Thursday, 24 November 2011

No 10317, Thursday 24 Nov 11, M Manna

1   - Trade vehicles (7) - TRAFFIC [DD]
5   - Individual charging a spender about two hundred (7) - ACCUSER {A}{CC}{USER}
9   - Some ask for alms to rise from rags to riches! (7) - BEGGARS {BEG}{GARS*}
10 - Use at road ways, sculptured human forms (7) - STATUES {USE+AT+ST}*
11 - Expel the six Englishmen caught (5) - EVICT {E}{VI}{CT}
12 - Adds comments on the year the state collapsed (9) - ANNOTATES {ANNO}{TATES*}
13 - She has a leading role in the cinema (9) - USHERETTE [CD]
15 - Cares to look after large areas (5) - ACRES*
16 - Bill got rid of person with sarcastic manner of speaking (5) - ACRID {AC}{RID}
18 - Liberals used it as a display of weakness (9) - LASSITUDE {L}{ASSITUDE*}
21 - Spiced wine the father of medicine made the most of (9) - HIPPOCRAS HIPPOCRAteS
24 - Never faced hostilities without cool courage (5) - NERVE*
25 - She with her New York son, went in search of gold to Los Angeles (7) - ROSALYN {NY+S+OR+LA}
26 - In Peru, find green ornamental centre piece for table (7) - EPERGNE {PE+GREEN}*
27 - Arlene and daughter turn to her (7) - DARLENE {D}{ARLENE}
28 - Make a claim on tent — then lie in it (7) - ENTITLE {TENT+LIE}*
1   - Board with gold picture was vivid (7) - TABLEAU {TABLE}{AU}
2   - It's agony not starting to lose one's strength! (7) - ANGUISH lANGUISH
3   - Man about to perform at the old place took a break (9) - FRACTURED {FR{ACT}{UR}ED}
4   - A Scot appears to have a rib like structure (5) - COSTA*
5   - Fool with records — they'll raise no objection (9) - ASSENTERS {ASS}{ENTERS}
6   - Shipping trade (5) - CRAFT [DD]
7   - Falter in way out-and-out (7) - STUTTER {ST}{UTTER}
8   - Sisters build up oppositions to him (7) - RESISTS*
14 - Alter once as the permissible range of variation (9) - TOLERANCE*
15 - Possibly lamenting getting into a row (9) - ALIGNMENT*
16 - Deer had become stuck (7) - ADHERED*
17 - One who is resting again has a difficult question (7) - REPOSER {RE}{POSER}
19 - Honest expression of support for justice (7) - UPRIGHT [DD]
20 - Get English across river, for a critical interpretation of the text (7) - EXEGETE {EXE}{GET}{E}
22 - Look, the priest is here for him (5) - OLLIE {LO+ELI}*
23 - A dramatic incident (5) - SCENE [CD]


  1. 16 - A certain weakness make lads use it (9) - LASSITUDE

    Came in this run of MM.

    3 proper names today in the SW quarter enmeshing with each other.

  2. Paddy, every E contains an F. ;-)

  3. Last puzzle for this run. Can't say I'm unhappy.

  4. If anyone not being able to access the blog and the post therein but still interested in looking at the vintage THC may send a request to chaturvasi AT yahoo DOT com
    I will then send a jpg image file of the grid and the clues in .doc file.

  5. Kishore@08.41,
    You should be sent to the cricket pitch to bowl your googlies. Wickets are badly needed!!

  6. Paddy, this was post facto justification. I had genuinely missed out the F. I did not mean to cry WOLE.

  7. Another old conker:

    Hi friends,

    I have been busy with my PROfessional duties and have PROcrastinated for long. Now finally I PROpose to PROceed with PROgression of my PROject. Looking at all these words, you will notice that if PRO is removed from them, most will leave a meaningless word. But not always, sometimes, the leftover has a meaning of its own and that too a bit removed from the meaning of the whole word.

    The words defined below are of the last category mentioned above and definitions of the word before and after PROectomy are given though not necessarily in the same order:
    For eg: ‘Make a Benito’ could become PRO-DUCE with ‘Produce’ referred by ‘Make’ and ‘Duce’ referred by ‘Benito (Mussolini-> Duce)’

    1. Method of taxation
    2. Located deeply
    3. Mapping a small tool
    4. A vehicle for all angles
    5. A glassy gas
    6. Falling back into mistake
    7. Gain and match
    8. Oppose a check
    9. A heavy part of an atom
    10. Announce one’s right
    11. Get a medicine
    12. Air tube goods

    Please mail to

    Have fun.


  8. OO-La La !! OLLIE. ROSALYN? I thought it was always spelt as ROSSLYN? Took us from LA to NY.! DARLENE? That was a darling of a clue. Not 19 down at all!! Some 3 down cluing.

    Crass cluing for that HIPPO.
    Any way, 9 Across cannot be choosers. Proof of our limit to 14 down

    How many more days, MAN? NA baba Na.
