Saturday 19 October 2024

No 14309, Saturday 19 Oct 2024, Afterdark

1   Involvement of circle inspector is with personal assistant in division (13) PARTICIPATION {PARTI{CI}{PA}TION}
10 Article about goods at mess, has no source or understanding (9) AWARENESS {A}{WARE}N}{mESS}
11 Accompaniment to artist's one that goes missing often (5) RAITA {RA}{1}{ThAt}
12 Mad! Player is missing, it's silly (5) INANE INsANE
13 To do this, I got silicate compound (9) ITILACISE {I}{SILICATE*} Definition not shown in Italics?
14 Girl had a superior cake (6) GATEAU {G}{ATE}{A}{U}
16 Force is inadequate (4) LEAN [DD]
19 Man in capital city... (4) MALE [DD]
20 ...breaks lid of new article of widow, say (6) RELICT aRTCLE*
25 Say, maybe on towards USA (9) STATESIDE {STATE}{SIDE}
26 Series of chapters on artificial intelligence by Newton (5) CHAIN {CH}{AI}{N}
27 Best priest, bartends often (5) ELITE {ELI}{barTEnds} Often for taking the middle letters!!
28 Herb gets dangerous ammo in a South American country (9) CHAMOMILE {CH{AMMO*}ILE}
29 Act with that woman at Delhi University to organise rest for cleaner (7,6) FEATHER DUSTER {FEAT}{HER}{DU}{REST*}

2   Ananthram gets new plant (8) AMARANTH* {amaranth+n=ananthram}
3   Article on ashes appearing frequently is an indicator, perhaps (5) THESE {THE}{aShEs}
4   Churchman Eric takes 100 pounds (6) CLERIC {ERIC}<=>{C}{L}
5   Father's guards skilled but average (8) PASSABLE {PA}{SS}{ABLE}
6   End course with a new article on casteism essentially (9) TERMINATE {TERM}{1}{N}{A}{casTEism}
7   Coworker heartily had a drink at the beginning (6) ORIGIN {cowORker}{1}{GIN}
8   Bold lawyer takes on cartel (6) DARING {DA}{RING}
9   Ladies' quarters found in Doha remnants (5) HAREM [T]
15 A boy's worried facing people, takes some tablet and gets relief (9) ABATEMENT {A}{B}{ATE}{MEN}{Ta...t}
17 Average medic or leading endocrinologist going wrong? (8) MEDIOCRE {MEDIC+OR+En...t}*
18 Settle aliens if they are touring (8) FINALISE*
21 At the start, Tamil uncle near Neyveli explained lengthy passage (6) TUNNEL Acrostic
22 Accompany American lady (5) USHER {US}{HER}
23 Hand luggage found in Virginia Isle is broken (6) VALISE {VA}{ISLE*}
24 Question daughter seen with man in English Department (6) DEMAND {D}{E}{MAN}{D}
26 Renowned Tamil editor's private secretary meets hacks (5) CHOPS {CHO}{PS}

Reference List
Player = S(South in Bridge game), Girl = G, Superior = U, Chapters = CH, Newton = N, 100 = C, Pounds = L, New = N, Lawyer = DA, Boy = B, Daughter = D, English = E, Department = D


  1. 13A- It is shown in italics in the print edition.

    1. In the digital world it is hard to imagine how the print and online version differ

  2. Imagine The Hindu and then it is easy!
