Saturday 15 September 2018

No 12422, Saturday 15 Sep 2018, Arden


1. Back end remains over the edge here in India (7) KASHMIR {bacK}{ASH}{RIM<=}
5. Fighting men also involved in the scheme (7) PLATOON {PLA{TOO}N}
9. Send man into back row (5) REMIT {TIER<=} around {M}
10. Watching over work, making excuses (9) CONDONING {CON{DO}NING}
11. Impractical to apply force when it's windy all around (4-5) AIRY-FAIRY {AIRY-}{F}{AIRY}
12. Set inelegantly, not gentle art work (5) INLAY {{INELEGANTLY}-{GENTLE}*}
13. It’s too small to carry from Agra to Mathura (4) ATOM (T)
15. A gun goes off in line with fourth of July, it's unwieldy (8) UNGAINLY {A+GUN*}{L}{IN}{julY} See comments
18. Abstainers drink them following one's bete noire (8) ANATHEMA {AN}{A{THEM}A}
19. Novel set in Bethlehem, may be (4) EMMA (T)
22. Animal husbandry is poor, people oppose on all fronts (5) HIPPO (Acrostic)
24. Opposing voices raised, bit difficult (9) DIATRIBES {RAISED+BIT*}
26. Rain on grass, rain not even a hotchpotch (9) POTPOURRI {POT}{POUR}{RaIn}
27. One against one with one left to use (5) AVAIL {A}{V}{I}{A}{L}
28. Addict has the right to check into city day care centre (7) NURSERY {N{U{R}SER}Y}
29. Conference 50 % restricted, that's half (7) SEMINAR {SEMI}{NARrow}


1. Agree to pick up on an Asian (6) KOREAN {OK<=}{RE}{AN}
2. He helps uncle, perhaps to change a train (9) SAMARITAN {SAM}{A+TRAIN*}
3. Under a second, apt to come up with a design (5) MOTIF {MO}{FIT<=}
4. Integrity time to check, reduce it going all round (9) RECTITUDE {REDUCE+IT*} around {T}
5. Flower on ponytail after break up (5) PANSY {SNAP<=}{ponY}
6. Native is a//live, taking root (9) ABORIGINE {A}{B{ORIGIN}E}
7. Hotelier broke the window (5) ORIEL {THE+ORIEL*}={HOTELIER}
8. City goes one up on painter (6) NAGOYA {AN<=}{GOYA}
14. City — city in Alaska keeps time (9) METRONOME {METRO}{NOME}
16. Perhaps grains are stored in such places (9) GRANARIES {GRAINS+ARE*} &lit
17. One is stupid to seek support in menial work (9) LAMEBRAIN {MENIAL*} around {BRA}
20. A feature about work of a composer (6) CHOPIN {CH{OP}IN}
21. Stone remains 50% bigger (6) ASHLAR {ASH}{LARger}
23. Sellers perhaps will dwindle (5) PETER (DD)
24. Communist uprising followed by a meet (5) DERBY {RED<=}{BY}
25. Rule to banish half the championship side (5) REALM {REAL Madrid}

Reference List

Man=M, Work=Do, Force=F, Abstainers=AA, One=A, Against=V, One=I, Left=L, Addict=User, Right=R, City=NY (New York)
On=Re, Second=Mo, Time=T, One=An, Support=Bra, Work=Op, Communist=Red

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. 12A) anno is {IN(-e)L(-e)(-g)A(-n)(-t)(-l)Y}; no anagram is involved

    1. I think the Anno showed anagram of gentle and not all.

    2. i.e. anagram of gentle to be removed from from the fodder

    3. IMU, set inelegantly (first) such a way that when gentle is removed , inlay is left. Inelegantly-gentle=inlay is very inelegant.

    4. Initially I thought so. But the notation followed in 15, 24 Across and 2,4,7,16 Down indicated otherwise.

    5. Agree completely to Sree @ 09:14

    6. Set as an anagram indicator is too far away from gentle to apply only for gentle. Hence I have taken it as shown.

    7. If the asterisks are shifted outside the outermost "}", confusion will be cleared.
      For e.g in 15A) {A+GUN*} is likely to be interpreted as A+ anagram of GUN, whereas {A+GUN}* will mean UNGA.

    8. As Ramesh said, SET is anind and there is clear indication for removal of gentle [NOT].
      INLAY means handicraft [which is art]work.

  2. ASH=remains, used twice
    Remains to be seen how many times Arden will use it in this quota!

    1. May be remains and ash have a totally different connotation for arden(t) fan of.......

    2. It remains to be seen whether Arden will agree!

  3. 10A- Can ‘condoning’ mean making excuses?

    1. I have the same doubt too.
      Will "making excuses" and "excusing" be the same.

    2. Condone is to make excuse(n). So condoning is making excuse(s). Making excuses is not as excusing (except in odd circumstance of you making excuses to excuse yourself)

  4. Found the "followed" in 24D a bit odd.
    A followed B indicates B-A For A-B it should be A followed by B, so I was reading the clue as RED<< followed by <some synonym for "a").
    Of course answer was evident from crossing letters.

    1. Agree Ramki. Guess a typo. "is" is missing.
      "Communist uprising is followed by a meet"

    2. Even adding "is" won't change the cryptic reading - "followed by" and "is followed by" mean the same right?
      Communist uprising near a meet(5) would work IMHO.

    3. Follow in the sense of "get it", understand leads to " got". A got B.

    4. I am with you Ramki, the situation is no different in 26AC, I think.

    5. There is absolutely no problem with 26A. A on B in Across clue can be B+A.

  5. Sellers perhaps will dwindle (5) PETER (DD) - dwindle is peter out and not just peter. 'will' should be marked extraneous still.

    'The' in 1 and 5 across is also extraneous.

  6. City goes one up on painter (6)

    wonder hw many thought of nagoya for city and goya for artist on reading this clue!!!!

  7. 25D. Rule is not a synonym of realm. Realm is an area or a geographical division.

    1. Rule is also a synonym of realm;
      Look at dominion section in this link

  8. I don't find any issue in UNGAINLY reading it as _UGN+ anagram of ainly which gives INLAY- an art-related term . In fact, this was the first clue I solved. I also liked POT-POURRI and AIRy-FAIRY.

    PETER SELLERS being quite famous, It was easy to discern the intent of the compiler. Peter off, peter out is an easy inference for dwindling.

    1. Confusing 12 and 15? Ungainly and inlay separate clues. Peter is the word, peter off or out is the usage.

  9. RULE and REGIME are synonymous. REALM + DOMINION= REGIME is a bit iffy-iffy, though the allusion

    is there.

  10. I got NAGOYA easily as I have gone there when my son was there. In my leisure time I always mentally do anagrams of various places .

    1. Nuances of knowing the setter. I got nagoya once I got an<-. Arden used it before.
