA] 
19 Some ran away as they had a row (7) OARSMEN*
21 Issue as the man ate some of it (7) EMANATE [T]
22 Degree from Cambridge, able to get Bill's support (6) CANTAB {CAN}{TAB}
24 Ones leaving from one country to another country (5) INDIA {IND{ONES}IA}

Reference List
Married = M, Force = F, Eastern = E, Gunners = RA(Royal Artillery), Democrat = D, Gravity = G, English = E, The in French = LE, Bill = TAB

Thursday 3 October 2024

No 14296, Thursday 03 Oct 2024, Arden

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   Supporting glass or gas? (7) PROPANE {PRO}{PANE}
10 A laser bomb, acquiring new weapons? (7) ARSENAL {A}{LASER}* over {N}
11 Tear outside and tear inside, take top off the backside (4-3) REAR-END {R{tEAR}END}
12 Subject of eyes reportedly getting laser treatment (7) ISRAELI {(~eye)I}{LASER*}{(~eye)I}
13 Long time left in darkness, it's very bright (4,5) NEON LIGHT {N{EON}{L}IGHT}
15 Covering the position or the direction? (5) NORTH [T]
16 Very legitimate court (7) SOLICIT {SO}{LICIT}
19 Green Party unhappy - no gap for spaceships to return from space (7) REENTRY {gREEN+paRTY}*
20 With resistance to current, entropy rises (5) RAMPS {R}{AMPS}
21 Close call, wasted in anger perhaps (4,5) NEAR THING {NEAR{THIN}G*}
25 Remain fixed on top of transmission tower (7) MINARET {REMAIN}*{Tr...n}
26 Slight lead, mostly in the back (7) A?F?O?T  ()
28 One real shock for she was a first lady once (7) ELEANOR*
29 Accurate, gripping - ends in confusion and turmoil, roll slowly (7) TRUNDLE {TRU{c...oN}{anD}{t...iL}E}

1   Open or unravel a cluster of genes which have a common promoter (6) OPERON*
2   Low houses, can be raised in this country (6) MONACO {MO{CAN<=}O}
3   Spike, long one (4) LACE {L}{ACE}
4   Old sailor goes up, getting promotion (3,3) SEA DOG {GOES}<= over {AD}
5   Container supply restricted rising crime (8) CANISTER {CA{SIN<=}TERs}
6   Neat bundle, holding rope is biting (10) ASTRINGENT {A{STRING}ENT*}
7   Order is recent, without others knowing (2,6) IN SECRET*
8   Essentially Kali is considered powerful Goddess (8) ALMIGHTY {kALi}{MIGHTY}
14 Explosive article in Sun reproduced, "Growing in the lakes" (10) LACUSTRINE {ARTICLE+SUN}*
16 Promiscuous woman ready to embrace a US President once (8) STRUMPET {S{TRUMP}ET}
17 Dealt severely, men involved cried (8) LAMENTED {LA{MEN}TED*}
18 Trace of money and medicine, takes time (8) TINCTURE {TIN}{C{T}URE}
22 Matches likely to interrupt commercials (6) ADAPTS {AD{APT}S}
23 That is flogged in captivity by tragic heroine (6) ISOLDE {I{SOLD}E}
24 Pull up and attend, evenly get burnt (6) GUTTED {TUG<=}{aTtEnD}
27 After the virus times of constant change (4) FLUX {FLU}{X} 

Reference List
New = N, Left = L, Resistance = R, Low = MOO< Long = L, Promotion = AD, time = T, Commercials = ADS, Times = X

Wednesday 2 October 2024

No 14295, Wednesday 02 Oct 2024, Vidwan

Artwork by Prasanna
Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Weak fumble around! Bold live on the edge! (6) FEEBLE {FEE{B}L}{livE}
4   Did men lay about in the mood? (6) MINDED*
9   Unemployed evacuated for heartless elite (4) FREE {FoR}{ElitE}
10 Liberal presenter introducing India's primary concern (10) ENTERPRISE {ENTERPR{In..a}SE*}
11 Understand cops? Hard for segregated minority! (6) GHETTO {GET} over {H} and {TO}
12 The best fellow drops in (8) FLAGSHIP {F}{LAGS}{HIP}
13 Sensual, generous love arouses (9) EROGENOUS {GENEROUS+O}*
15 Sphere of zen exercises encompassing love! (4) ZONE {Z{O}NE*}
16 Colliery ambience, now and then! (4) MINE aMbIeNcE
17 Speed, speed and speed, switched-on for long distance traveller (9) SPACESHIP {S}{PACE}{S}{HIP}
21 Electrical switch is sort of a resistance tool (8) ISOLATOR {IS}{A+R+TOOL}*
22 Rotating its head, deer turns back towards right to find an antelope! (6) REEBOK {BEER<=}{OK} d rotated becomes b
24 First proper gold ring (10) PRIMORDIAL {PRIM}{OR}{DIAL}
25 Count, without queen's support, is dead (4) NUMB NUMBer
26 Dig air around new leader of Labour (6) TUNNEL {TU{N}NE}{La...r}
27 Most come in contact with divined image (6) ?I?I?N 

