Monday 21 October 2024

No 14310, Monday 21 Oct 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   Understand proper, that is to gain some scholarship (7) REALISE {REAL}{I{Sc...p}E}
10 Encounter with criminal's a stretch (7) CONTEST {CON}{TEST}
11 Entertainment company at NCR takes over English Trust ultimately (7) CONCERT {CO}{NC{E}R}{t..sT}
12 To live, heart should beat inside, so respire (7) BREATHE {B{HEART*}E}
13 Almost certain to give, that is give up (9) SURRENDER {SURe}{RENDER}
15 Sleets at present aboard ship (5) SNOWS {S{NOW}S}
16 Skeptics can't be quiet. Complicated, most fed up (7) SICKEST SKEpTICS*
19 Assembled with society, plan to meet journalist (7) STACKED {S}{TACK}{ED}
20 Wife finally leaves for a skillful tailor (5) ADAPT AD(-e+a)APT
21 Casualties as car in front at distance crashes (9) ACCIDENTS {Car+DISTANCE}*
25 Incentives to get a vehicle? Nonsense scheme primarily (7) CARROTS {CAR}{ROT}{Sc...e}
26 Smoking some pot's acceptable very strongly in Germany (7) PUFFING {Pot}{U}{FF}{IN}{G}
28 Test is in old compound (7) EXAMINE {EX}{AMINE}
29 Enters hurriedly and takes a downpayment (7) EARNEST {ENTERS}* over {A}

1   Rates of crispies is reduced in confusion (6) PRICES CRisPIES*
2   Means chap's nerd almost (6) MANNER {MAN}{NERd}
3   Number 4 is seen in fine clothing (4) FIVE {Fi{IV}nE}
4   Analysed a cricket match with editor (6) TESTED {TEST}{ED}
5   Cold people having beer? Good, chill first and serve (8) ?C?B?R?S (Addendum - ICEBERGS {BEER+G+C+I+S}* - See comments)
6   Down? Rise and believe (10) UNDERSTAND {UNDER}{STAND}
7   Publication selected and hired old team leader (bachelor) (8) TEXTBOOK {T{EX}{Team}{B}OOK}
8   Worried about desserts (8) STRESSED*
14 Choose metal, cycling to club for another type of music (10) ELECTRONIC {ELECT}{(-i)RON(+i)I}{C}
16 Looked for vault to store grain? No, the other way round (8) SEARCHED {SE{ARCH}ED}
17 Say, convenor's from Switzerland, a pilot (8) CHAIRMAN {CH}{AIRMAN}
18 Shift sent far for distribution by road (8) TRANSFER {SENT+FAR}*{R}
22 Reproduced a dish topped with fish (6) COPIED {CO{PIE}D}
23 Captured leaders of Norway and Italy and showed the way (6) NAILED {No...y}{And}{It..y}{LED}
24 Observes contests where fellow is knocked out by Stokes (6) SIGHTS (-f+s)SIGHTS
27 Backing Tamil leader at stronghold (4) FORT {FOR}{Ta..l}

Reference List
English = E, Ship = SS, Quiet = P, Society = S, Journalist = ED, Acceptable = U, Strong = F, Germany = G, Editor = ED, Bachelor = B, Club = C, Switzerland = CH, Road = R, Fellow = F


  1. 5D - a good WP.....Thank you Afterdark. perfectly cracked.........

  2. 5d – {I}{C}{E BER*}{G}{S}
    Def. – Cold
    Chill – C
    First – I
    Good – G
    Serve – S
    & anag. Of BEER

    1. I am still confused by this clue, though I got ICEBERGS from crossing letters and def.
      Cold people having beer? Good, chill first and serve (8)
      Are I for first, C for Chill, S for serve standard abbreviations? I have not seen them. C for Cold is standard. I thought chill first = C, but could not account for I and S.
      Even if these abbreviations are ok, what is the anagram indicator? I thought "serve" what the anagram indicator.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I too got the doubt in def.....but tried the clue like cold - ICE+BEER+G=GOOD....however, I was in need of anno.for S. Then presumed that "serve: is for only a anno. purpose

    4. Cold people def.

      Ber is alt beer.

      Chill:ice first

      Dont think this is AD though!!!

  3. I was driving back from Coimbatore to Bangalore today when I was pleasantly surprised when Mr Janak walked up to me at Sai Sangeet restaurant on the highway near Dharmapuri, where we had stopped for lunch, and introduced himself as a follower of this blog. Nice of him to have come over and introduced himself. He stays at Vellore and though he follows the blog he has never commented here. Hope he does so now onwards.

    1. Glad to noted your event sir........many of them were following this blog. Hope you will meet many more followers via surprsie meets. BTW , can we have a S&B meet ??? According to your schedule..........
