Wednesday, 30 November 2011

No 10322, Wednesday 30 Nov 11, Arden

1   - The capital, on reflection, was rather green (6) - WARSAW {WAR}{SAW}<-
5   - It is felt Father has left and Bishop left halfway (8) - PALPABLE {PA{L}PA}{B}{LEft}
9   - Seasonal accommodation will collapse (4,4) - FALL FLAT {FALL} {FLAT}
10 - Number on the pointer is not so wide (6) - NARROW {N}{ARROW}
11 - After march, possibly Israel will weaken (10) - DEMORALISE {DEMO}{RALISE*}
12 - Grass for raising an animal (4) - REED <-
13 - Stay with them breaking stone (8) - AMETHYST*
16 - When by noon it gets so hot, a prayer is the answer (6) - NOVENA {N}{OVEN}{A}
17 - Locate replacement, having love for a cat (6) - OCELOT {LOC(-a+o)ATE*}
19 - Show record drop (8) - DISCLOSE {DISC}{LOSE}
21 - Thought to be almost perfect (4) - IDEA IDEAl
22 - There are torn pieces with every material (10) - TATTERSALL {TATTERS}{ALL}
25 - It is fashionable on both sides of Virginia, but to no avail (2,4) - IN VAIN {IN} {VA}{IN}
26 - Provokes the skinhead which is not necessary (8) - NEEDLESS {NEEDLES}{S}
27 - Hymn able to make one laugh, reportedly (8) - CANTICLE {CAN}{TICLE}(~tickle)
28 - Perennial plant will light up the scene (6) - YARROW {YAR<-}{ROW}
2   - Like saying “get the Russian to agree in time” (5) - ADAGE {A{DA}GE}
3   - There could be some fireworks when one starts singing about love, very obviously (5) - SALVO {S}{A}{L}{V}{O}
4   - The marsupial gets some protection with a baby not born (7) - WALLABY {WALL}{bABY}
5   - Nationalist gets three to enter on-cue (7) - PATRIOT {PA{TRIO}T}
6   - Light flyer over most of the country (7) - LANTERN {LANd}{TERN}
7   - If you want to avert rail transport, this could be an alternative (3,6) - AIR TRAVEL*&lit
8   - One is at this when not occupied (5,4) - LOOSE ENDS [CD]
14 - Put the staff on aid distribution in the country (9) - MACEDONIA {MACE}{DONIA*}
15 - Distinguish and relate to a role (4,5) - TELL APART {TELL} {A}{PART}
18 - Huge bird one can manipulate (7) - TITANIC {TIT}{AN(I)C*}
19 - Pitching one in the middle of a river would help ease tensions (7) - DETENTE {DE{TENT}E}
20 - View the venue on line (7) - SCENERY {SCENE}{RY}
23 - Heliacal rise around the end of April (5) - SOLAR {SO{L}AR}
24 - Rope in the girl with love (5) - LASSO {LASS}{O}

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

No 10321, Tuesday 29 Nov 11, Scintillator

1   - Plain level, say (6) - STEPPE (~step)
4   - Hero taking ill is in agony (8) - ACHILLES {ACH{ILL}ES}
9   - Part of the liver relapses to release bile? (6) - REVILE [T<-]
10 - City which is being visited later on Monday (8) - MONTREAL {MON}{TREAL*}
12 - Disease afflicting regal pal (8) - PELLAGRA*
13 - Inferior seed (6) - PEANUT [CD]
15 - Op-ed could publish fraudulent information (4) - DOPE*
16 - Run into lover dressed to be safe from physical attack (6-4) - ARMOUR-CLAD {A{R}MOUR}-{CLAD}
19 - Busy deems model is suspect (10) - MEDDLESOME*
20 - Far-reaching desire (4) - LONG [DD]
23 - Male tout's nutcase (6) - MADMAN {M}{ADMAN}
25 - Get inside, like the corrupt (2, 2, 4) - GO TO JAIL [CD]
27 - Remote-controlled pointers not available (5-3) - HANDS-OFF [DD]
28 - I get in gingerly to set fire (6) - IGNITE*
29 - Or Ambrose's not a tall bowler, but a broad one (8) - SOMBRERO {OR+aMBROSE}*
30 - Uniform last line (6) - LIVERY {LIVE}{RY}
1   - Constable committed a crime, left a mark of nail? (7) - SCRAPED {SC}{RAPED}
2   - Shrouded deep novel in mystery (9) - ENVELOPED*
3   - Something that sustains erection (6) - PILLAR [E] Do I hear some sniggers!
5   - Hack is psychopathic to some extent (4) - CHOP [T]
6   - On paper, the irony is baffling (2, 6) - IN THEORY*
7   - One infringing on right to oversleep (3, 2) - LIE IN {LIE {I}N}
8   - Presented arms and dealt us blows (7) - SALUTED*
11 - Arrest Mafia leader, revolting support (7) - ARMREST* {ARREST+M}*
14 - Bonanza package for stereo set (7) - BOOMBOX [BOOM}{BOX}
17 - Image appearance gets Facebook endorsement (9) - LOOKALIKE {LOOK}A{LIKE} 'A' from?
18 - Conservative depends on the Queen to be solvent (8) - CLEANSER {C}{LEANS}{ER}
19 - Drugged males lying beside ship ruins in ancient city (7) - MEMPHIS {M}{E}{M}{PHIS*} 'E' from drug?
21 - Gods largely at large (7) - GALLERY*
22 - Some Don grilled in part of Mumbai (6) - DONGRI [T]
24 - Fabric dug up from the bottom (5) - DENIM <-
26 - Nadal has come up a long way (4) - AFAR<-