1   More hair, different, trimmed at the front (7) FURTHER {FUR}{oTHER}
2   Not softly, not loudly, perfect pitch! (5) ERECT pERfECT
3   Wild one going off to rest (3,4) LIE DOWN*
5   Attack and raid on poor (6) INROAD*
6   Mockeries of ganglords entertaining ex-queen and spies from neighbourhood (9) DERISIONS {D{ER}{ISI}ONS}
7   Fate creeps in clandestinely (7) DESTINE [T]
8   Fights back at the start! Heads to higher position with every failure! Ignoring society! That is stoicism! (5,5,3) STIFF UPPER LIP {(+s)STIFF(-s)}{UP}{PER}{sLIP}
14 Noble land has new Latin name from the South (9) GENTLEMAN {GE{N}T}{L}{NAME<=}
16 Furry creature with ape-men, possibly for amusement park! (7) MUSKRAT {aMUSemenT+pARK}* [CA]
18 Composer's heart rears evil (7) CORELLI {CORE}{ILL<=}
19 Working male in an Islamic Republic, a hero! (7) IRONMAN {IR{ON}{M}AN}
20 Staff has right to strip (6) STARVE {STA{R}VE}
23 When nuisance camouflages boredom? (5) ENNUI [T]

Reference List
Bold = B, Hard = H, Fellow = F, In = HIP, Speed = S, Resistance = R, Queen = ER, New = N, Softly = P, Loudly = F, Society = S, Latin = L, Male = M, Right = R

Tuesday 1 October 2024

No 14294, Tuesday 01 Oct 2024, Saral

Solution to 14A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Insects biting national university records (7) MINUTES {MI{N}{U}TES}
8   Motivate physical training including sport (6) PROPMT {P{ROMP}T}
 See rot spreading in a type of system (6) STEREO*
10 Space travel perplexing and all the rage before (8) INTERVAL {TRAVEL}*<=>{IN}
11 Safeguard damaged nerve point (10) PREVENTION*
13 Remove hut (4) SHED [DD]
14 Mark replaced by director in film shoot (4) ?C?D (Addendum - SCUD SCU(-m+d)D - See comments)
16 Regularly pick your cocoa plant (5) YUCCA {YoUr+CoCoA}
18 Returning goods, mostly beds (4) COTS STOCk<=
19 Spoke against wager (4) ANTE (~anti)
21 Can add crushed anise on dressing (10) MAYONNAISE {MAY}{ANISE+ON}*
23 Ignored source of smoke burning (8) SLIGHTED {Sm..e}{LIGHTED}
25 Mainly cultivating dry fruit (6) RAISIN RAISINg
26 Originally Ramayana scene broadcast in show (6) SCREEN {Ra...a+SCENE}*
27 Men guarding the Spanish places of worship (7) CHAPELS {CHAP{EL}S}

1   Often teens with democrat supporting grand party is impressed (8) ENGRAVED {tEeNs}{D} over {G}{RAVE}
2   Lawyer at competition not classy (8) ATTORNEY {AT}{TOuRNEY}
3   Bottled fantastic wine (4) ASTI [T]
4   Exact place with old name (4-2) SPOT-ON {SPOT}{O}{N}
5   Caught rare boas, slithering snakes (6) COBRAS {C}{R+BOAS}*
6   Open rift against angry papa (8) APPARENT {RENT}<=>{PAPA*}
7   Mother in Spain boarding tram, perhaps (5) MATER {MAT{E}R*}
12 Impatient child breaking one case of toy (5) ITCHY {1}{To{CH}Y}
15 Struggle of cheat to move quickly, smuggling cocaine (8) CONFLICT {CON}{FLI{C}T}
17 Curious criminal chasing drunk baron with maiden (8) ABNORMAL {AL}<=>{BARON+M}*
18 Harry at first learning certain musical instrument (8) CLARINET {Le...g+CERTAIN}*
20 Oriental gales startled birds (6) EAGLES {E}{GALES*}
21 Freakish worker following short dog (6) MUTANT {ANT}<=>{MUTt}
22Some risk in scraping hides (5) SKINS [T]
24 Decorate floor of ship (4) DECK [DD]

Reference List
National = N,  University = U, Physical Training = PT, Mark = M, The in Spanish = EL, Democrat = D, Grand = G, Party = RAVE, Classy = U, Old = O, Name = N, Caught = C, Rare = R, Spain = E, Child = CH, Cocaine = C, Criminal = AL(Capone), Maiden = M, Oriental = E