Day 41 of 54 Stay safe at home
Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
1 Clean growth? (6) SPRUCE [DD]
4 In case Her majesty the Queen finds some fine wool (8) CASHMERE {CAS{HM}{ER}E}
9 Speaker — a time to check options (6) ORATOR {A}{T} in {OR}{OR}
10 Half-time breaks, later arranged final (8) TERMINAL {TER{MINute}AL*}
12 Caught one way, repeatedly stranded (8) CASTAWAY {C}{A}{ST}{A}{WAY}
13 Few broken pieces in the table, what are they? (6)?E?A?S (Addendum - METALS Definition by example - See comments)
15 Firm to annex — Iowa's taking number of steps (12) COMPANIONWAY {COMPAN{IO{N}WA}Y}
18 Selfish display of affection from cabinet, means nothing (8,4) CUPBOARD LOVE {CUPBOARD}{LOVE}
21 Decline invitation, only to be kept in place (3,3) OPT OUT {O}{P{TO}UT}
22 Birth of a Chinaman (8) DELIVERY [DD]
24 One price, includes first beer — make it bitter (8) ACERBATE {ACE}{R{Beer}ATE}
25 Thin bar through the firmament (6) SKINNY {SK{INN}Y}
26 Providing direction to drama, receiving jeers from the centre (8) STEERAGE {ST{jEERs}AGE}
27 See him return, covered in brass (6) BEHOLD {B{HE<=}OLD}
1 Cop breaks into store to cut water supply (8) STOPCOCK {ST{COP*}OCK}
2 Strange measures to take on again (8) REASSUME*
3 Composed like a doctor collecting coppers in jail (4,2,1,8) COOL AS A CUCUMBER {AS}{A}{CU}{CU}{MB} in {COOLER}
5 Top copy by Times (4) APEX {APE}{X}
6 Ramshackle denim tailored to represent the working class (6,3,6) HAMMER AND SICKLE*
7 Need an alternative to 9 (6) ENNEAD*
8 Bent in the middle, inclination to come on board (6) ENLIST {bENt}{LIST}
11 Instrument physician inserted into girl (7) MARIMBA {MARI{MB}A}
14 Star almost near another star, perhaps (7) ANTARES {STAR+NEAr}*
16 Get emoticon changed (4,4) COME INTO*
17 Why deny odds? Truly simple and trusting (4-4) DEWY-EYED {WhY}{dEnY} in{DEED}
19 Raids so far close to city, perhaps... (6) FORAYS {SO+FAR+citY}*
20 then extracts some organic chemical (6) ETHENE [T]
23 For men it’s 50% still (4) STAG STAGnant
Reference List
Her Majesty = HM, Queen = ER, Time = T, Caught = C, Fe = Iron, w = Tungsten, Number = N, Only = O, Doctor = Physician = MB, Times = X
1 Clean growth? (6) SPRUCE [DD]
4 In case Her majesty the Queen finds some fine wool (8) CASHMERE {CAS{HM}{ER}E}
9 Speaker — a time to check options (6) ORATOR {A}{T} in {OR}{OR}
10 Half-time breaks, later arranged final (8) TERMINAL {TER{MIN
12 Caught one way, repeatedly stranded (8) CASTAWAY {C}{A}{ST}{A}{WAY}
13 Few broken pieces in the table, what are they? (6)
15 Firm to annex — Iowa's taking number of steps (12) COMPANIONWAY {COMPAN{IO{N}WA}Y}
18 Selfish display of affection from cabinet, means nothing (8,4) CUPBOARD LOVE {CUPBOARD}{LOVE}
21 Decline invitation, only to be kept in place (3,3) OPT OUT {O}{P{TO}UT}
22 Birth of a Chinaman (8) DELIVERY [DD]
24 One price, includes first beer — make it bitter (8) ACERBATE {ACE}{R{B
25 Thin bar through the firmament (6) SKINNY {SK{INN}Y}
26 Providing direction to drama, receiving jeers from the centre (8) STEERAGE {ST{
27 See him return, covered in brass (6) BEHOLD {B{HE<=}OLD}
1 Cop breaks into store to cut water supply (8) STOPCOCK {ST{COP*}OCK}
2 Strange measures to take on again (8) REASSUME*
3 Composed like a doctor collecting coppers in jail (4,2,1,8) COOL AS A CUCUMBER {AS}{A}{CU}{CU}{MB} in {COOLER}
5 Top copy by Times (4) APEX {APE}{X}
6 Ramshackle denim tailored to represent the working class (6,3,6) HAMMER AND SICKLE*
7 Need an alternative to 9 (6) ENNEAD*
8 Bent in the middle, inclination to come on board (6) ENLIST {
11 Instrument physician inserted into girl (7) MARIMBA {MARI{MB}A}
14 Star almost near another star, perhaps (7) ANTARES {STAR+NEA
16 Get emoticon changed (4,4) COME INTO*
17 Why deny odds? Truly simple and trusting (4-4) DEWY-EYED {W
19 Raids so far close to city, perhaps... (6) FORAYS {SO+FAR+
20 then extracts some organic chemical (6) ETHENE [T]
23 For men it’s 50% still (4) STAG STAG
Reference List
Her Majesty = HM, Queen = ER, Time = T, Caught = C, Fe = Iron, w = Tungsten, Number = N, Only = O, Doctor = Physician = MB, Times = X
Dr RKEs TalePiece
MV ANTARES was a cargo ship, that had set sail from the shipping TERMINAL at Southampton. The ship was painted red after the colour of the star Antares. It was carrying a cargo of ETHENE for DELIVERY to the plastic manufacturing plants of Mexico. Capt. John STAG, had REASSUMEd charge of the liner, although he had originally wanted to OPT OUT of active maritime service, as he had COME INTO some considerable wealth by an unexpected inheritance. APEX shipping, the holding company of Antares, had ENLISTed him for this last voyage as they could not find anyone else at a short notice with the experience to make a FORAY into the Atlantic during the hurricane season.
