Friday 1 May 2020

No 12924, Friday 01 May 2020, Arden

Day 38 of 40 Stay safe at home


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Said to be constructed on ground — initially it could be sort of jerky (7) BILTONG (~built){BILT}{ON}{G}
5   Slip into low gear perhaps (7) MOORAGE {MOO}{GEAR*}
9   Foolish fellow with ego, puts one in a spot (5) IDIOT {I}{D{1}OT}
10 One being litall set to go up in flames (9) IGNITIBLE {1+BEING+LIT}* All set on double duty
11 Servant has a duty, he is revered (9) AYATOLLAH {AY{A}{TOLL}AH}
12 Strict usage allows for some sudden attack (5) ICTUS [T]
13 First casting inside mould is cubic in shape (4) DICE {DI{Ca...g}E}
15 Time to plug extra covers, it’s a pledge (8) MORTGAGE {MOR{T}{GAG}E}
18 Don’t allow to carry tin bottle (8) DECANTER {DE{CAN}TER}
19 Not often will you see in a letter — a reminder (4) RARE [T]
22 Horse — one could be found in Goa or Mangalore, perhaps (5) PINTO [DD]
24 Exaggerated — close by backward point (9) OVERDRAWN {OVER}{WARD<=}{N}
26 Daily work, very essential trait (9) CHARACTER {CHAR}{ACT}{vERy}
27 Flower sample attached to plant (5) INDUS INDUStry
28 Back on, Arden’s off (4-3) REAR-END {RE}{ARDEN*}
29 Complete success in a gallop (4,3) HOME RUN [CD] (Addendum - {HOME}{RUN} - See comments)

1   Bond covers thousand acres of lake (6) BAIKAL {BAI{K}{A}L} Name of this lake is stuck in my mind thanks to my Geography teacher in School, Mrs Rama Rao. God bless her soul.
2   Distressed ladies get help, saved (4,5) LAID ASIDE {L{AID}ASIDE*}
3   Lost the election, party becomes better (5) OUTDO {OUT}{DO}
4   Winger’s remorse over the French physician (9) GUILLEMOT {GUIL{LE}{MO}T}
5   Bird breaking many hearts (5) MYNAH {MANY*}{H}
6   Dismissed oil worker to keep things on even keel (9) OUTRIGGER {OUT}{RIGGER}
7   Ploy to get girl out of reach (5) AMBIT gAMBIT
8   However, decreases — only to provide support (4,2) EVEN SO {EVENS}{O}
14 Make way heading North, talk will disappear (9) EVAPORATE {PAVE<=}{ORATE}
16 They are rather placed in the periodic table (4,5) RARE EARTH* Semi&lit
17 Possible merger, also included the plant (9) GERMANDER {GERM{AND}ER*}
20 Washer’s room, right underneath... (6) SPACER {SPACE}{R}
21 one finds bliss finally in marriage (6) UNISON {UNI{b..sS}ON}
23 One slept inside, rose to find a horny beast (5) NYALA {A{LAY}N}<=
24 Chose to take some time and performed the surgery (5) OPTED OPeraTED
25 Pride is missing, there is inner belief in God (5) DEISM [T]

Reference List
Ground = G, Low = MOO, Ego = I, Servant = AYAH, Time = T, Point = N, Daily = CHAR, On = RE, Thousand = K, Acre = A, Party = DO, The in French = LE, Physician = MO, Hearts = H, Girl = G, Only = O, Right = R, One = AN

Dr RKE's TalePiece

Mr.J.PINTO (name changed to protect patient privacy) had OPTED to consult me at my private clinic on a weekend. I had LAID ASIDE my plans of playing golf and had agreed to see him, as he had been referred by a physician friend, who had suspected that Pinto's was a RARE disease, out of a physician's AMBIT.
Mrs.Pinto complained that her husband was often behaving like an IDIOT. I smiled to myself - isn't that how most wives think of their hubbies? EVEN SO, I asked her to elaborate and give an example.  She said that at a party, he had suddenly picked up a DECANTER and dashed it to the ground. He had stared at the guests and appeared to mumbling something and he appeared to be rolling an invisible pair of DICE in his fingers. He had calmed down in a minute. There had been several such incidents.  I questioned JP and his memory of the events seemed to have completely EVAPORATEd. He said, "Doc, I am fine, I suspect my wife is making up some story. But I am troubled by these sounds I hear often. For some 10 seconds, I hear the call of a MYNAH in my left ear 3 or 4 times a day. That is strange as there are no birds in the congested colony we live in".

