Wednesday 9 October 2024

No 14301, Wednesday 09 Oct 2024, Incognito

Solution to 19A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   That lady is ahead of boy Basil, for example (4) HERB {HER}{B}
9   Answered about bad act that may be copied (10) REPLICATED {REPLI{ACT*}ED}
10 Only Indian Canadian prime minister (6) JUSTIN {JUST}{IN}
11 Roman hat destroyed in long run (8) MARATHON*
12 Provided shelter once again from violent herd crossing river (8) REHOUSED {REH{OUSE}D*}
14 Surrounded by 10, don injured this (6) TENDON {TE{DON*}N} Semi&lit
16 Couple touring Paris endlessly (4) PAIR PARIs*
17 Prohibit Juliet's love for musical instrument (5) BANJO {BAN}{J}{O}
18 Some South African's robe is damaged (4) BOER*
19 Governor consumed after stretch (6) ?E?A?E (Addendum - LEGATE {LEG}{ATE} - See comments)
21 Praise: "European Union record is extra-ordinary at first" (8) EULOGISE {EU}{LOG}{IS}{Ex...y}
23 Kissed maiden's ring and love note in shed (8) SMOOCHED {S{M}{O}{O}{C}HED}
26 Half of Canada is able to dance (6) CANCAN {CANada}{CAN}
27 Funnily, Amir cuts in producing nail cutter (10) MANICURIST*
28 Looks East? Correct! (4) EYES {E}{YES}

1   Give income from manufacturing tree manure (10) REMUNERATE*
2   A winged creature runs riot in slaughterhouse (8) ABATTOIR {A}{BAT}{RIOT*}
3   Storage containers for swimming apparel (6) TRUNKS [DD]
4   Wrong maps in unsolicited mail? (4) SPAM*
5   Covering last battle, Brit lot composed text for opera (8) LIBRETTO {b...lE+BRIT+LOT}*
6   General turned tap on, not off (6) PATTON {TAP<=}{NOT*}
7   Leading artist in Apache rodeo (4) HERO [T]
13 To some extent, wooden seat is thick (5) DENSE [T]
15 Exaggerated and said, "Finished first" (10) OVERSTATED {STATED}<=>{OVER}
17 Cube, then mash fruit of Fagus tree (8) BEECHNUT*
18 Starter containing alcoholic drink with a pinch of nutmeg in ale (8) BEGINNER {GIN}{Nu...g} in {BEER}
20 One gangster chief is a Greek god (6) ADONIS {A}{DON}{IS}
22 Find officer returning with tea mix (6) LOCATE {COL<=}{TEA*}
24 Food available in some almirahs (4) MEAL [T]
25 Horrible ads cover one stage (4) DAIS {DA{1}S*}

Reference List
Boy = B, Indian = IN, Juliet = J, Maiden = M, Note = C, East = E


  1. 19A. LEGATE. stretch=leg, consumed=ate. Governor=LEGATE.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Another nice and enjoyable one from Incognito- very considerate giving us more time to go ahead with other morning routines, fully satisfied that the CW has been completed. Thank you.

  4. So that you can enjoy your pakoras...