Monday, 28 November 2011

No 10320, Monday 28 Nov 11, Buzzer

1   - A fake doctor caught out by journalist was trembling (6) - QUAKED {QUAcK}{ED}
5   - Convent people like carrying several books (6) - ABBOTS {A{B}{B}{OT}S}
10 - With capital, back commercial galaxy of stars (9) - ANDROMEDA {AND}{ROME}{DA<-}
11 - Doctor Frail is stranded (5) - FILAR*
12 - Sailor returning to deck (5) - TAROT {TAR}{OT<-}
13 - In pursuit of Bible's epilogue (9) - AFTERWORD {AFTER}{WORD}
14 - Avoids letters from Schereschewsky (7) - ESCHEWS [T]
16 - Wild zebroids lose head and take off (7) - DISROBE zEBROIDS*

18 - Knock contracted industrialist's name off (3-1-3) - RAT-A-TAT {RAT-An-TATa}
20 - Tease the old style Romeo chasing girl with love (7) - ANNOYER {ANN}{O}{YE}{R}
21 - Collapsible bomb dropped once on island mass (9) - IMPLOSIVE [CD]
23 - Process of concealing retrograde fortification (5) - FOSSE [T<-]
25 - Precise old statute (5) - EXACT {EX}{ACT}
26 - Brew the large cocoa drink (9) - CHOCOLATE [CD?](Addendum - {THE+L+COCOA}* - See comments)
27 - Retiring round with German in a workplace (6) - SMITHY {S{MIT}HY}
28 - Unfinished: without start or finish (6) - ENDING pENDING
2   - Complede milk dispenser? … (5) - UDDER {U(-tt+dd)DDER)
3   - … superlatively complex and most improper by the sound of it (9) - KNOTTIEST (~naughtiest)
4   - Modern record players (7) - DEEJAYS [CD]
5   - Expected answer, reportedly loaded (7) - AWAITED {A}(~weighted)
6   - To a great extent near and not near (2,3) - BY FAR
7   - Purposefulness comes from ransacking enemy loot (9) - TELEONOMY*
8   - Big fighter, one hurting livestock, swapped heads (6-7) - BATTLE CRUISER (-c+b}BATTLE (-b+c)CRUISER 
9   - Single unit giving twice the chills (6-7) - FRIDGE-FREEZER [CD] Not a word used in India
15 - Cop smartly (without right) rearranged part of a cell (9) - CYTOPLASM {COP+SMArTLY}*
17 - Dragons, if tempered, show poise (9) - SANGFROID*
19 - Nervous like a magician breaking the limits of trickery (7) - TWITCHY {T{WITCH}Y}
20 - One grew in the form of pine leaf (7) - ACEROSE {ACE}{ROSE}
22 - Group of musicians regularly boycotted training at first (5) - OCTET {O}{C}{T}{E}{T}
24 - Issue with small one of sixteen men on board (5) - SPAWN {S}{PAWN}


Sunday, 27 November 2011

No 2662, Sunday 27 Nov 11

Another tough one today.
1    - Casino I broke in a Mediterranean capital (7) - NICOSIA*
5    - Strong emotion shown by Oasis playing in outskirts of Preston (7) - PASSION {Pres{ASSIO*}toN}
9    - Little action in clubs, say (5,4) - MINOR SUIT {MINOR} {SUIT}
10  - Girl, a long time penning note (5) - AGNES {AG{N}ES}
11  - Last of Beaujolais wine in jar (5) - SHOCK {S}{HOCK}
12  - Pay back in rupees one in Burmese resort (9) - REIMBURSE {R+I+BURMESE}*
13  - A motoring offence within the borders of Shepperton? (6-7) - DOUBLE PARKING {PP} My COD
17  - Aware of article and short note, most recent (2-2-3-6) - UP-TO-THE-MINUTE {UP-TO}-{THE}-{MINUTEs}
18  - Fruit's popular ammunition (9) - GRAPESHOT {GRAPES}{HOT}
21  - Steed outside close to Gale (5) - HORSE HORS{E} Anno pending (Addendum - {HORS}{E} - See comments)
23  - Wilhelm's OK after port wine (5) - RIOJA {RIO}{JA}
24  - Cut eating stoned fruit, so cry (4,1,4) - SHED A TEAR {SHE{D A TE}AR}
25  - Shorten a card game (7) - ABRIDGE {A}{BRIDGE}
26  - Withdraw a score (7) - SCRATCH [DD]
1    - Indentifies northern sights on the radio (5) - NAMES {N}{AMES}(~aims)
2    - Pact made by US state capital, at last (9) - CONCORDAT {CONCORD}{AT}
3    - Song from a musical, "Let's Get The Show On The Road"? (6,2,3,4) - STRIKE UP THE BAND [DD]
4    - Answer question on amazing allure involving English watercolour painting (9) - AQUARELLE {A}{Q}{UAR{E}LLE*}
5    - Dish of boiled tripe (5) - PETRI*
6    - Song in Groucho's bar, remarkably clean (11,4) - SCARBOROUGH FAIR {GROUCHO"S+BAR}* {FAIR}

7    - Victor letting drop wife's secret (5) - INNER wINNER
8    - Gets gen confused about Society and savings (4,4) - NEST EGG {NE{S}T EGGS*}
14  - A waste of time, like the team that always loses? (9) - POINTLESS [DD]
15  - Seriously trendy boy's name, reportedly (2,7) - IN EARNEST {IN} {EARNEST}(~ernest)
16  - Country record includes opening of "Love Song" (8) - BULGARIA {BU{L}G}{ARIA}
19  - Love affair starts to annoy many of us (5) - AMOUR {A}{M}{OUR}
20  - Hospital teas prepared with speed (5) - HASTE {H}{ASTE*}
22  - Some near this planet (5) - EARTH [T]

