Tuesday 27 February 2018

No 12251, Tuesday 27 Feb 2018, Arden

Answer and anno for 20A left for a first time commenter till 10 AM.

1   Either of the Chappel brothers can have hard time — prayer's the answer (9,5) GREGORIAN CHANT {GREG}{OR}{IAN} {C{H}AN}{T}
10 Heedless, drinks cold coffee (5) DECAF {DE{C}AF}
11 Reformation canonises a holy event (9) ASCENSION*
12 Sharp wit of man (7) PUNGENT {PUN}{GENT}
13 They are on hand during travels — take care after vacation (7) TRICEPS {TRI{CarE}PS}
14 Fish had bad odour (5) SMELT [DD]
16 Lost again, recollecting and longing for the past (9) NOSTALGIA*
19 Most of the money is advanced, it's quite huge (9) CORPULENT {CORPUs}{LENT}
20 Correct and open text, do it later (5) E?A?T (Addendum - EXACT {tEXt}{ACT} - See comments)
22 All cry out when I enter, it's emotional (7) LYRICAL {I} in {ALL+CRY}*
25 Caught her taking supplement over cheese (7) CHEDDAR {C}{HE{ADD<=}R}
27 Curse the devil, create mayhem (9) IMPRECATE {IMP}{CREATE}*
28 It sticks to outer surface, stupid! (5) GOOSE {GOO}{Su...cE}
29 The average Joe freely entertains them (3,2,3,6) MAN IN THE STREET*

2   Set up nuclear reactor — not clear about his side of the story (9) RACONTEUR {NUclear+REACTOR}*
3   Slip is showing, affecting some entries (5) GAFFE [T]
4   Can create oscillating electrical phenomenon (9) REACTANCE*
5   Like the material, half of it goes for the tie (5) ASCOT {AS}{COTton}
6   Open supply — open for one in the race (9) CANDIDATE {CANDID}{sATE} (Correction - {CANDID}{cATEr} - See comments)
7   A bloodsucker in a fairy tale (5) ALICE {A}{LICE}
8   Country represented by Usain Bolt finally secured independence (7) TUNISIA {I} in {USAIN+bolT}*
9   Conforms as a day goes past (6) ADAPTS {A}{D}{PAST*}
15 Billy's meal, it's time right made way for left (9) TRUNCHEON {T}{(-l+r)RUNCHEON}

BLW Coshes and bludgeon.jpg
By Simon Speed - Originally uploaded through the Britain Loves Wikipedia website., Public Domain, Link

17 Place men on board, they fix things (9) SETSCREWS {SET}{S{CREW}S}
18 Organised — organised something extravagant (9) GRANDIOSE*
19 Devotion to a form of light music (7) CULTISM {LT+MUSIC}*
21 Object to keeping salt on bag (6) TARGET {TAR}{GET}
23 Mature state of writer (5) RIPEN {RI}{PEN}
24 Change hands, come up to filter (5) LEACH (-r+l)LEACH
26 The Queen over time has been enthusiastic (5) EAGER {E{AGE}R}



  1. 20A = EXACT = Correct and open t{ex}t, (do it = Act) later

  2. Nice puzzle!Far easier with some cracking wp. Many went in at the first pass including the old chestnut at 1A(Greg or Ian-either of the Chappel brothers-poor Trevor cant find a place in the crossies!)

  3. 6d supply=cater my understanding

  4. 4d will "oscillating can create".....

    1. Then it should be 'Oscillation' and not 'Oscillating'

    2. Oscillation can create electrical phenemenon...sounds better?

    3. I don't see any problem with the clue as it is.
      In the surface reading- 'Reactance can create oscillating phenomenon.
      In cryptic 'oscilating' is anind.

    4. There is absolutely nothing wrong in the clue given. I am just trying to learn clueing. Hence wanted opinion on if my way is ok.

    5. Referring to what Bhavan had specified about Nounal anagrinds earlier on this blog. If the Nounal anagrind 'Oscillation' is to be used, it would be more appropriate to use it as 'Oscillation of/in..'

  5. Right made way for left...is it ok?

    1. i read it as "billy is meal if tr made for l"

    2. But it is 'made way'. So, it reads as if 'tr' made way for L & not the other way round.

    3. Yes sir. Truncheon (billy) becomes (is) Luncheon(meal) if (,) tr made way for L.

    4. Read Thank. Auto fill played.

  6. Bhargav's bargain basement is empty? RACONTEUR running short of creative juices ? or still stirring up ?

    1. Give him an hour and he will spin a story.

    2. So, it's reverse- meal becomes Truncheon.
      Thank you Prasad.

  7. The MAN IN THE STREET is EAGER to know the EXACT reason...
    And so does the CORPULENT policeman. Maybe he SMELT something PUNGENT.
    Some people are found murmuring a GREGORIAM CHANT. Some are viewing the LYRICAL songs repeatedly. All are in NOSTALGIA.
    If something fishy how will it be found?
    Nothing GRANDIOSE.

    Just a GAFFE.

