Sunday 8 May 2011

No 2633, Sunday 08 May 11

My kind of CW with no CD's etc.
1   - I'm so sexy in new lace undergarment (8) - CAMISOLE* (Correction - {CA{MISO*}LE*} - See comments)
5   - A couple of lines in poor song (6) - {B{A}{LL}AD}
9   - Beginning to laugh, interrupting funny gag (8) - {STRANG{L}E}
10 - Article by good man on church's position (6) - {ST}{AN}{CE}
12 - Buddhist monk holding head of lowing animal (5) - {L{L}AMA}
13 - Popular French novelist's crossing small British city (9) - {IN}{VERNE{S}S}
14 - Checking text from academic going round old English university (12) - {PR{O}OF}{READING}
18 - Speculation after son's dismissed? His crime? (12) - EMBEZZLEMENT Anno pending See comments
21 - Typeface used by Cambridge college lecturer penning first of novels (9) - {CLARE}{N}{DON}
23 - Ring about daughter's cycle (5) - {PE{D}AL}
24 - Beast kept by Pakistani male (6) - ANIMAL [T]
25 - A name in staircase window (8) - {F{A}{N}LIGHT}
26 - Hear about object, all the rage (6) - {TR{END}Y}
27 - On which runners make tracks? (3,5) - {SKI S}{LOPE} &lit

1   - Keep left in station (6) - {CAST{L}E} Couldn't get the connection between 'Station' and 'Caste'.
2   - New, in fish sauce (6) - {MOR{N}AY}
3   - Czar's aunt, originally from a Bolivian city (5,4) - SANTA CRUZ*
4   - Sweet woman, crossing warden (8,4) - {LOLLIPOP} {LADY}
6   - Change flag when heading off (5) - fALTER
7   - Cause of one leering lasciviously? (8) - L(I)NGERIE* &lit
8   - Put on, before season, an equestrian event (8) - {DRESS}{AGE}
11 - All given lift after morality play (5,3,4) - {EVERY MAN} {JACK}
15 - An Italian city, southern state capital (9) - {AN}{NAPOLI}{S}
16 - Liking page's charm (8) - {P}{ENCHANT}
17 - Rough sailor varies manoeuvres (8) - {AB}{RASIVE*}
19 - A soldier entering a function slowly (6) - {A}{D{A}{GI}O}
20 - Gay bishop set on fire by male (6) - {B}{LIT}{HE}
22 - Close to campsite, put down an antelope (5) - {E}{LAND}


  1. 1 - Keep left in station (6) - {CAST{L}E} Couldn't get the connection between 'Station' and 'Caste'.

    Station = social rank

  2. 18A (-S)PECULATION means embezzlement

  3. I also wrote embezzlement without the anno, thinking Deepak will figure it out. When he did not, I had to look up the thesaurus for embezzlement.

  4. Somewhat of a brain-teaser after some easy ones over the last few weeks

  5. Good one Suresh, didn't think of Peculation as I have never heard that word.

  6. Col,

    Anything else planned for today?

    1 I'm so sexy in new lace undergarment (8) - CAMISOLE*
    This is not a single anagram.
    Here,'sexy' is an AnagrInd and so is 'new'
    So, it should be IMSO* in LACE*
    Defn: undergarment {CA(MISO*)LE*}

  7. 1a is a subset of 7d. 12a and 22d are subsets of 24a.

    Andy Everyman has probably consciously avoided a self reference in cluing 11d.

  8. Let's see who solves this first:

    There's one of three (7)

  9. Good one Suresh, didn't think of Peculation as I have never heard that word.,

    Neither had I

  10. Standard Sunday satisfying puzzle.

    @SR : *

  11. That's right. There is an ANAGRAM of three.

  12. Proof reading-- shouldn't this be a hyphrenated word?

    Like I have observed that under way-- means in the process--- is no longer two words but combined as underway-- which may mean an underpass?

    Cryptic licence by compilers?

    Comments from fellow buffs?

    Except for Clarendon , a fairly easy one , this week, and S-peculation -- embezzlement was indeed a new experience to crack.!!

    Raju Umamaheswar