Saturday, 26 November 2011

No 10319, Saturday 26 Nov 11, Neyartha

1   - Funny maid known to all the females (9) - WOMANKIND*
6   - Hemp spotted in Surat and Lucknow initially (5) - SISAL {S}{I}{S}{A}{L}
9   - These may be drawn to set the limits (5) - LINES [CD]
10 - Provoke assembly into accepting the round provided by the Russian ballet composer (9) - PROKOFIEV {PROK{O}FIEV*} (Correction - {PROKO{FI<-}EV*} - See comments)
11 - Addresser forgets cleric in confusion over what may be found in pencil boxes (7) - ERASERS AddRESSER*
12 - Edward's drooping of the spleen is hereditary (6) - LINEAL Anno pending (Addendum - LI(-e)N(+e)EAL - See comments)
14 - Dirty letters from Santa in trouble (5) - TAINT [T]
15 - After commencement of winter, father leaves palace with lock (9) - INTERLACE {wINTER}{paLACE}
17 - Time taken by young lady to entertain Muslim commander with a light music piece (9) - BAGATELLE {B{AGA}{T}ELLE}
19 - Catch the contenders (5) - FIELD [DD]
20 - Silly to imprison Pole for being deranged (6) - INSANE {IN{S}ANE}
22 - Notice U.S. Antarctic explorer in conversation about a marine feathered animal (7) - SEABIRD (~see){SEA}{BIRD}(~byrd)
24 - New choirman holding a musical instrument (9) - HARMONICA {{H{A}RMONICA*}
25 - Forge iron to conceal the counter damage (5) - FRAME {F{RAM<-}E}
26 - Oriental getting rid of the superior pharmacy supplies in the trash (5) - DREGS DR{-u+e}GS
27 - Somehow like salsa when it becomes less acidic (9) - ALKALISES*
1   - Permanent water hole set up? (4-11) - WELL-ESTABLISHED {WELL}-{ESTABLISHED}
2   - Nature of Corbett's tigers in a part of Uttarkhand (3-6) - MAN-EATING [CD]
3   - Young Spanish saint turns up with a penny (7) - NASCENT {NAS<-}{CENT}
4   - Unacceptable note lawyer included in the charge (10) - IMPOSSIBLE {IMPOS{SI}{BL}E}
5   - It may be left open to accommodate future changes (4) - DOOR [CD]
6   - Son to lift restriction, being less emotional (7) - STONIER {S}{TO}{NIER<-}
7   - Spatula helping with a golf shot (5) - SLICE [DD]
8   - Eleven LED shades created with wisdom (5-10) - LEVEL-HEADEDNESS*
13 - Accent trouble combined with brandy in speech (6,4) - STRESS MARK {STRESS} {MARK}(~marc)
16 - Explorer Vespucci to go out for cans with the U.S. natives (9) - AMERICANS AMERI(-go+cans)CANS
18 - Slender (but tough) son's resistance wears off (7) - TENUOUS  sTrENUOUS
19 - Emotional female replacing the model is scared (7) - FEARFUL (-t+f)FEARFUL
21 - Detailed disguise necessary to see the hillside debris (5) - SCREE SCREEn
23 - Oral examination getting somewhat of a revival (4) - VIVA [T]

Friday, 25 November 2011

No 10318, Friday 25 Nov 11, Neyartha

Neyartha back with a vengeance! Cannot solve Neyartha by my deadline with The HINDU coming up online so late.
1   - Cook upsets earldom with the nutritive substances in the yolks (13) - (Addendum - DEUTEROPLASMS* - See comments)
9   - Young horse taken around Venezuela to show something related to a retinal feature (6) - FOVEAL {FO{VE}AL}
10 - Flogged the smooth sound played back when the external contract was overturned (8) - LARRUPED {LA{RRUP<-}ED<-}
11 - Travel and cater (3) - PLY [DD]
12 - Poor mice are probably found here (6) - CHURCH [CD]
13 - Got down on seeing son's answer ignored intentionally (8) - ALIGHTED Anno pending
14 - Flowing century at the Basin Reserve? Capital! (10) - WELLINGTON {WELLING}{TON}
17 - Donkey's cry heard in the hillside (4) - BRAY [DD?] (addendum - BRAE)~bray) - See comments)
18 - Sandy hill discovered by Charlie missed by the fool (4) - DUNE DUNcE
19 - Sticker placed on the eagle's bill by the French place of worship (10) - TABERNACLE {TAB}{ERN}{AC}{LE}
21 - Cheapness of song name related to the Turkic languages (8) - (Addendum - TATARIAN {TAT}{ARIA}{N} - See comments)
23 - Doctor initially overlooked code name for dropsy (6) - OEDEMA {cODE+nAME}*
25 - Adrian oddly ignored the loud noise (3) - DIN aDrIaN
26 - Outside contestant to counter criticism with a voucher (8) - VERIFIER {V{ERIF<-}IER}
27 - Good Shepherd finds time to take out French man with holy oil (6) - CHRIST {CHRISt}{M} (Correction - {CHRIS(-t+m)M} - See comments) (Correction No 2 - {CHRIS(-m+t)T} - See comments)
28 - Disrobes in retreat (without the cape) and ends up with insomnia (13) - SLEEPLESSNESS {SLEEP<-}{LESS}{NESS}
2   - Have no chance when hiding in Cain's city (5) - (Addendum - ENOCH [T] - See comments)
3   - Bush, say, to practice internally for the card game (9) - (Addendum - TREDRILLE {TRE{DRILL}E} - See comments)
4   - Cheer of approval surrounding record of The Coral Island's narrator (5) - RALPH {RA{LP}H}
5   - Top revolutionary hides clay model having multiple tentacles (7) - POLYACT*
6   - Accuser of the actress harboured by the drunk ranger (9) - ARRAIGNER {AR{RAI}GNER*}
7   - Cavity in the jaws (5) - MOUTH [E]
8   - Duped Mr. Lal with fee for smoke outlet on the roof (8) - (Addendum - FEMERALL {MR+LAL+FEE}* - See comments)
15 - What people get as they go through school (8) - EDUCATED [E]
16 - The thing found inside the broken venturi is nourishing (9) - NUTRITIVE {NUTR{IT}IVE*}
17 - Firm's logo put on top of the Scottish trivet (5-4) - BRAND ICON Anno pending (Addendum - BRAND IRON [CD] - See comments)
20 - Disallow reportedly bizarre masthead banner (7) - BANDROL {BAN}{DROL}(~droll)
22 - Vet leaves laxative mixture situated between the poles (5) - AXIAL LAXAtIve*
23 - Some abandon customs as being bad in Australia (5) - ONCUS [T]
24 - Soprano in the German trade fair gets to the bottom of the Greek notes (5) - (Addendum - MESES {MES{-s}E(+s)S} - See comments)