I spent time diligently doing a physical examination but there was nothing out of CHARACTER. The history led me to suspect an ICTUS of a complex partial seizure. I referred him to INDUS scans for MRI of the brain with gadolinium contrast. Gadolinium, as you know, is a RARE EARTH metal and when its compound is injected intravenously, it lights up the lesions in the brain. JP came back to me the next day and sure enough there was a sinister looking tumor at the REAR END of his amygdala in the right temporal lobe. This accounted for his IGNITIBLE behaviour. I proposed surgery. Since he had no insurance and as their account was already OVERDRAWN his wife had to MORTGAGE her jewels to pay for the operation. In  spite of modern neurosurgical technology (and not to mention my vast experience), I had to OUTDO myself to hit a HOME RUN with this complex and delicate operation. JP was fine after surgery and when I told them that the tumor was benign, they said in UNISON, "Thank God". Such is the power of DEISM.


    25Dn DEISM (T)
    24Dn OPTED – {OP(T)ED}

    1. 10Ac Also spelt,

    2. Your Anno for 24D is incorrect

    3. 24Dn Anno
      OPTED - {OP(-era)TED}

  2. My 5th
    29Ac HOME RUN - (CD)

  3. 9ac
    Ego: I
    Spot: dot
    I D(I)OT
    IDIOT: foolish fellow

  4. 16d - are+rather = RARE EARTH
    5D - Many+H = MYNAH*

    1. For 16D see correct anno of DNM Rao at 0700 above
      5D is not a total anagram. Check your anno

    2. 16d...I have added the plus symbol to club the words rare and rather. after your comment I saw the comment by Mr DNM and noted my gaps.
      5d....breaking the Hearts. after many only letter "H" is option to get bird. MYNAH. will it be Many over H.

  5. Replies
    1. my third one
      12a....Strict usage - ICTUS ---->[T] like a stroke

  6. 19ac
    RARE : not often
    You see....
    Lette(R-A RE) minder

  7. 13 ac
    First casting: c
    Mould: die
    C in DIE gives
    DICE: cubic in shape

  8. 8ac
    Don't allow: deter
    Tin : can
    Deter to carry can: decanter : bottle
    DECANTER: bottle

  9. Decanter is the solution for 18 ac

  10. 24ac
    OVERDRAWN : exaggerated
    OVER (close) DRAW (back ward) N(point)

  11. 1Ac Biltong ~Built on G. G from Groind initially

    1. Check your Anno BUILT+ON+G will give you BUILTONG?

    2. Isn't the homophone indicator before Built visible?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi All Commenting here for the 1st time, have been following the blog for over five years.

  13. 7d amble from ploy gamble-g girl

  14. 17 d Germander-plant.merger*.germ(and)er.and from also.
    12 a ictus.Attack. strICT USage.
    22 d unison.Uni(s)on.S From blis S.

  15. 14 D evaporate-Make way-Pave>evap+orate-talk.Disappear.

  16. Interlude
    A question to Dr RKE
    Dr, What happens in our brain when we are in deep sleep?
    Why do I ask this.
    At around 3 a.m. I woke up for a wee break. Generally I don't get up suddenly. I take a few moments when my eyes are wide open, my limbs limber up, etc, before I start walking so that I don't fall back or sideways.
    Now in those few moments in bed the line "Tell me not in mournful numbers" comes to my mind. (I didn't have any dream.)
    This is a line in a famous poem by Longfellow.
    I had not reread this poem in the past 25 years and more yet it occurs to me in the middle of the night while in bed in dark without any trigger in the vicinity.
    So my question.

  17. 20d room Space (r)ight underneath washer SPACER

  18. One found in Goa or Mangalore

  19. 6d. Outrigger. Discharged is out. Oil worker is rigger. Outriggers are used for extra support in cranes

  20. 7d ploy is gambit. G out gives you ambit which is scope,reach et al

  21. 15a extra is more t for time and gag for cover gives you mortgage which is pledge

    1. Ravi, recheck you Anno. Gag doesn't come from cover

  22. 26ac CHARACTER. {CHAR} {ACT}{(-v)ER(-y)}
    14dn EVAPORATE . {PAVE <-} {ORATE}
    15 ac MORTGAGE. {MOR {T} {GAG} E}
    7dn AMBIT . {(-g) AMBIT}

  23. Please give me your mail ID fir me to reply. You can reach me at

  24. 5 ac Moorage-low -moo+rage anag of gear.

