Wednesday, 22 July 2009

No 9591, Wednesday, 22 Jul 09, Nita Jaggi

 7 Cosmetic Elizabeth put on the mouth part is returned to the actor somehow leaving Cuba (8) {E}{PIL<-}{A(-c)TOR}
 9 - Written contracts that one’s left for the security force (6) - POLIC(-i)E(-s)
11 - Go down in the pitch darkness after dusk (9) - {NIGHT}{FALL}
12 - French city sheltering English girl (5) - NI{E}CE
13 - Legendary potion able to prolong life indefinitely (6) - ELIXIR [CD]
14 - Vitamin for the girl is regularly usable twice a year (8) - {BI}{ANN}{U}{A}{L}
17 - Contraceptive graph is not right inside the maid going back (9) - DIA{PHRAG*}M<- )
22 - Think tank of an intelligent person (5,3) - BRAIN BOX [CD]
23 - Worker to let out an insect (6) - BEE{TLE*}
25 - Build a den around the French animal (5) - E{LA}ND*
27 - General is back with the heads of the Other Territories in Iowa to take a note to discuss the terms (9) - {NEG<-}{OT}{IA}{TE}
28 - Fifty-one start off to go further down to avoid detection by the police (3,3) - {LI}{(-b)E LOW}
29 - Vessels with containers (8) - DREDGERS [DD]
 1 - Wander in a leisurely way (7) - MEANDER [CD]
 2 - Traveller is single in Poland, without any hope (7) - {P{I}L}{GRIM}
 3 - Start to conduct a test for the crab’s eggs (5) - {C}{ORAL} ?
4 - ’The ….. rains out her beams, and Heaven is overflow’d’ (Shelley) (4) - MOON [CD]
 5 - It covers one escaping the law (7) - HIDEOUT [CD]
 6 - Discloses the several characters (7) - REVEALS*
 8 - Loss of personnel in a race on Rhode Island has it mounting up to mostly one (9) - {A}{TT}{RI}{TI<-}{ON(-e)}
10 - Albert and a soldier with hesitation start to sail in the port city (7) - {AL}{GI}{ER}{S}
15 - Forgotten Nigerian leader has the girl in to be formally chosen (9) - {N}{E{G}LECTED}
16 - First class characteristic to designate (7) - {A}P{POINT} ?
18 - Sis-able to resettle from the descent downwards (7) - ABSEILS*
19 - Chief worker is in rage, perhaps (7) - {MAN}{AGER*}
20 - He is the one to go away from his wife temporarily (7) - STRAYER [CD]
21 - American detective is upset, seen out in a military action (7) - {DEF<-}{ENSE*}
24 - Marketplace, in the past mostly are going up (5) - AGO{(-e)RA<-} )
26 - Day’s opening has no order for an official judgment (4) - {D}{O}{OM}


  1. Question on 26DN

    Where did the OM come from ? Not clear about the Anno. Clarifications welcome

  2. @Ramna
    26 - Day’s opening has no order for an official judgment (4)

    Day's opening = D
    has = connector
    no = O
    order = OM (Order of Merit)
    for an = connector
    official judgement = Definition = {D}{O}{OM}
