Tuesday 20 February 2018

No 12245, Tuesday 20 Feb 2018, Gridman

1   Sword wound across one hand (8) SCIMITAR {SC{1}{MIT}AR} Anno pending for MIT See comments
6   Surrounded by some pyramids (4) AMID [T]
9   Nervous like the head of municipality in Salem (2,4) ON EDGE Anno pending Definition by example - See comments
10 Loosen tie with nun having no initial sections from the East (7)  UNSTRAP {nUN}{PARTS<=}
13 Get rid of the bird among the very select (9) ELIMINATE {ELI{MINA}TE}
14 Maudlin publicist? (5) CRIER [DD]
15 Extraordinary dues brought into play (4) USED*
16 Once purism swayed the stage (10) PROSCENIUM*

Chicago Auditorium Building, interior from balcony.jpg
By JW Taylor,, photographer.

19 X or Y? Doctor quite lost in web browser (10) CHROMOSOME {CHRO{MO}{SO}ME}
21 Bearing one among fellows (4) MIEN {M{1}EN}
24 Taking after repartee Jack put out (5) APING jAPING
25 Scan till I get to see a spark (9) SCINTILLA*
26 Cold and unemotional person? Beg Eric to change! (7) ICEBERG*
27 Ambitious student emerges as smuggler runs away for good (6) GUNNER GUNrunNER (Addendum - (-r+g)GUNNER - See comments)
28 Brazil etc. back to dazzle (4) NUTS <=
29 Mobile phone feature put up by judge (8) APPRAISE {APP}{RAISE}

2   Pen dupe's punishment (7) CONFINE {CON}{FINE}
3   What a kid may have mixed up — what may be available in a bakery (3,3) MUD PIE [DD]
4   Where you may find 'storehouse of words’, 'reference work,' etc (9) THESAURUS [E]
5   Complaint no good — wake up (5) ROUSE gROUSE
7   Shop for one new Indian cocktail (7) MARTINI {MART}{1}{N}{I}
8   Go mad in a sort of store (12) DEPARTMENTAL {DEPART}{MENTAL}
11 Thus king's opponents become unwell (6) SICKEN {SIC}{K}{E}{N}
12 'Surrender' — Raja's initial and clear delivery (12) RENUNCIATION {Raja}{ENUNCIATION}
17 Recapitulation of activity when additions take place (7,2) SUMMING UP [DD]
18 Arab ruler admitted extremely gustier asylum seeker (6) EMIGRE {EMI{Gu...eR}E} (Correction - {EMI{Gu...r}RE} - See comments)
20 Rani romps around me with primarily thin clothing (7) RAIMENT {RAI{ME}N}{Thin}
22 Complaint of immobility on way out (7) ILLNESS stILLNESS
23 Verse of a Hindustan zamindar extracted (6) STANZA [T]
25 Saint and magi together deciphered Greek letter (5) SIGMA {S}{MAGI*}


As the businessman left the DEPARTMENTAL store with his MARTINI he had a SCINTILLA of doubt. Was a GUNNER following him?
He had a SICKENing feeling and soon let his lawyer APPRAISE the situation.
Then he had to CONFINE himself within the four walls of his villa. He was ON EDGE and going NUTS as he watched the TV.
Finally he USED the time tested escape route.
Like an EMIGRE he quietly slipped out of the country!!


  1. Replies
    1. There is only one T in Scimitar

    2. yes col. i think the limiting cut must have gone unnoticed

  2. 9 Nervous like the head of municipality in Salem (2,4) ON EDGE Anno pending

    Head of municipality is M which is on edge of Salem

  3. 9 across Not sure. Maybe meant to be &lit.

  4. Happy Birthday Aakash Sridhar (Exa)

  5. My apologies for component error in the first ac clue. Indeed I had marked it on my clue sheet while re-re-checking but failed to make amends.

  6. 1A- Mitten is gloves, which is the closest I could get to a hand.

  7. Another staraight one from Gridman, but for Proscenium. Since that was an anagram, no problems.

  8. 27d Runner with G(ood)for r(un). my understanding

    1. That's right. The intention is R(runs, as in cricket score card) in RUNNER (smuggler) is substituted by G (good) to get GUNNER (actively enthu person)

  9. Many Happy Returns Of The Day, Aakash

  10. 18d emi(g)re. my understanding

  11. But 'emir'(Arab ruler) with GR, does not account for the 2nd E and an R extra?

  12. 11a: sicken - (since(thus)+k)* ?

    1a: scimitar - (i)(mit) in scar(wound), mit-hand
    13a: eliminate - mina(bird) in elite(very select)
    19a: chromosome - mo(doctor)+so(quite) in chrome(web browser)

  13. thesaurus reminded tharoorosaurus by Amul and the reply:"butterly honoured. but i feel like a T(haroorosaurus).Rex, an ancient creature soon ti be extinct, snuffed out in a cloud of incomprehension.

  14. I liked CHROMosomE & AppRAISE as well as CRIER. The former two for using compuknowledge. It high time that composers use the New Age Lingo in cryptic crosswords. There was a reference to this subject yesterday in the Edex Mag section of the NIE

  15. As for Tharoorism, isn't it time that he wrote a mystery whodunnit based on the death of his wife using cryptic language ? Cheek in tongue, eh ? Col ?

    1. "Cheek in tongue!"...Nice sequel to yesterday's..."Butter through a knife!"

      Keep the show going, Raju!

    2. I had said yesterday that Raju is a spl. kind of Malaprop. and he has proved me right!

  16. Great going,CGB. An excellent story and a matching cartoon.

