Tuesday 15 October 2024

No 14305, Tuesday 15 Oct 2024, KrisKross

Solution to 24A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Plant is copper-coloured - basically brown (8) CUCUMBER {CU}{Co...d}{UMBER} 
5   Raises popular fruit (6) UPSHOT {UPS}{HOT}
9   All in train ride welcomed by ticket-seller (5,3) TIRED OUT {RIDE}* in {TOUT}
10 American city from the East, most attractive, very close to Houston (6) TUCSON {CUTe<=}{SO}{h...oN}
12 Say, I am primarily obsessive, narcissistic, craving attention desperately (9) EGOMANIAC {EG}{I+AM+Ob...e+Na...c+Cr...g+At...n}* &lit
13 Closing section of song about Rome, partly (5) OUTRO [T]
14 Everyone cycling gets hurt (4) ACHE (-e)ACH(+e)E
16 Tramp is embarrassed about smuggling crack (7) DRIFTER {D{RIFT}ER<=}
19 In speech, hide firm's source of wealth - extremely profitable business (4,3) CASH COW {(~cache)CASH}{CO}{We...h}
21 Report describing Malta's parade (4) POMP {PO{M}P}
24 Bit of masala with old Indian bread - divine food (5) M?N?A (Addendum - MANNA {Ma...a}{ANNA} - See comments)
25 Revolutionary destroyed China's art (9) ANARCHIST*
27 Trouble going through garbage lying around in sewer (6) TAILOR {T{AIL}OR<=}
28 Calm mind before replacing associate (8) SERENITY S(-a+ere)ERENITY
29 Delivery charges? (3-3) RUN-UPS [DD] [CD]
30 How to make posh studio? (8) WORKSHOP {POSH}* [RA]

1   Boat captain's initial rank (6) CUTTER {Ca...n}{UTTER}
2   Ring my professor (6) CORDON {COR}{DON}
3   KrisKross' face shortly in newspapers, say (5) MEDIA {ME}{DIAl}
4   Wise earl, ignorant about computers etc. (7) ERUDITE {E}{RUD{IT}E}
6   Desirable to have Uranium converted into another element (9) PLUTONIUM {PLUM} over {U}{INTO*}
7   The male model had to think twice (8) HESITATE {HE}{SIT}{ATE}
8   Stew, roti and chole, essentially made in a clay oven (8) TANDOORI {ROTI+AND+chOle}*
11 Biting and chewing idli / dosa for starters (4) ACID Acrostic
15 Boastful Spooner's offer: "A pound" (4-1-4) COCK-A-HOOP (~hock a coop to cock-a-hoop)
17 Racism - it could be a dangerous weapon (8) SCIMITAR*
18 A star icon performing in capital city (8) ASUNCION {A}{SUN}{ICON*}
20 Stole some music for listening (4) WRAP (~ rap)
21 Quietly mix 40% booze as medicine (7) PLACEBO {P}{LACE}{BOoze}
22 European losing new coat (6) FINISH FINnISH
23 Don't sleep in repulsive places when touring Alleppey on vacation (4,2) STAY UP {{ST{Al...eY}UP<=}
26 Verify pattern (5) CHECK [DD]

Reference List
Popular = HOT, Malta = M, Old Indian bread(currency) = ANNA, My = COR, Earl = E, Computers etc = IT, Quietly = P, New = N


  1. 17D Colour missing in Racism. It should be added... May be

  2. Lot of sunshine from KrissKross on a very wet morning here in Chennai.

  3. Enjoyed-
    Cor for My!
    Sewer for Tailor
    to name a few.
    Thank you.

  4. 24A -MANNA = Divine food. Bit of M-asala, Old Indian bread = Naan (Mnaan)*

    1. That would be indirect anagram. Not allowed in cryptic crosswords.

    2. 24-a (M)(ANNA)
      masala - M
      old Indian bread - ANNA . which means sadam in Tamil...served as prasadm. Anna danam - divine food

    3. Indirect anagram is not allowed. In yesterday's crossword,
      (We haul + trading)* = daughter in law.
      Trading is used as the word for "this business"
      In this case "trading" is not considered an indirect anagram ?

    4. This business is definition there which leads to trading.
      The way CA is structured is
      (We haul+def)* =DIl which becomes
      Def = (DIL - we haul)*
      Like y=8-3.

  5. 24A manna=divine food
    Naan(indian bread) +bit of m(asala)

  6. Also read every word of the clue

    1. Manna-divine food; M9anna); anna-old Indian currency(bread)

  7. How does 29A work? Run-ups and delivery charges?

    1. It is a CD
      Reference to the cricket bowlers charging before delivering the ball

  8. 24-a (M)(ANNA)
    masala - M
    old Indian bread - ANNA . which means saadam / ANNAM in Tamil...served as prasadm. Anna danam - divine food
    I perceive it supposed to be ANNAM.....is usually call it as saadam / prasadam / divine food. only setter can confimed about WP

    1. No. ANNA is old Indian currency. 16n annas to a rupee and 12 pice to an anna, Bread here refers to money

    2. oh...now .I got it. Thanks Mr Suresh.....

  9. 24a - old indian food is MANNA - divine food is ANNAM. I think setter has given two definitions. but no indications for M - cyclic......The clue is not fully understood.

  10. In 30A, what is the significance of "how to make" ?
    It is an RA, so the clue can simply be "posh studio (8)" ?

    1. Setter is asking a question and leading towards RA.

    2. ok. If it is just "posh studio (8)", would that still be a valid clue for "workshop" ?

    3. Yes. You just need to add "!" Somewhere to indicate ita not as straight as it appears. So solvers dont go looking for a dd.