Thursday, 24 November 2011

No 10317, Thursday 24 Nov 11, M Manna

1   - Trade vehicles (7) - TRAFFIC [DD]
5   - Individual charging a spender about two hundred (7) - ACCUSER {A}{CC}{USER}
9   - Some ask for alms to rise from rags to riches! (7) - BEGGARS {BEG}{GARS*}
10 - Use at road ways, sculptured human forms (7) - STATUES {USE+AT+ST}*
11 - Expel the six Englishmen caught (5) - EVICT {E}{VI}{CT}
12 - Adds comments on the year the state collapsed (9) - ANNOTATES {ANNO}{TATES*}
13 - She has a leading role in the cinema (9) - USHERETTE [CD]
15 - Cares to look after large areas (5) - ACRES*
16 - Bill got rid of person with sarcastic manner of speaking (5) - ACRID {AC}{RID}
18 - Liberals used it as a display of weakness (9) - LASSITUDE {L}{ASSITUDE*}
21 - Spiced wine the father of medicine made the most of (9) - HIPPOCRAS HIPPOCRAteS
24 - Never faced hostilities without cool courage (5) - NERVE*
25 - She with her New York son, went in search of gold to Los Angeles (7) - ROSALYN {NY+S+OR+LA}
26 - In Peru, find green ornamental centre piece for table (7) - EPERGNE {PE+GREEN}*
27 - Arlene and daughter turn to her (7) - DARLENE {D}{ARLENE}
28 - Make a claim on tent — then lie in it (7) - ENTITLE {TENT+LIE}*
1   - Board with gold picture was vivid (7) - TABLEAU {TABLE}{AU}
2   - It's agony not starting to lose one's strength! (7) - ANGUISH lANGUISH
3   - Man about to perform at the old place took a break (9) - FRACTURED {FR{ACT}{UR}ED}
4   - A Scot appears to have a rib like structure (5) - COSTA*
5   - Fool with records — they'll raise no objection (9) - ASSENTERS {ASS}{ENTERS}
6   - Shipping trade (5) - CRAFT [DD]
7   - Falter in way out-and-out (7) - STUTTER {ST}{UTTER}
8   - Sisters build up oppositions to him (7) - RESISTS*
14 - Alter once as the permissible range of variation (9) - TOLERANCE*
15 - Possibly lamenting getting into a row (9) - ALIGNMENT*
16 - Deer had become stuck (7) - ADHERED*
17 - One who is resting again has a difficult question (7) - REPOSER {RE}{POSER}
19 - Honest expression of support for justice (7) - UPRIGHT [DD]
20 - Get English across river, for a critical interpretation of the text (7) - EXEGETE {EXE}{GET}{E}
22 - Look, the priest is here for him (5) - OLLIE {LO+ELI}*
23 - A dramatic incident (5) - SCENE [CD]

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

No 10316, Wednesday 23 Nov 11, M Manna

1   - Shows clearly, seven in charge, initially, in a riot (7) - EVINCES {SEVEN+IC}*
5   - Country person, possibly uncultured (7) - PEASANT [CD]
9   - Opinion formed without sufficient grounds (5) - GUESS [CD]
10 - Always fresh and at any time giving the go ahead (9) - EVERGREEN {EVER}{GREEN}
11 - American Indian tribe (6) - NATION [E]
12 - A European isn't a one to change (8) - ESTONIAN*
14 - Am I on motorway leading to a city port in USA? (5) - MIAMI {MI}{AM}{I}
15 - Called antelope in this grazing territory? (9) - RANGELAND {RANG}{ELAND}
18 - A French article in support of very bad journal (9) - CHRONICLE {CHRONIC}{LE}
20 - Youths training for knighthood (5) - PAGES [E]
22 - Fellow cultivator said to have a veil (8) - MANTILLA {MAN}{TILLA}(~tiller)
24 - Fishes with a rod and line (6) - ANGLER [CD]
26 - Went over jazz setting for poem (9) - TRAVERSED {TRA{VERSE}D}
27 - Tail youth to a country (5) - ITALY {TAIL+Y}*
28 - Speaks at length thereby making Sid late (7) - DILATES*
29 - Jumper showing visible signs of overexertion! (7) - SWEATER [DD]
1   - Therefore, put no male in charge of work study (9) - ERGONOMIC {ERGO}{NO}{M}{IC}
2   - Relating to being passive (7) - INERTIA [CD]
3   - Guardian produced a discount scheme (9) - CUSTODIAN*
4   - Pest one to make a short journey (4) - STEP*
5   - Nicer requests aren't acted upon (10) - PLEASANTER {PLEAS}{ANTER*}
6   - Conjointly British (5) - ANGLO [CD]
7   - I'm with Erica in this country (7) - AMERICA {AM}{ERICA}
8   - For proper fit, insert thin piece of wood into socket (5) - TENON [CD]
13 - They give rates of things for sale (5,5) - PRICE LISTS [E]
16 - Used to be thinking a lot of money required (9) - EXPENSIVE {EX}{PENSIVE}
17 - Red set out to capture man in warship (9) - DESTROYER {DEST{ROY}ER*}
19 - You may find him on the border with everybody (7) - RANDALL {RAND}{ALL}
21 - Dashing chap with exotic tan on cheek (7) - GALLANT {GALL}{ANT*}
22 - Animal paired with another to produce a young (5) - MATED [CD]
23 - Became inactive when among the peers (5) - INERT [CD]
25 - More than an even wager (4) - ODDS [CD]