Capt. Stag, was making the rounds one morning. Lo and BEHOLD, he heard the sounds of a MARIMBA coming from the STEERAGE. There was a SKINNY African lad, a stow-away, who had quietly scaled up the COMPANIONWAY while the ship was loading its cargo and hidden himself until it had lifted anchor. Though ACERBATED by the discovery, Capt. Stag was struck by the COOL-AS-CUCUMBER attitude of the lad. The young man was playing the marimba with gay abandon, as if to attract attention, instead of cowering. Taking pity on the boy, the captain said he would employ him as a deckhand and pay him but that he would turn the boy over to immigration on landing. Capt.Stag, asked the lad to CAST AWAY his T shirt with a HAMMER AND SICKLE logo and clothed him in the deckhand's uniform.
How Antares was steered successfully in the hurricane and what became of the boy on landing are very engaging tales, but they must wait for another day and another time.
Capt. Stag, was making the rounds one morning. Lo and BEHOLD, he heard the sounds of a MARIMBA coming from the STEERAGE. There was a SKINNY African lad, a stow-away, who had quietly scaled up the COMPANIONWAY while the ship was loading its cargo and hidden himself until it had lifted anchor. Though ACERBATED by the discovery, Capt. Stag was struck by the COOL-AS-CUCUMBER attitude of the lad. The young man was playing the marimba with gay abandon, as if to attract attention, instead of cowering. Taking pity on the boy, the captain said he would employ him as a deckhand and pay him but that he would turn the boy over to immigration on landing. Capt.Stag, asked the lad to CAST AWAY his T shirt with a HAMMER AND SICKLE logo and clothed him in the deckhand's uniform.
How Antares was steered successfully in the hurricane and what became of the boy on landing are very engaging tales, but they must wait for another day and another time.
Comparatively an easier outing,but I had a couple of blanks and in search of a few annos. It is only to be expected in an Arden CW.
ReplyDeleteEagerly awaiting "another day and another time"!! Hope it comes soon. Reminded of earlier serials in magazines and present day "Mega Serials" on TV. Dr.RKE going from strength to strength.
Hello, I am Theresa Williams After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. His email: {} you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.
Delete1) Love Spells
2) Lost Love Spells
3) Divorce Spells
4) Marriage Spells
5) Binding Spells
6) Breakup Spells
7) Death spell
8.) You want to be promoted in your office
9) want to satisfy your lover
10) Lottery
Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
through {}
Thanks Paddy. Failed on 13A and 17D. I thought DEWY EYED meant "with a tear drop due to being overcome by emotion, being sentimental". Does it mean "simple and trusting"?
ReplyDeleteit also refers to the state of new-born, when the ducts aren't well formed and eyes remain wet! (aka naive)
DeleteArden's contention is that Odds are also Evens. We have to pick Odds from Why & evens from Deny. I knew it but still was hesitant about the anno ( until I saw it here) I knew tis meaning of 'Dewy eyed'.
DeletePaddy, my contention is "odds are odds and evens are evens". Do not confuse me with what you think of my contention on odds and evens. I meant the odd letters from the phrase 'why deny', nothing more, nothing less.
DeleteI too k them as 2 separate words and took them to be even in the 2nd word. I will be more careful in future.
The poor SKINNY boy's name turned out to be Abimbola (meaning "rich child").
ReplyDeleteCapt. STAG and others soon came to know that Ahimbola was a good ORATOR too. His vociferous DELIVERY on communism was admired by all and he not only got back his HAMMER AND SICKLE T-shirt but a CASHMERE shawl too.
The Capt. told Ahimbola that he could use a computer TERMINAL on hearing which he went into raptures. The DEWY EYED lad began his FORAY in dance singing Taki Taki!!
He was now the darling of all and the thought of handing him over to the Immigration authorities was abandoned.
What happened next?
Deletethoda rum? shops open get full!
DeleteGreat part 2 CG, leaves you looking forward to part 3👌👍👐
DeleteSolution to 13A is still awaited. No one trying? If no non-regular/Novice comments then anybody can try after 12:30
ReplyDeletespecial credit goes to Col. as you selected the perfect clue for non-regular/novice commenter
Deletebroken means - DE. other four letters could not fine the clues.
ReplyDelete13A METALS
ReplyDeleteBroken pieces of 'Few' are Fe + W (iron and tungsten) which are metals in the periodic table.
Deletegr8 doctor. outstanding
DeleteWow, great cluing and parsing. Have solved many chemistry formula clues but none as well concealed as this one.
DeleteGood one Doc. For the life of me I couldn't figure it out. I thought of metals and the periodic table but was not able to link the rest
DeleteGood one Satyen. Though I guessed it would be Metals, I too could not annotate it.
DeleteThough I am a Mech.Er. this concealed clue I could not spot. excellent clue. I too join with Doc & Mr Suresh, Dr X will be talk of the town today.
DeleteGood clue and great solving Doc.
DeleteThanks Col, for the enchanting music from Marimba. Comparable to our very jaltarang. UKELELE is different ? Like to hear that too.
ReplyDeleteFantastic anno, Sir
ReplyDeleteRead the post only now. Lovely, challenging puzzle. Great cracking Doc of metal.