Thursday 23 July 2009

No 9592, Thursday, 23 Jul 09, Nita Jaggi

17D eludes me totally, accordingly cannot decide on 24A
 8 - Can Irene scan, so as to conduct the intelligence activity? (14) - RECONNAISSANCE*
 9 - Fishes swim in water regularly into it (6) - {DIP}{N}{O}{I}
10 - Note out the last-minute kind of disorders (8) - AILMENTS(-tu)*
11 - City rulers are without a man this year in South Africa (8) - {KIN(-g)}{S{HAS}A} I don't think this anno is correct
13 - Short time for the French composer to change the location (6) - {T}{RAVEL}
14 - Ruler inside is a consultant (6) - SULTAN [T]
16 - Corrected the new diet for a journalist (6) - {EDIT*}{ED}
19 - Combatant is frequently around the centre somehow missing the transaction (6) - {F}{ENCER(-t)*}
21 - He is the one to advocate the change in society (8) - REFORMER [CD]
23 - Indian head in Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus is in difficulty at first not showing the containers (8) - C{I}ST{ERNS} Anno for ERNS eludes me (Addendum - {C{I}ST}{ER}{NS} - Thanks to Shyam)
24 - An ill-tempered person (6) TERROR or TARTAR [CD] (Addendum - TARTAR [CD] is the right answer)
26 - Prison is almost off in a quiet area said to somehow have an exotic plant (4,2,8) - BIRD {OF(-f)} {PARADISE} How is Bird and Prison connected, I've heard of Jailbird but...
 1 - Grasslands have a price per unit about to rise (8) - PRA{I}{RIES*} Anno of PRA eludes me
 2 - Symbol put on a regular zinc coin (4) - {I}{C}{O}{N} [T]
 3 - From the gang, I named the heart condition (6) - ANGINA [T]
 4 - Bachelor with two hundred in the morning was first off on an island country (7) - {BA}{H}{AM}{(-w)AS}
 5 - Ten around us are not early in the day to be separated (8) - {I{S}O}{LATE}{D} S from us ?
 6 - Locate farm for the rowdy criminal (10) - MALEFACTOR*
 7 - Second animal the man will harm (6) - {S}{CAT}{HE}
12 - Overanxious for one caught in privacy (10) - SOL{I}{C}ITUDE
15 - Display the skill of the glider (8) - AIRCRAFT [CD]
17 - The German has accepted making a mistake by abandoning the stone worker (8) - D?E???E? (Addendum - D{IEMAK(-st)*}ER - Thanks to Shyam)
18 - Element used in glassware (7) - CRYSTAL [DD]
20 - Alternately resist holding fifty-one caught to bring out a solution (6) - {E}{LI}{C}{I}{T}
22 - Religious rulings partly Arafat wasted away (6) - FATWAS [T]
25 - Initial reaction is to help after a surprise attack (4) - {R}AID


  1. Colonel, could 24Ac be TYRANT?

  2. 23 ac - ERNS - difficulty : ER ; Not Showing

  3. I thought 17D was diemaker, not sure of the anno though :(

  4. @Shyam,
    Thanks for Anno of 23Ac. You are right about 17D, I have provided the annotation in the main post.

    TYRANT will not fit so TARTAR it is.

  5. Col,

    26 - Prison is almost off in a {quiet area said} to somehow have an exotic plant (4,2,8) - BIRD {OF(-f)} {PARADISE} How is Bird and Prison connected, I've heard of Jailbird but...

    I think all of us have missed a trick here. The operative word is SOMEHOW in this clue. And this is THE WORD that you have to use in clues: KINSHASA, BAHAMAS, ISOLATED and many more!

  6. @Raghunath
    I have not got the point that you are trying to make?
    In Paradise I presume you mean where has the A gone.

  7. Col,

    Sorry! I meant where the A has gone.

  8. Col,

    About SOMEHOW, I meant, that this word should always be kept in mind while solving CWs by this setter, as annos are unclear and somehow the ans is to be derived.

  9. Colonel,

    15A - Display the skill of the glider (8) - AIRCRAFT (CD)

    I think this is not CD. The answer is derived from Display (AIR) + Skill (CRAFT)

    Do you agree?