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

No 10315, Tuesday 22 Nov 11, M Manna

I'm stumped today.
1   - Fruit for the artist's home (6) - RAISIN {RA}{IS}{IN}
4   - A young member of family, having dollars, is splitting (8) - SCISSION {SC{IS}{S}ION}
10 - After accommodation in prison it's reserved for a fiddler (7) - CELLIST {CELL}{ISY*}
11 - Law and order measure requires diplomacy by Brazilian city (4,3) - RIOT ACT {RIO}{T ACT}
12 - He employs us with hesitation (4) - USER {US}{ER}
13 - Master the main point at speed to give justice (10) - MAGISTRATE {MA}{GIST}{RATE}
16 - Somehow lost again on taking solid higher alcohol (6) - STEROL {LOST+RE}*
17 - Cavalrymen dance (7) - (Addendum - LANCERS [DD] - See comments)
20 - Greed for caviar salad (7) - AVARICE {AVARIC*}E Caviar is also spelt Caviare.
21 - A woman graduate will receive part (6) - (Addendum - BRENDA {B{REND}A}- See comments)
24 - Walker is not inspired (10) - PEDESTRIAN [DD]
25 - Hide zip (4) - ZEST [DD] (Addendum - PELT [DD] - See comments)
27 - To support arch, attach half pillar to wall (7) - RESHOED ? (Addendum - RESPOND [CD] - See comments)
29 - Term of abuse heat in gallery (7) - (Addendum - TRIREME {TR{IRE}ME*} - See comments)
30 - Need coat replaced — spinning a tale (8) - ANECDOTE*
31 - Not charged for rags it appears wrong (6) - GRATIS*
1   - Option for sappers where there's racing (8) - RECOURSE {RE}{COURSE}
2   - Statement of hospital policy is resented (3-8) - ILL-RECEIVED[DD]
3   - Found Amir isled with a plant having tuberous roots (4) - IRIS [T]
5   - Crimson top — a daring design for a knitted jacket (8) - CARDIGAN {C}{A}{RDIGAN*}
6   - Race types ostentatiously exhibit marks of injury (6,4) - SPORTS SCAR {SPORTS} {SCAR} Something is wrong here (Addendum - SPORTS CARS {SPORT}{S CARS} - See comments)
7   - She turns around to give assistance (3) - IDA {AID*}
8   - Scored a goal (6) - NETTED [DD]
9   - The last one broke the camel's back (5) - STRAW [CD]
14 - Plan pictures to include mountains and people (11) - ARRANGEMENT {AR{RANGE}{MEN}T}
15 - Agree to maintain connection (10) - CORRESPOND [DD]
18 - Accept as a true Roman Catholic cadet in trouble (8) - ACCREDIT {I+RC+CADET}
19 - One to whom orders may be sweet (8) - (Addendum - WAITRESS [CD] - See comments)
22 - Stupidly aspire for a plant having plume shaped heads with flowers (6) - SPIREA*
23 - Makes a dash for river (5) - (Addendum - DARTS  [DD] - See comments)
26 - A mountain range (4) - (Addendum - TIER [GK] - See comments)
28 - Use her to make legal claim (3) - SUE [DD]

Monday, 21 November 2011

No 10314, Monday 21 Nov 11, M Manna

1   - Overage person, competent and compliant (10) - MANAGEABLE {MAN}{AGE}{ABLE}
6   - North African independent chieftan (4) - EMIR [E]
9   - Kind of fare Jack Sprat could stomach (7) - FATLESS [GK]
10 - The woman will get a bill for varnish - (7) SHELLAC {SHE'LL}{AC}
12 - Device used to firmly fix (8) - FASTENER [E]
13 - Get around the French old to be superior (5) - EXCEL {C+LE+AX}*(Correction - {C+LE+EX}*)
15 - Staggers on dance floor (5) - REELS [DD]
17 - To go into detail is complicated (9) - ELABORATE [DD]
19 - Show nothing of statement (9) - MANIFESTO {MANIFEST}{O}
21 - The old do something to extort payment (5) - EXACT {EX}{ACT}
23 - Seat around Englishman to playfully irritate him (5) - TEASE {T{E}ASE*}
24 - Denial, say, in the country (8) - NEGATION {N{EG}ATION}
27 - She has time to get close fitting tubular dresses (7) - SHEATHS {SHE+HAS+T}*
28 - Some sort of atom is nothing to drink (7) - ISOTOPE {IS}{O}{TOPE}
29 - Set aside an area for a specific purpose (4) - SITE {SET+I}*
30 - Verdi dates wantonly plugged (10) - ADVERTISED*
1   - Fit of resentment (4) - MIFF [E]
2   - Lunatic action by teaching union (3,4) - NUT CASE {NUT} {CASE}
3   - Rate a girl on a large scale (5) - GREAT {RATE+G}*
4   - A ship comes in with their consent (9) - ASSENTERS {A}{SS}{ENTERS}
5   - Light cutting instrument (5) - LASER [CD]
7   - Mother left bill with accountant for a walking stick (7) - MALACCA {MA}{L}{AC}{CA}
8   - Remembers about prayers (10) - RECOLLECTS {RE}{COLLECTS}
11 - A fitting place for the viewer (7) - EYEHOLE [E]
14 - Writers who make artists mad (10) - DRAMATISTS*
16 - Most yielding to pressure - so fellow found on test (7) - SOFTEST {SO}{F}{TEST}
18 - Set against amalgamating, so leading (9) - ALONGSIDE*
20 - Eastern eccentric, close as can be (7) - NEAREST*
22 - Ask Sam if he is fond of our assembly (7) - AMOROUS ? {SAM+OUR +O?}*
24 - Pried in other's affairs (5) - NOSED [E]
25 - Anglers' delight when out at the right time (5) - TROUT {OUT+R+T}*
26 - Born and died in poverty (4) - NEED {NEE}{D}

