Wednesday 5 September 2018

No 12414, Wednesday 05 Sep 2018, Scintillator

1   Honey being told to kiss Jack (6) NECTAR (~neck){NEC}{TAR}
4   Northern state worth good change and development (8) UPGROWTH {UP}{WORTH+G}*
9   Union leader's tip: "India — extremely perfect state" (6) UTOPIA {Un..n}{TOP}{IndiA}
10 Question stated without essence, was on shaky grounds (8) QUAVERED {QU}{AVErRED}
12 Look like engineer put together without a son (8) RESEMBLE {RE}{asSEMBLE}
13 Small apartment where artists work (6) STUDIO [DD]
15 Some programmes on TV are so vivid (4) LIVE [DD]
16 Government blocks wife meeting chief in a defence post (10) BRIDGEHEAD {BRID{G}E}{HEAD}
19 Devious show of acrobats entertains one out to have a riot (10) CIRCUITOUS {CIRCU{1}{OUT}*S}
20 Counterfoil carries overruled exceptions (4) STUB<=
23 Opponents long for control button (6) SWITCH {S-W}{ITCH}
25 Target bang for buck in developing North Zone (4,2,2) ZERO IN ON {ROI} in {N+ZONE}*
27 Buildings of education and of abandoned businesses (8) EDIFICES {ED}I{ofFICES} I from?
28 Eg, Sikh touring in Scotland, unsociable (6) SKEIGH*
29 One name for article — only women had to propose? (8) NOMINATE {NO M(1+n-an)AIN}{ATE} Only women should be 'no men' and not 'no man' if my anno is correct
30 A century, and another (century no. 2), right away (2,4) AT ONCE {A}{TON}{C}{cEn...y}

1   Court adjourned, somewhat reluctant to be impartial (7) NEUTRAL RELUctANT*
2   Angry about voter being a turncoat (9) CROSSOVER {CROSS}{OVER}
3   A team, over little time, draws nil — they are taken at face value (6) AXIOMS {A}{XI}{O}{MS}
5   Put a stop to publicity (4) PLUG [DD]
6   Engineers examined carefully and faced with masonry (8) REVETTED {RE}{VETTED}
7   Tapped by the police, taking drugs (5) WIRED WIR{E}D Anno pending (Addendum - [DD] - See comments)
8   Remarkably odd, not a hairy animal (7) HYDROID {ODD+HaIRY}*
11 Good understanding of erroneous literacy rate at last dropping (7) CLARITY* LITeRACY
14 Post-promotion, one quits panels delivering justice for charges (7) ADJURES {AD}{JURiES}
17 Old bird stretching wing (9) EXTENSION {EX}{TENSION}
18 Japanese ointment for joint (8) JUNCTION {J}{UNCTION}
19 Tank letting go of a faulty canister (7) CISTERN CaNISTER*
21 Wailing woman to prohibit mostly gullible people (7) BANSHEE {BAN}{SHEEp}
22 Where seer could be lodged? (6) SOCKET [CD]
24 Largely innocent man can be a bull in a china shop? (5) IDIOM {IDIOt}{M}
26 Ran hands over a soft fabric (4) FELT [DD]



  1. 7 Dn) DD; tapped by the police / taking drugs

  2. wired adjective

    Supplied or secured with wire
    (also wired up) taking drugs (slang)
    In a tense, nervous state (slang)
    Connected to the Internet (informal)

  3. 9A) should the anno be {U+TOPI+A}; leader's tip = TOPI; India extremely = A

  4. 29AC It does not fit in any combination, I felt

    1. Logically even a single man rules out only women. Grammatically its said no men.

    2. But I took "name for" as I being named for a.

  5. 10A) A doubt; Question=Q; how are we getting "U"

    1. Is it in usage; Question = QU; I have experienced so far Q for Question

    2. If you refer to Chambers, you will find QU for queen and question

  6. Replies
    1. Tongue in cheek, Prasad. You can hazard a guess e.g. Building on double duty & EDI=Education Department of India:-)

    2. no need for double duty, buildings+building will still be buildings. but is building of education lead to EDI.

  7. 29A:thought it was ok
    Only women=No man
    Only women are allowed; No man is allowed.

    1. I took the anno as
      only women as "NOMEN"
      one for "A"
      name for article as "IT"

    2. That would be indirect anagram. And Scontillator would never attempt that.

    3. I missed it. Thanks Vasant

  8. Theme:Words related to Electrical connections.
    Live, CIRCUITous,Switch, Neutral, Crossover,Plug, Wired,Extension, Junction, Socket.

  9. Apologies for being selfless @27A - too late to rectify before I found out.

    I thought about 29A and I think "No man" is grammatical: No man has managed to achieve this = Only women have managed to achieved this.

  10. +1- nice way of putting it.
    Electric CW!

  11. Plug and play.

    Most of the equipment we buy these days are of the plug and play type.

    All you need is to insert the plug in the socket and switch on the equipment.

    The socket will be wired inside with a neutral and the live wires will be taken inside PVC tubes maybe with some crossovers and in a circuitous route to the main junction.

    One should be cautious while using extension cords.

  12. More so in India where the voltage is 220 V. People tend to take it easy here with plug in points all over the place underneath tables, dining tables and close to the floor.

    1. Even in US, where single phase voltage is 110V. Voltages above 50V are dangerous.
