Monday 14 October 2024

No 14304, Monday 14 Oct 2024, Vidwan

Solution to 11A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Croats recoiled violently, causing unbelievable grief! (9,5) CROCODILE TEARS*
9   Posters about princess and a godman in India's capital city (5,5) ADDIS ABABA {AD{DI}S}{A}{BABA}
10 A great deal of instructions for a milk product! (4) BRIE BRIEf
11 Bit twisted, could be disobedient (3-5) ?N?-S?D?D (Addendum - ONE-SIDED (ONE-SIDED+BIT=DISOBEDIENT [CA] - See comments) But then what is the definition?
13 Managed wheels and companies for Escobar and his kind (6) NARCOS {RAN<=}{COS}
14 Basic stuff for someone having ability to be an Indian spy (3,8) RAW MATERIAL [DD]
19 Arab dismissing small sycophants with bare wit (6) YEMENI {YEs MEN}{wIt}
20 Positively having a layer that is more fermented (8) YEASTIER {YE{A}S}{TIER}
23 Bachelor is loneliest again, on the inside! (4) STAG [T]
24 Whiskey, for instance, gets emptied for pub snacks (6,4) SCOTCH EGGS {SCOTCH}{EG}{GetS}
26 High title, Kurds devised for a candy! (7,7) TURKISH DELIGHT*

1   We haul this business possibly for daughter-in-law (7) TRADING TRA(-in+d)DING Not sure of Anno (Addendum - TRADING+WE +HAUL = DAUGHTER-IN-LAW [CA] - See comments)
2   One conceals answer in pieces and shares in market (6) SCRIPS SCR(-a+1)IPS
3   Writer would endlessly worry and finally find something to prove self! (2,4) ID CARD {I'D}{CARe}{finD}
4   Ancient plant in botanical gardens (4) ALGA [T]
5   Riddle in rarest forms (8) STRAINER*
6   California's barren, lost city (8) CANBERRA {CA}{BARREN*}
7   Some ski pants for Greenlanders (7) ESKIMOS*
12 Crazy one, moved by old song (5) DOTTY D(-1+o)OTTY
15 Provokes, pinches vacuous, vile superheroes (8) AVENGERS {A{VilE}NGERS|
16 One lies in the heart of man, ails awfully and moves travellers in the deep (8) MAINSAIL {MA{1}N}{AILS*}
17 Gets tea prepared to develop an idea slowly (7) GESTATE
18 Interjection by top (not model) sex worker! (5-2) HEIGH-HO {HEIGHt}{HO}
21 Waterless, without power and bowed! (6) ARCHED pARCHED
22 Time eclipses woman's heart and a concealed pain is man's accessory! (6) TIEPIN {TImE}{PaIN}
25 Timeless film about exclamations! (4) OOHS SHOOt<=

Reference List
Small = S, Old = O, Model = T, Power = P, Time = T


  1. Replies
    1. Good one! A good clue as well.
      Loved the crocodile tears- Unbelievable grief!!

    2. Also, basic stuff linked with Indian spy👍🏻

  2. 11A ONE SIDED could be disobedient . bit+onesided anagrams to Disobedient

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. Didn’t know the name for this type of clue

    2. It should have an anagrind which is 'Could be' here.

    3. Twisted = one-sided

    4. In,Rajani sir style
      A predisposed (biased/bit twisted) guy does not listen to anyone (disobidient).

  4. 1D is one more. Rare to get 2 in a puzzle.

  5. Fantastic one from Vidwan. My COD 1 AC.