E&OE as I had to type out all the clues

Sunday, 20 November 2011

No 2661, Sunday 20 Nov 11

1   - Cigarette butt's gone out, pocketed by theologian (3-3) - DOG-END {D{OG-EN*}D}
4   - Caught out in rocky place in reconnaissance vehicle (5,3) - SCOUT CAR {S{C}{OUT} CAR}
9   - Small square sail shown in book (9) - MOONRAKER [DD]
11 - Found in Ephesus, historic dish (5) - SUSHI [T]
12 - Proceed cautiously with wife at church dance gatecrashed by son (5,4,4) - WATCH ONE'S STEP {W}{AT}{CH} {ONE{S} STEP}
14 - Inappropriate home, small apartment (5) - INAPT {IN}{APT}
16 - Anxiety caused by flying to it again (9) - AGITATION*
18 - Denied row involved a bedcover (9) - EIDERDOWN*
19 - Such as turns to and fro (5) - ROTOR {RO<-}{T}{->OR}
20 - Hateful thing I, A. Nobel developed (13) - OBJECTIONABLE {OBJECT}{IONABLE*}
24 - Foe some cavalrymen eventually repelled (5) - ENEMY [T<-]
25 - Irrelevant, a Parisian's told (9) - UNRELATED {UN}{RELATED}
26 - Irritable about most in party making a mockery (8) - TRAVESTY {T{RAVe}ESTY}
27 - Popular player's first was located not out of bounds (2,4) - IN PLAY {IN} {P}{LAY}
1   - Stupid chap from restaurant getting a lift (4,6) - DUMB WAITER {DUMB} {WAITER}
2   - Spirit from good landlord (5) - GHOST {G}{HOST}
3   - Former PM meeting celebrity, a guiding light (5,4) - NORTH STAR {NORTH} {STAR}
5   - Couturier isn't rich, radio broadcast (9,4) - CHRISTIAN DIOR*
6   - On horseback, group brings distress (5) - UPSET {UP}{SET}
7   - ATM ready on time (9) - CASHPOINT [CD]
8   - Runs over to help attack (4) - RAID {R}{AID}
10 - At which a bounder may be tried with unfair bias? (8,5) - KANGAROO COURT &lit
13 - Disagreeable Finn rudely treated (10) - UNFRIENDLY*
15 - Stars in Oman dread travelling (9) - ANDROMEDA*
17 - A secretion troubled lad in ear, to a point (9) - ADRENALIN {ADRENALI*}{N}
21 - Irish writer gets great pleasure attending church (5) - JOYCE {JOY}{CE}
22 - Stake the Spanish climbing plant (5) - BETEL {BET}{EL}
23 - Flog Ecstasy in club (4) - BEAT {B{E}AT}

Saturday, 19 November 2011

No 10313, Saturday 19 Nov 11, M Manna

1   - The weather is really shocking (8,5) - ELECTRIC STORM [CD]
8   - Encourage the production of meat in a broadcast (7) - ANIMATE*
9   - Rail union celebrate work of tenders (7) - NURSING {NUR}{SING}
11 - Really good guy, we hear, as president (6) - TRUMAN (~true){TRU}{MAN}
13 - Australian brewers profess confidence in the evangelical Graham (8) - BILLYCAN {BILLY}{CAN}
15 - Steward has to veer towards Englishman (5) - REEVE {REEV*}{E}
16 - The person he favours is sure to get cross (7) - ELECTOR [CD]
18 - Deep in the river it causes a vessel to leak (3,4) - POT HOLE
19 - Scottish son of the house is extremely virile (5) - MACHO {MAC}{HO}
21 - Protected with a most widely used metal (8) - IRONCLAD [CD]
23 - Gathering of former students (6) - ALUMNI [E]
25 - Turn in a tailless bird in Africa (7) - NAIROBI {NAI*}{ROBIn}
26 - Starting to develop northern climb (7) - NASCENT {N}{ASCENT}
28 - Sibyl gives vast sum to cashier (7,6) - FORTUNE TELLER {FORTUNE}{TELLER}
2   - A garland certain to be enjoyed by those on holiday (7) - LEISURE {LEI}{SURE}
3   - Initially, company possibly dealing with intelligence (1,1,1) - C I A [CD]
4   - A gold bearing vein (4) - REEF [CD]
5   - May I not put pressure on this kind of bridge? (10) - CANTILEVER {CAN'T}{I}{LEVER}
6   - The left started riot in West Australian province (5) - TIROL {TIRO*}{L} Australia??? It should be Austria!!
7   - A self-propelled wheeled carriage on track (7) - RAILCAR [E]
8   - Tolerant, in a strange way, of regular swaps (11) - ALTERNATION*
10 - One who studies descent from egoist angle, oddly (11) - GENEALOGIST*
12 - Later became wide awake and watchful (5) - ALERT*
14 - Wrongly coordinate the colour scheme (10) - DECORATION*
17 - Language of many in the end (5) - TAMIL {TA{M}IL}
18 - So six in favour to induce a condition in the deed (7) - PROVISO {PRO}{VI}{SO}
20 - Met to cope assorted way to contend for the prize (7) - COMPETE {MET+COPE}*
22 - Having power, hit with great force (5) - CLOUT [DD]
24 - Draw together (4) - KNIT [CD]
27 - An old French coin (3) - SOL [E]