  25. 5AC {SLIP + LOW}* = PILLOWS (a gear)

  26. 28 ac REAR END . {RE} {ARDEN*}

  27. 24Dn Anno correction
    OPTED - {OP(-era)TED}

  28. 24Dn Defn.could be 'performed surgery' so that 'chose'-opted can take time- era, and become - OP(+era)TED=OPERATED. Do I make some sense?

  29. 15 ac .covenant.Synonym of pledge?

    1. Incorrect. see solution by Sivaram at 9:08

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. 22 ac MARGO...a horse..found in GOA OR Mang

  32. 27A. INDUS (-try)
    3D. {OUT}{DO}
    8D. {EVENS}{O}
    23D. NYALA {A{LAY}N}<—

    1. Shouldn't the clue say become better than becomes better, in that case the answer will be out does!😊

    2. (Out,do) becomes better- is the way Arden must have meant it.

  33. 'becomes' is link.
    'better' is adj in surface but a verb as def.
    'better' as verb means 'outdo', which is also a verb.

  34. Dr RKE. CV's question is very thought- provoking. Our brain functions in a strange way. I'd be interested in knowing the answer, unless either you or CV have reasons not to share. There are many a times we get these kind of eerie phenomena of our brains showing flashes of thoughts that we never have had in the recent past. I get lots of strange anagrams in my REMs but once you become conscious you cannot recall anything! You lapse into sleep again. Is it possible to convert these thoughts into creativity?

    I'm indeed curious !

  35. In my dreams and in a somewhat semi conscious state I am seeing full stories formed. But later forget...My wife says I should get up immediately and jot down...

  36. I am waiting for CV's mail ID so I can send the reply to him
    About your question, Raju:
    First it is perfectly normal to have a stray strange thought passing through your mind at times. And often such thoughts are repetitive. These happen even when you are actively engaged in performing a task but it does not come in the way of our functioning. They are more likely to occur when our minds are idle. If you reflect on it you might be able to catch the train of associations that had led to the thought. The train of thought has gone on subconsciously and only the final thought surfaces.
    Now, things that happen in dreams are not the same as these stray random thoughts that occur in the awake state. It is probably good that we don't remember most of our dreams. Generally most people are not able to convert their dream experiences into anything tangible. Even the most famous case of Kekule discovering the ring structure of the benzene molecule after having a dream about a snake biting its own tail has now been debunked. But there is no harm in trying out one of those anagrams if you remember them. This would also mean your mind is so stuffed with crosswords that it is time to unwind and do something else!

    1. During my college days I had read Freud's "Interpretation Of Dreams" which was a bit abstruse to me at that time. What I understood was that Dreams are a manifestation of Wish fulfillment. Wishes that are buried in your sub-conscious take the shape of Dreams. As an experiment, Freud wrote, that if you go to sleep thirsty, you would dream of water and would wake up feeling thirsty.
      That experiment for me didn't work..

    2. I think it is the other way round. If you feel thirsty while sleeping you dream of drinking water. You wake up, take a glass of water and go back to sleep. Dreams, at least some, as Freud says are an effort to extend sleep. Bathroom dreams are quite common.

    3. Dr RKE I sent you an email with Rishi's email ID

    4. I have not received your mail, Colonel. But I saw CV's ID in this blog anf replied to him. Hope he has got it

  37. Last line brings in a Haha! Crosswords keep me sane. Thanks Doc.
    As for dreams, aren't these manifestations of unfulfilled desires
    and unfounded fears? Aren't dreams the digestive system of the mind? Imagine the kind of clutter that builds up in the brain which can drive one insane without an effective drainage system.!
    I created a debate in the Readers Digest talking about dreams that won me a year's subscriptions free.

    1. Dream more and talk more about it. It is worth it!!

    2. This is what I am doing often. day I will complete the CW of all grids......unfortunately we are missing KKR Today.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Initially I could get only 19A RARE and for at least 30 minutes could not make any progress. But I persevered and solved the CW in full with, of course, some help from Google for biltong and guillemot. Challenging, satisfying and enjoyable.

  41. I sent Dr RKE a message from my email a/c but it seems it has not reached him. I have been having some problem with my PC but in this lockdown the servicmane is unavailable. cgrishi(AT)hotmail(DOT)com

  42. @col. I noted my error on 5d...anagram only for "Many" and "H" will be on silent mode over many. Thanks for pointing out and brought me in perfection mode.

  43. Doc. Awesome tale piece. The story was in front of my eyes while reading every line.Hats off to your Great skill

  44. 29 A is a charade I think

    In = Home
    Gallop = Run
