Sunday 1 May 2011

No 2632, Sunday 01 May 11

1   - Noon, and crate's broken open for delicious drink (6) - {N}{ECTAR*}
4   - Sailor almost in a depression? Very close (8) - {A}{D{JACk}ENT}
9   - Show vet (6) - SCREEN [DD]
10 - One who's got over nasty virus starts to visit other relicts (8) - {SURVI*}{V}{O}{R}
11 - Firing girl taken in by lad is mistaken (9) - {DIS{MISS}AL*}
13 - About right, worthless people causing mêlée (5) - {SC{R}UM}
14 - Displays (along with archbishops, perhaps) pretensions (4,3,6) - {AIRS} {AND} {GRACES}
17 - Star in launch a pirate injured (5,8) - ALPHA CENTAURI*
21 - Phoned after parking accident (5) - {P}{RANG}
23 - Tries in middle of proper dummy run (9) - {RE{HEARS}AL}
24 - People in authority adopting strange logo for divinity (8) - {THE{OLOG*}Y}
25 - Is coming back low, male in wind (6) - {SI<-}{MOO}{M}
26 - Mention a bogus name (8) - NOMINATE*
27 - Animal, steer, following embarrassed female (3,3) - {RED} {F}{OX}

1   - End of game inventor reviewed (2-4) - NO-SIDE <-
2   - Character cutting could be a cheat (4,5) - {CARD} {SHARP}
3   - A row about the Spanish workshop (7) - {A}{T{EL}IER}
5   - Wife, after large drink, gives incomprehensible talk (6,5) - {DOUBLE} {DUTCH}
6   - One who offers counsel, as diver at sea (7) - ADVISER*
7   - Little fish always biting line (5) - {E{L}VER}
8   - Sweet one aboard streetcar is heading for university (8) - {T{I}RAM}{IS}{U} Favourite dessert of CW setters.
12 - Coach runs into box where there's a problem with actors (5,6) - {STAGE} {F{R}IGHT}
15 - Causes unnecessary alarm as crow flies off (5,4) - CRIES WOLF*
16 - Monk runs as Russian leader (8) - {R}{AS}{PUTIN}
18 - Article on Heights in the Middle East from one from Luanda? (7) - {AN}{GOLAN}
19 - Not similar to 'fizzy' ale in UK (7) - UNALIKE*
20 - Peak around South American capital with cross (6) - {C}{LIMA}{X}
22 - A force losing second group of elite soldiers (1-4) - {A}-{sTEAM}


  1. COD 5 Down The choice of words creates a vivid image.
    Duchess of Fife is rhyming slang for wife (originally used for costermonger's wife).

  2. Could not get Tiramisu in spite of coming across the word recently in crossword.

  3. I think it is comparatively less complicated this week (when compared with previous 2/3 weeks)Probably why very few comments!

  4. Agree with Padmanabhan. After a set of 3 or 4 really tough puzzles on Sunday, Everyman is now on a relatively easier plane.

    Climax is my COD. If there was a more misleading surface for a cryptic, I haven't come across it yet.

  5. Nice one, quite stimulating, and thankfully without local contextual references to UK and environs

  6. 22 Down - I thought 'A TEAM' are two words and not hyphenated word,although, i solved it.