Friday, 18 November 2011

No 10312, Friday 18 Nov 11, M Manna

1   - Ask for a translation of Gray in dire poverty (7) - BEGGARY {BEG}{GARY*}
5   - Thanks to poets for peasant's overcoats (7) - TABARDS {TA}{BARDS}
10 - Ancient Arab gold coins of 65 grains weight (6) - DINARS [E]
11 - Platforms carrying cameras (8) - ROSTRUMS [CD]
12 - River likely to hinder mischievous child to somehow return (6) - IMPEDE {IMP}{DEE*}
13 - The parsimony of the average head! (8) - MEANNESS {MEAN}{NESS}
14 - Half the drink gone and a man's at his lowest (6) - BOTTOM {BOTtle}{TOM}
15 - Such clouds are not seen in submarine, manoeuvring (6) - NIMBUS SUBMarINe*           
18 - The French prepared to get near her (6) - ARLENE {LE+NEAR}*
20 - Diana's wayward nymphs (6) - NAIADS*
23 - They learn to take a short break in giving marks (8) - SCHOLARS {SC{HOLd}ARS}
25 - Where a thing began with a girl losing her head and taking drink (6) - ORIGIN {lORI}{GIN}
26 - Pure ales brewed for enjoyment (8) - PLEASURE*
27 - Theatrical entertainment possibly staged at Madras (6) - DRAMAS*
28 - Deletes error when so encouraged (7) - STEELED*
29 - Disasters in which little credit remains (7) - CRASHES {CR}{ASHES}
2   - Mystery in game was unravelled (6) - ENIGMA*
3   - Give a girl money for a musical extra (5,4) - GRACE NOTE {GRACE} {NOTE}
4   - Is it engendered by a sceptre? (7) - RESPECT*
6   - Vote not to (7) - ABSTAIN [CD]
7   - On reflection Dad suggests Ron for a formal dress (5) - APRON {AP<-}{RON}
8   - Curse a stop up, to mid-east capital (8) - DAMASCUS {DAM+A+CUSS}*
9   - Brief preacher recognised as a national leader (5,8) - PRIME MINISTER {PRIME} {MINISTER}
16 - Two graduates and I join American girls for unaccompanied songs (9) - MADRIGALS {MA}{DR}{I}{GALS}
17 - An arm-band or two permitted (8) - BRACELET {BRACE}{LET}
19 - Time certain for removal from the record (7) - ERASURE {ERA}{SURE}
21 - Appropriate suggestion of purpose (2,5) - IN ORDER [DD]
22 - Talk foolishly about one robber in the main (6) - PIRATE {P{I}RATE}
24 - Ask to rate a formal speech (5) - ORATE [T] 

Thursday, 17 November 2011

No 10311, Thursday 17 Nov 11, M Manna

1   - Member is tardy to make laws (9) - LEGISLATE {LEG}{IS}{LATE}
6   - Rascal removes the tail from large prawns (5) - SCAMP SCAMPi
9   - Mystic Sam possibly from West Indies (5) - SWAMI {SAM+WI}*
10 - Not at all well and feeling blue? (3,6) - OFF COLOUR [CD]
11 - Setting right on the matter of fertilizer (10) - REDRESSING {RE}{DRESSING}
12 - Piano melody for a duo (4) - PAIR {P}{AIR}
14 - Being at odds, Leo scribbles meaninglessly (7) - DOODLES*
15 - Conceivably the best and the highest (7) - IDEALLY [CD]
17 - Person employed to free area from dirt (7) - CLEANER [CD]
19 - Deed is used by Frenchman for transfer of property to successor (7) - DEMISED {DEED+IS+M}*
20 - I'm in a new car (4) - MINI*
22 - Many, not of nice disposition, can appear sweet (10) - CONFECTION {C}{ONFECTION*}
25 - The odd article is true-to-life (9) - REALISTIC*
26 - Cells for groups of recluses (5) - LAURA [CD]
27 - In no definable way (5) - NOHOW {NO}{HOW}
28 - Hand round parts of an antler of waxy appearance (9) - PASTINESS {PAS{TINES}S}
1   - Too many roles by a performer may bring him to ruin (5) - LOSER*
2   - Finding no digs are impressive (9) - GRANDIOSE*
3   - Turning round and becoming expansive about teatime (10) - SWIVELLING {SW{IV}ELLING}
4   - America in a sore upheaval causes excitement (7) - AROUSES {A}{RO{US}ES*}
5   - Turkish title of respect to high ranking people (7) - EFFENDI [E]
6   - Might he get off free? (4) - SCOT [DD]
7   - Gunner in Goa, ordered to go to the place of assembly (5) - AGORA {RA+GOA}*
8   - Gave a graphic description of the harbour light to Ted (9) - PORTRAYED {PORT}{RAY}{ED}
13 - Livelier master of ceremonies cooked the pasta (10) - VERMICELLI {LIVELIER+MC}*
14 - Edition turned up with new romance by Boccaccio (9) - DECAMERON {DE<-}{CAMERON*}
16 - A certain weakness make lads use it (9) - LASSITUDE*
18 - Foot entangled in endless line at the height of the build-up (7) - ROOFTOP {RO{OFTO*}Pe}
19 - On road, fed engineer with the faults (7) - DEFECTS {ST+FED+CE}*
21 - Henry finds a neat way to be under, poetically speaking (5) - NEATH {NEAT}{H}
23 - Listener, takes in couple of directions, so closes the distance (5) - NEARS {N{EAR}S}
24 - Possibility of looking at a picture of a scene (4) - VIEW [DD]

