Saturday 5 October 2024

No 14298, Saturday 05 Oct 2024, Arden

1   Forfeits a part to weave carpet (4,1,5,3) TEAR A STRIP OFF*
10 Rule for keeping some money with Mike (5) REALM {REAL}{M}
11 Sweet finish, getting attention (9) ENDEARING {END}{'EARING} No indicator for deletion of H or  homophone? (Correction {END{EAR}ING} - See comments)
12 Soft rock - Abba's "Not born in change" (9) ALABASTER {AL{ABbAS}TER}
13 Plant review - some of it timeless (5) ELEMI [T<=]
14 Views heard, choose a bartender's tool (7) ICEPICK {(~eyes)ICE}{PICK}
16 Against taking note - a severe learning disability (7) AMENTIA {A{ME}NTI}{A}
18 A dagger mistakenly left in the car port (7) GARAGED*
20 Tended to walk over the sides (7) TREATED {TREA{ThE}D}
22 Essentially dog and cat, did try broadcasting (2,3) ON AIR {dOg+aNd+cAt+dId+tRy}
24 One with knowledge in a branch gets activation (9) AWAKENING {A}{KEN} in {A}{WING}
26 Club of sorts to spread things on grass (9) NIGHTSPOT {THINGS}*{POT}
27 His cook introduces American to a Japanese dish (5) SUSHI {S{US}HI*}
28 Drag maybe uniform during transit (5-8) CROSS-DRESSING {CROSS{DRESS}ING}

2   Oriental guy had issue (7) EMANATE {E}{MAN}{ATE}
3   Furious about current charging (9) RAMPAGING {R{AMP}AGING}
4   Fish raised a stink (5) SMELT [DD]
5   Pause to have bread roll - one is a frequent flyer (9) REDBREAST {RE{BREAD*}ST}
6   Extremely passive, one is quiet (5) PEACE {Pa...vE}{ACE}
7   Music during a special event - most even-handed (7) FAIREST {F{AIR}EST}
8   No tip for the moment of reckoning (8,5) BREAKING-POINT {NO+TIP}* [RA]
9   Indian gang shuffling top cards in a game, repeatedly (5,3,5) AGAIN AND AGAIN {INDIAN+GANG+A+A+A}*  
15 Crime committed as child slept (9) KIDNAPPED {KID}{NAPPED}
17 In addition school gets even break (9) ELEVENSES {EL{EVEN}SE}{S} 
19 Mineral from a larger rock (7) REALGAR*
21 Abnormal rise in weight - checks whether it fits (5,2) TRIES ON {T{RISE*}ON}
23 Deserves to be included for a test (5) RATES [T]
25 Starts at nine, the road enters a cave (5) ANTRE Acrostic

Reference List
Mike = M, Born = B, Note = ME, Knowledge = KEN, Grass = POT, Oriental = E, School = S


  1. What a coincidence..Just yesterdsy, The Economic Times had this clue..Reprimand American engaged by criminal after profits (4,1,5,3). Loved the cluing for 1a. Enjoyed solving this grid probably the easiest of the three so far.
