Sunday, 20 November 2011

No 2661, Sunday 20 Nov 11

1   - Cigarette butt's gone out, pocketed by theologian (3-3) - DOG-END {D{OG-EN*}D}
4   - Caught out in rocky place in reconnaissance vehicle (5,3) - SCOUT CAR {S{C}{OUT} CAR}
9   - Small square sail shown in book (9) - MOONRAKER [DD]
11 - Found in Ephesus, historic dish (5) - SUSHI [T]
12 - Proceed cautiously with wife at church dance gatecrashed by son (5,4,4) - WATCH ONE'S STEP {W}{AT}{CH} {ONE{S} STEP}
14 - Inappropriate home, small apartment (5) - INAPT {IN}{APT}
16 - Anxiety caused by flying to it again (9) - AGITATION*
18 - Denied row involved a bedcover (9) - EIDERDOWN*
19 - Such as turns to and fro (5) - ROTOR {RO<-}{T}{->OR}
20 - Hateful thing I, A. Nobel developed (13) - OBJECTIONABLE {OBJECT}{IONABLE*}
24 - Foe some cavalrymen eventually repelled (5) - ENEMY [T<-]
25 - Irrelevant, a Parisian's told (9) - UNRELATED {UN}{RELATED}
26 - Irritable about most in party making a mockery (8) - TRAVESTY {T{RAVe}ESTY}
27 - Popular player's first was located not out of bounds (2,4) - IN PLAY {IN} {P}{LAY}
1   - Stupid chap from restaurant getting a lift (4,6) - DUMB WAITER {DUMB} {WAITER}
2   - Spirit from good landlord (5) - GHOST {G}{HOST}
3   - Former PM meeting celebrity, a guiding light (5,4) - NORTH STAR {NORTH} {STAR}
5   - Couturier isn't rich, radio broadcast (9,4) - CHRISTIAN DIOR*
6   - On horseback, group brings distress (5) - UPSET {UP}{SET}
7   - ATM ready on time (9) - CASHPOINT [CD]
8   - Runs over to help attack (4) - RAID {R}{AID}
10 - At which a bounder may be tried with unfair bias? (8,5) - KANGAROO COURT &lit
13 - Disagreeable Finn rudely treated (10) - UNFRIENDLY*
15 - Stars in Oman dread travelling (9) - ANDROMEDA*
17 - A secretion troubled lad in ear, to a point (9) - ADRENALIN {ADRENALI*}{N}
21 - Irish writer gets great pleasure attending church (5) - JOYCE {JOY}{CE}
22 - Stake the Spanish climbing plant (5) - BETEL {BET}{EL}
23 - Flog Ecstasy in club (4) - BEAT {B{E}AT}


  1. 7 - ATM ready on time (9) - CASHPOINT [CD]

    How about CASH{POINT}, where Ready= CASH, Time= POINT (as point in time)?

  2. 4A-
    scar for a rocky place was new to me. Had to confirm it.
    On the whole, a smooth easy one,as has been for the last couple of weeks.

  3. Nothing much of a crossword today, to kick up one's 17 down.Not one would deem as a Sunday Best. This is evident from the scanty comments. Or is it because every one was on their Sunday outings?