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

No 10310, Wednesday 16 Nov 11, Gridman

1   - Ali ended composition in due time (8) - DEADLINE*
5   - Dash with sign of stress that is digestion-related (6) - PEPTIC {PEP}{TIC}
10 - Who in France has oxen paraded about in a twice-yearly event? (7) - EQUINOX {E{QUI}NOX*}
11 - The one who got away (7) - ESCAPEE [E]
12 - Sully Railway official — dirty rich (6) - SMIRCH {SM}{IRCH*}
13 - One politician to almost beat it not expressly stated (8) - IMPLICIT {I}{MP}{LICk}{IT}
15 - In proximity of dear companion? (4) - NEAR [DD]
16 - At once roll off part of a school suit (4,6) - ETON COLLAR*
18 - Where a tie may be in place (5-5) - SHIRT-FRONT [CD]
20 - Bullets for a large number beginning military operations (4) - AMMO {A}{M}{M}{O}
23 - Thumbs up is a sign of this (8) - APPROVAL [CD]
24 - Back up hard administration of seclusion (6) - PURDAH {PU<-}{RDAH*}
26 - Hook up in kiosk (7) - INSTALL {IN}{STALL}
27 - I'm back in refurbished cabin for vehicle (7) - MINICAB {MI}{NICAB*}
28 - News Editor — journalist after journalist in demand (6) - NEEDED {NE}{ED}{ED}
29 - I get mali to beat restriction for buying cigarettes (3,5) - AGE LIMIT*
1   - First-aid post in war zone — not one for dandies (8,7) - DRESSING STATION [CD]
2   - Earthy substance in possession of a Satara luminary (7) - ALUMINA [T]
3   - Burmese leader up in networked absurdity (6) - LUNACY {L{UN<-}ACY}
4   - Thereafter, clear around ten (4) - NEXT {NE{X}T}
6   - Close pal cooked oyster dish (8) - ESCALLOP*
7   - Current headgear for college head and boy (7) - TOPICAL {TOPI}{C}{AL}
8   - Dressy person? Not exactly! (8,2,5) - CREATURE OF HABIT [CD]
9   - Established each fellow's net is cast off (9) - PERMANENT {PER}{MAN}{ENT*}
14 - Really, ten changed forever (9) - ETERNALLY*
17 - Alien girl behind time and pale (8) - ETIOLATE {ET}{IO}{LATE}
19 - I am out . (7) - IMPASSE [DD] (Note: I had mail from Gridman that there should be a 'period' after out, the same is not there in the print or online edition) (Addendum - {I'M}{PASSE} - See comments)
21 - A little quiet about one-day international getting cold (7) - MODICUM {M{ODI}{C}UM}
22 - Dig for a kind of vision (6) - TUNNEL [DD]
25 - Self-starter simpleton is complacent (4) - SMUG {S}{MUG}

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

No 10309, Tuesday 15 Nov 11, Gridman

1   - For a short time Vera confused a sage woman (7) - MINERVA {MIN}{ERVA*}
5   - Nielsen loses note — in a way declining? (6) - SENILE NIELSEn*

9   - I had one mantra, in a manner of speaking (5) - IDIOM {I'D}{I}{OM}
10 - A force in safe environment makes specification (9) - PARAMETER {P{A}{RAM}ETER} Didn't know this meaning of 'Peter'
11 - He uttered some famous opening words (3,4) - ALI BABA [GK]
12 - He obtains load of bricks (7) - WINSTON {WINS}{TON}
13 - Judge has a way at the meeting (5) - TRYST {TRY}{ST}
14 - Trucks are driven by this fuel (6,3) - DIESEL OIL [CD]
16 - A lac co-eds distributed wins praises (9) - ACCOLADES*
19 - Write: “It is different from cheese” (5) - CHALK [DD]
21 - Is this thick with all those things that vanished? (4,3) - THIN AIR [CD]
23 - Roam aimlessly on a Roman road in a central European region (7) - MORAVIA {MORA*}{VIA}
24 - Being in no way out-of-this-world, one might err (4,5) - ONLY HUMAN [CD]
25 - Little snapper, one to get hardy bulbs (5) - CROCI {CROC}{I}
26 - A disoriented star takes youth down the wrong path (6) - ASTRAY {A}{STRA*}{Y}
27 - Unrefined hobby is discarded (7) - YOBBISH*
1   - Big draw — not something to be seen on the side (4,10) - MAIN ATTRACTION [CD]
2   - Leader witless, having driven 50 out in a clamorous manner (7) - NOISILY {NO1}{SIlLY}
3   - Where a model may show up — a robust, emptied defensive structure (7) - RAMPART {RAMP}{A}{RobusT}
4   - Praised Dal, upped a combination (9) - APPLAUDED*
5   - Keep quiet on woman, notably Kate (5) - SHREW {SH}{RE}{W}
6   - One goes round carrying treasure of candidate (7) - NOMINEE {NO{MINE}E*}
7   - Title wrong on Government Order? Overlook the thing! (3,2,2) - LET IT GO {LET IT*} {GO}
8   - If you do, would you be imbibing up to the gills? (5,4,1,4) - DRINK LIKE A FISH [CD]

15 - Something none-too-hard to spend (4,5) - EASY MONEY [CD]
17 - Stylish with the French chewing gum substances (7) - CHICLES {CHIC}{LES}
18 - Alert he put out to hide (7) - LEATHER*
19 - Sailors in company after company getting barrels of pipe material (7) - CORNCOB {CO}{RN}{CO}{B} I smoked a pipe for many years and never knew that there were corncob pipes.
20 - A learner's primary book about oriental's top cells (7) - ALVEOLI {A}{L}{V{E}OL}{I}
22 - Odd game? (5) - RUMMY [DD]