Wednesday 26 September 2018

No 12431, Wednesday 26 Sep 2018, Anon

1   Fish for Malta leader in shop (6) SALMON {SAL{Ma..a}ON}
4   Ghost, one in anger (6) WRAITH {WRA{1}TH}
9   Immediately begin, leaving out Republican (4) STAT STArT
10 Put out record, start off gig (10) DISCONCERT {DISC}{cONCERT}
11 He returns in torn Nike stocking (4-2) KNEE-HI {KNE{HE<=}I*}
12 Guardian of Asgard confused maid in inferno (8) HEIMDALL {HE{MAID*}LL}
13 Leader proclaims valet (9) STATESMAN {STATES}{MAN}
15 Enids doctor is cynical (5) SNIDE*
16 Zambia leader escapes from South American country with net (5) BRAIL BRAzIL
18 Groom is reliable lad (9) STABLEBOY {STABLE}{BOY}
22 Around palace, a lad starts music without accompaniment (1,7) A CAPELLA {PALACE+A+Lad}*
23 Characterises the Spanish in places of research (6) LABELS {LAB{EL}S}
25 Withdrawal from Thanksgiving dinner leftovers? (4,6) COLD TURKEY [DD]
26 Endlessly tense doctor at hideout (4) NEST TENSe*
27 Meal for soldier with unlimited starters in place of raita finally (6) SUPPER S(-a+u)UPPER
28 Love for fiend, heartless, at South theatres (6) ODEONS {O}{DEmON}{S}

1   Fabric from South Africa, for Indian leader in collapsed tent (8) SATINET {SA}{T{In...n}NET*}
2   Start off being carefree, supple (5) LITHE bLITHE
3   Appoints Democrat escaping from androids in a frenzy (7) ORDAINS ANdROIDS*
5   Amateur to cheat leaders of international expedition (6) ROOKIE {ROOK}{In...l}{Ex...n}
6   Relative frequency of occurrence of events on the radio (9) INCIDENCE (~incidents)
7   Injured, directed cast (7) HURTLED {HURT}{LED}
8   Doctors attach masks at bouts of wheezing (6,7) ASTHMA ATTACKS*
14 Stumbled, put dipper somehow (7,2) TRIPPED UP*
17 Curates right headless agents that transmit diseases (7) RECTORS {R}{vECTORS}
19 Lead boat, after commencement, restrained, fastened (7) BELAYED {Boat}{dELAYED}
20 Old boy survives at former Soviet regions (7) OBLASTS {OB}{LASTS}
21 First bird, insect on top (6) BLOUSE {Bird}{LOUSE}
24 Starts bringing out new groove on drum (5) BONGO Acrostic



  1. How many of us remember the Odeon theatre in Chennai? Once a lot of good English movies used to be screened there.

  2. Replies
    1. Number of comments came down from 7 to 3!

    2. Which included 2 deleted comments from Prasad, 1 comment from Col. and 1 from me!

    3. I would have loved if blogger provided another way of communication for pointing these errors. These kind of comments have no validity once corrected and provide no value to anyone revisiting . That is why i delete them once i am sure col read them.

    4. I appreciate Prasad's intentions.
      We are not auditors on Col's single-handed dedicated work.

    5. There is no requirement to delete your comments as that involves my having to further delete it completely. It can continue to be on the blog, no problem. If you still feel that you don't want your comment on the blog, you can inform me via SMS or WhatsApp

  3. ANON's puzzle today, is easy ; finished it anon & ere-long !
