1 Son, clumsy, far from alert (10) SLUMBERING {S}{LUMBERING}
6 Possesseth headgear, ‘tis put on horse (4) HATH {HAT}{H}
9 Pulling wrestling move that binds (7,3) DRAWING PIN {DRAWING}{PIN}
10 First man to block America First (4) ADAM {DAM}<=>{A}
17 They describe pupils’ behaviour: explosions, gunshot, etc (7) REPORTS [DD}
19 Ripped off like a dart (7) SHAFTED [DD]
20 Euros for brioche? (6,5) FRENCH BREAD [C&DD]
23 As delivered, proper ceremony (4) RITE (~right)
24 Hoarding William’s canned food (10) BILLBOARDS {BILL{BOARD}S}
25 Nauseous, oily, not a little lugubrious (4) SICK SlICK
26 ‘Cyber-’? ‘E-’? Call out what some junk may be! (10) RECYCLABLE*
5 Safari centre sees Everyman fatigue abrupt Scotsman after capsizing (7) NAIROBI {I}{BORe}{IAN}<=
7 Accepting only some commands of orthodontists etc (3,2,5) AND SO FORTH [T]
8 Fake some deaths where people might be living (10) HOMESTEADS*
11 Shrinking baked good: it’ll keep you in shape (8,4) BACKWARD ROLL {BACKWARD}{ROLL}
13 Director, light-hearted fellow, equips places with milkmaids (5,5) DAIRY FARMS {D}{AIRY}{F}{ARMS}
14 Inflamed, each lech’s mostly shown involuntary movement (10) APOPLECTIC {A-POP}{LECh}{TIC}
18 Magnificent muesli in mix bachelor’s ingested (7) SUBLIME {MUESLI}* over {B}
19 Poet, husky in voice? (7) SHELLEY {(husk=SHELL)(y=Y}
21 Miserable poet on the up (4) DRAB<=
22 Tennis legend showing evidence of fire and energy (4) ASHE {ASH}{E}
Reference List
Son = S, Horse = H, Git = SOD, Director = D, Fellow = F, Bachelor = B, Energy = E
Hi, Harshith here
ReplyDeleteI just started to do crosswords
And I find it a little interesting and confusing at the same time..
I cant really understand some phrases, maybe it's because I'm new here.. I really want to learn to solve these kind of crosswords
Please do share some tips