Wednesday 7 February 2018

No 12234, Wednesday 07 Feb 2018, Spinner

Answer and anno for 14D left for a first time commenter till 10 AM

1   Alternating current signal interrupted by small charge (6) ACCUSE {AC}{CU{S}E}
4   Russian cavalrymen trading ring for a priest’s robes (8) CASSOCKS C(-o+a)ASSOCKS
10 Storm destroyed excitement (7) TORNADO {TORN}{ADO}
11 Support tip with gold bearing (7) ENDORSE {END}{OR}{SE}
12 Slot is arranged after six for instrumentalists (8) VIOLISTS {VI}{SLOT+IS}*
13 Good man is on favourable streak (6) STRIPE {ST}{RIPE}
15 No expert involved in demonstration of experiment (4) TEST proTEST
17 Struggle with an overdue cryptic (9) ENDEAVOUR*
20 Troops surrounded, hence crushed by main adversary (4-5) ARCH-ENEMY {AR{HENCE*}MY}
21 Admire informer’s courage, at the end (4) RATE {RAT}{c...gE}
24 Surprisingly lovely to contact before pitch (6) VOLLEY*
25 Tree-living wild boar’s authentic (8) ARBOREAL {BOAR}*{REAL}
28 Crib about length of life — It keeps the heart safe! (3,4) RIB CAGE {CRIB*}{AGE}
29 Busts government hiding upper-class capital secrets (7) STATUES {STAT{U}ES}
30 Trolls take publicity away from moves (8) OGRESSES prOGRESSES
31 Shouted Yes!’ before the Spanish went ahead (6) YELLED {Y}{EL}{LED}

1   Pose with vine wrapped around ‘it’ leads to diversion (8) ACTIVITY {ACT}{IV{IT}Y}
2   Try to follow vehicle with load (5) CARGO {CAR}{GO}
3   Time is removed from data to make it unvarying (6) STATIC STAtisTIC
5   Declare as ‘Mediocre, lacking maturity!’ (4) AVER AVERage
6   Doctor evades it by relaxing (8) SEDATIVE*
7   Subject schedules circular distributed around University (9) CURRICULA {CIRCULAR}* around{U}
8   European country with extraordinary weed retained by Poles (6) SWEDEN {S}{WEED}*{N}
9   Unusually ‘innocent’ model is able to control sexual urge (9) CONTINENT {INNOCENT+T}* (Correction - {INNOCENT}*{T} - See comments)
14 Spinner’s quality captivates solvers — Primarily, he’s one who enthralls! (9) ?E?M?R?S? (Addendum - MESMERIST {MES}{MERI{So...s}T} - See comments))
16 Where historians looking for manuscripts may hang out? (6,3) SCROLL BAR Semi&lit [CD] See comments
18 Animals they chase furiously, wiping out prey finally! (8) CHEETAHS {THEy+CHASE}*
19 Came to know dealer is bogus (8) REALISED*
22 Exaggerate excerpt from takeover document (6) OVERDO [T]
23 Find group having accountant, engineer (6) LOCATE {LO{CA}T}{E}
26 State’s last worry — Removing favouritism, ultimately making it unbiased! (5) EQUAL {s..tE}{QUALm}
27 Spinner’s about being minimal (4) MERE {ME}{RE}



  1. Rel easy one. 9d (innocent*)(t)

  2. 14D) Spinner's = Mes; quality = merit; solvers - Primarily = s
    MESMERIST is the answer {(MES){MERI(S)T}

  3. 14D MESMERIST : Spinners = MES , quality = MERIT, S from Solvers, captivates is S inside MERIST

  4. I am just wondering if we can derive MES from Spinner's.
    Can one be excused if one toys with 'mine' for Spinner's?
    One might argue that Spinner gives me and ignoring the apo s gives s.
    If so, is it acceptable?

    1. S with and without apo has been used in this blog earlier

    2. 'Mine' yes, 'Mes' I reckon is iffy

    3. I read it as spinner has merit with solvers primarily providing the SS.

    4. Not an easy question to answer. I would say no after a lot of pondering. Spinner=Me; Spinner's=Mine as you have said. Me's would be grammatically unsound(?) & cryptically too would be indirect(?)

    5. Since we have always interchangeably used an 's to mean 'is' in in the surface and 'has' in the cryptic reading and vice versa, it doesn't have to translate to 'mine' to be grammatically correct in this context.

      I would also be completely okay if a clue had 'setter's' to indicate mine.

    6. It is like using HIM and SHE in crosswords for different purposes. yet, I tend to agree with CV - Mine cannot be MEs

  5. Smooth one from Spinner today.
    Is 16D a semi &lit? I thought it was more of a punny CD.

    1. Agree. Reminded me of the clue about Space Bar that appeared in one of the Sunday Specials.

  6. Rib cage 28A was a rib-tickling clue. And 2D (cargo), 3D (satic) and 6d(Sedative were neat clues. In 8D the connection between two european countries was a nice touch. Enjoyable puzzle.

    In 26 D (Equal) worry removing favoritism ultimately I understand is to be interpreted as QUALM minus M. These type of clues are the ones I have difficultties solving and get stuck.
    In 21A Rate is the meaning "Admire" (Rating high means admire.) Is this ok?

    1. Informally, 'rate' is to have a high opinion of/ admire. For ref, can check OED.

  7. Superb surfaces. Most enjoyable.Rib cage,volley,tornado to quote a few.

  8. 16D Does not manuscripts lead to SCROLLS?

    1. You can get more than one manuscript in a Scroll Bar

  9. Col.
    Background colour changed? Nice and pleasant.

  10. I liked the elusive trick used in CONTINENT & ACTIVITY. Continent as in abstinence and activity as a diversion. Using Vine for IVY is neat decoy ! Well spun, Spinner.

  11. Of late lot of comments from regular commenters are going into the spam folder, sorry about that. Will have to check the spam folder regularly

  12. I had posed a question: What's the role of Historians in the SCROLL BAR clue. It has disappeared ? Into the scam folder ?
