Tuesday 8 October 2024

No 14300, Tuesday 08 Oct 2024, Incognito

Solution to 22A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Destroy discharge (4) SACK [DD]
9   He took possession of paddle for a mercenary CA who lead a coup in Seychelles (5) HOARE {H{OAR}E}
10 Endlessly erotic food (4) ROTI eROTIc
11 Get man to make an attractive thing (6) MAGNET*
12 Arrange to carve small hams (8) OVERACTS {TO+CARVE}*{S}
13 Itinerant Bihari went around east and then North Ireland in Roman times (8) HIBERNIA {BIHARI}* over {E} and N}
15 Disinter old ornithologist who founded the Congress party (6) EXHUME {EX}{HUME}
17 Man at Indore first gets unleavened bread (7) CHAPATI {CHAP}{AT}{In...e}
19 Brother stuck amidst English yew might raise this in surprise (7) EYEBROW {E}{YE{BRO}W}
22 Female on long narrow mountain top produces electrical kitchen equipment (6) ?R?D?E (Addendum - FRIDGE {F}{RIDGE} - See comments)
24 Counting frames from athletic club amidst insults (8) ABACUSES {AB{A}{C}USES}
26 Parting message in Japan, say, on half a dozen hermits initially leaving vihara (8) SAYONARA {SAY}{ON}{vihARA}
28 Bat noise (6) RACKET [DD]
30 City in Manipur, India (4) PURI [T]
31 A herb concoction for de-addiction? (5) REHAB*
32 Grandma eats a leavened bread (4) NAAN {NA{A}N}

1   Mummy in custody of Alabama man (4) MAMA [T]
2   Shivering, dip knees to a superficial level (4-4) SKIN-DEEP*
3   Horny substance? It is in the middle of a facial feature (6) CHITIN {CH{IT}IN}
4   Fried food from Pakistan or any similar starters (7) PAKORAS {PAK}{OR}{Any}{Si...r}
5   Counter in church yard burial ground (8) CEMETERY {CE}{METER}{Y}
6   Destroyed the war decoration made from plant materials (6) WREATH*
7   Group protecting head of terrorists? Let it remain... (4) STET {S{Te...s}ET}
14 Choir playing "Blood of the Gods"? (5) ICHOR*
16 Setter carries rings and pole for animal (5) MOOSE {M{OO}{S}E}
18 Rear half of dinosaur appears in the institute's books (8) THESAURI {THE}{dinoSAUR}{I}
20 Healthy boy and nuncio jumping? Good! (8) BOUNCING {B}{NUNCIO*}{G}
21 A traitor initially held in custody of father gets a kind of Indian bread (7) PARATHA {P{A}{RAT}{Held}A}
23 Do visit doctor before operation by Indian (4,2) DROP IN {DR}{OP}{IN}
25 Arrange a beer with love for organism requiring oxygen for life (6) AEROBE {A+BEER+O}*
27 Be next to broken tuba (4) ABUT*
29 Lane changing style (4) ELAN*

Reference List
Small = S, East = E, North = N, Brother = BRO, English = E, Female = F, Athletic Club = AC, Church = CE, Yard = Y, Pole = S, Institute = I, Boy = B, Good = G, Operation = OP, Indian = IN


  1. As usual fastest fingers by incognito.
    20d jumping has bouncing as synonym!

  2. 22A) F (female) + RIDGE (long narrow mountain top) Fridge. Quick and easy one today.

  3. Too heavy- I mean the breakfast provided by Incognito!!
    Col. tried to increase our appetite with inviting pictures- mad a dash to the kitchen- no fridge!!

    1. col.sir offered heavy lunch and south indian snack - pakoda.........too heavy.....will solve after lunch. 21-a,,,is typical UP patatha........

  4. Couldn't get HOARE.
    First time Incognito incomplete.
    Thanx Kishore!

