Sunday 28 August 2011

No 2649, Sunday 28 Aug 11

1   - British PM receiving a kiss from a domineering woman (6-3) - BATTLE AXE {B}{ATTL-E{A}{X}E}
6   - Sensational cover capturing ancient city (5) - LURID {L{UR}ID}
9   - Does it mean brand new slots? (3-5,7) - ONE-ARMED BANDITS*
10 - Staff and non-commissioned officers in a large country house (5) - MANOR {MAN}{OR}
11 - Runs from farm in a dell in flood (9) - AVALANCHE {A}{VAL{rANCH}E}
12 - Cause for hope in plight? (7) - PROMISE [DD]
13 - Provokes former partner with quotes (7) - EXCITES {EX}{CITES}
15 - Turning device that could make you chatter (7) - RATCHET*
17 - Artist getting help, a struggling Italian painter (7) - RAPHAEL {RA}{PH(A)EL*}
18 - Former service provider? (5,4) - PRESS GANG [CD]
20 - Drink drop of kirsch at party back in Virginia (5) - VODKA {V{OD<-}{K}A}
22 - Crafty minor orders mask to bring about artful deception (5,3,7) - SMOKE AND MIRRORS*
23 - In the process of looting, with place being abandoned (5) - UNDER plUNDER
24 - Those who just missed out in the gold rush? (7-2) - RUNNERS-UP [CD]
1   - Bishop fell over brush (5) - BROOM {B}{ROOM<-}
2   - He had tender foot treated in bus terminus? (3,3,2,3,4) - THE END OF THE ROAD*
3   - Praise Garland, reportedly, and a broadcasting executive (4,5) - LORD REITH (~laud){LORD} {REITH}(~wreath)
4   - Mean to declare silver and lead in earrings (7) - AVERAGE {AVER}{AG}{E}
5   - Welcome hug (7) - EMBRACE [DD]
6   - Girl in hotel in Damascus (5) - LINDA [T]
7   - Rule in hearing on domestic pets, then come down hard (4,4,3,4) - RAIN CATS AND DOGS (~reign){RAIN} {CATS AND DOGS}
8   - Natural spread of seed is spread out on lawn, initially (9) - DISPERSAL {DISPERSA*}{L}
12 - Together, eccentric pair get through university (4,5) - PARI PASSU {PARI*} {PASS}{U}
14 - Always seen with daughter wearing cloak in republic (4,5) - CAPE VERDE {CAP{E VER}{D}E}
16 - Rough terrain for a coach (7) - TRAINER*
17 - Most of army unit's recommended diet (7) - REGIMEN REGIMENt
19 - Weapon attracting special attention (5) - SPEAR {SP}{EAR}
21 - Storyteller can make adult sit up (5) - AESOP {A}{ESOP<-}


  1. Answer of 1a with ref to British PM reminded me of Maggie.

  2. Sandhya: Thanks for your comments yesterday on the Sound of Nita's Jatter

    You know, early morning when you wake up some songs , thoughts or ideas keep ringing in your mind and these are at random. I had heard this song from the Sound of Music years ago and it suddenly cropped up in my mind and it got stuck. I immediately converted the same in my mind to relate it to NJ and started jotting down. Late at night, I tried to post it, but couldn't and send it across to DG and he obliged by posting it. Thanks for your comments.

  3. Kishore-I used to follow Jiggs & maggie comics regularly a few years ago.They were just too good and unforgettable.

  4. Raju-Very nice lyrics and I enjoyed them very much.Thank you.Oasis in the desert of NJ!

  5. I find lot of multiple word formations, in The Guardian'. but, our setters prefer single or double letters, generally. Any particular reason?

  6. Padmanabhan @ 11:54,
    I think Kishore is talking of the Iron Lady.

  7. @Raju: Looking forward to more lyrics/limericks :)

  8. DG, Paddy:

    I was thinking of THAT GREAT CHARMER*, as noted by DG, but I thank Paddy for bringing up Bringing Up Father. That is perhaps the first cartoon strip where I came across that particular type of humour.
