Monday 17 September 2018

No 12423, Monday 17 Sep 2018, Arden

1   Endangered? Holler and head off to save your skin (9,5) VANISHING CREAM {VANISHING} {sCREAM}
10 Left with a river bird (5) OUSEL {OUSE}{L}
11 Put in menu, placed it on table periodically (9) NEPTUNIUM*
12 Man in America protects only criminal (7) HEINOUS {HE}{IN}{US} over {O}
13 Block blocks to block bird? On the contrary (3,2,2) LET IT GO {LE{TIT}GO}
14 Man's drowning in booze, discharge (5) RHEUM {R{HE}UM}
16 Nursemaid gets a fee, one is deeply religious (9) AYATOLLAH {AY{A}{TOLL}AH}
19 Cocoon them endlessly, keep recovering (2,3,4) ON THE MEND [T]
20 Refuse ballet, evenly missing the count perhaps (5) NOBLE {NO}{BaLlEt}
22 They are sung by sycophants (7) PRAISES [CD]
25 Herb loves to bottle anger, somehow (7) OREGANO {O}ANGER*}{O}
27 Gets around in a small function, feeling gloomy (9) SATURNINE {TURN} in {A}{SINE}
28 Bloodsucker stalks a girl (5) ALICE {A}{LICE}
29 In tandem Carbon becomes genetically engineered (11,1,1,1) RECOMBINANT DNA*

2   Wanting to save money, is off booze (9) ABSTINENT {ABS{TIN}ENT}
3   One left covered in sticky stuff, it's freezing in here! (5) IGLOO {1}{G{L}OO}
4   Greeting as men fish (9) HANDSHAKE {HANDS}{HAKE}
5   Friend trailing by two points on land... (5) NEPAL {N}{E}{PAL}
6   ...nobility's pensive, it's before the race (9) COUNTDOWN {COUNT}{DOWN}
7   Fatwa — finally the grand mufti appeared before court (5) EDICT {thE}{g..nD}{m..tI}{CT}
8   Big man faces bullets — starts the hunt (7) MAMMOTH {M}{AMMO}{The}{Hunt}
9   Harry's book choice (6) BOTHER {B}{OTHER}
15 Eddy recreated Moslem art (9) MAELSTROM*
17 Stars found in Paris and Rome daily (9) ANDROMEDA [T]
18 House republican in a fix, he has to handle huge volumes (9) LIBRARIAN {LIBRA}{R}{IN+A}*
19 Is he against work? That's the question (7) OPPOSER {OP}{POSER}
21 Short boy had to run, ran away (6) ELOPED {E{LOPE}D}
23 Heard old joke (5) ANTIC (~antique)
24 "Bizarre Sacrifice" — don't care for such movies (3-2) SCI-FI SaCrIFIce*
26 Beat up? Time to make a law (5) ENACT {CANE<=}{T}



  1. sree_sree
    Get around IN a small function
    Do you want to see it as
    A TURN (from a round) in SINE (a small function)

    1. That's how I read it. A round.

    2. +2
      However, doubt remains whether SINE is a small function!

    3. the function is actually sinusoidal function.

    4. Let me elaborate my doubt:
      I remembered my school days now. We use SIN, COS,TAN,COSEC in our mathematics, right? So, small function should be SIN.

    5. Sine, Cosine are full forms for Sin, Cos.
      The reference to small IMU is that sinusoidal function (also Cos) values range from -1 to +1, whereas other trigonometric functions such as tan, cot, cosec, sec value ranges from -infinity to +infinity.

  2. Fairly straight forward except that I was not able to parse a few and as usual blog to the rescue.

  3. IXL18 - Registration starts on 22.09.18. First round on 30th September 18

  4. Early morning solve for me(late night yesterday). But was away from internet. Nice puzzle as usual from Arden.

  5. I'd like to shake hands with him for HANDSHAKE ! I mean, look at the simplicity of the clue !

    Sinister and SATURNINE , HEINOUS AYATOLLAH has been resurrected .

  6. Although I got all the answers I couldn't anno 2d,3d,& 21d. & then it was actually so simple.:). Thx.

  7. can someone please explain how we got 'o' from only in 12A
