Tuesday 19 May 2020

No 12939, Tuesday 19 May 2020, Afterdark

Day 56 of 68 Stay safe at home
(I am maintaining lockdown till 31 May)

Solution to 17A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

A Capital way to start the day.

1   About to leave Reverend confused in the city (6) DENVER reVEREND*
4   Some returning, almost with scare to the capital (6) MOSCOW {SOMe<=}{COW}
9   Sour love? Essence of it becomes a menace (4) LOUR Anno pending  (Addendum - (soUR+LOve}* - See comments)
10 Annoying personality; no love in interactions (10) INTERPLAYS PERSoNALITY*
11 Letters from Rambo got accessed at the city (6) BOGOTA [T]
12 Leave out, 40% of motor gone in the lift (8) ELEVATOR {LEAVE*}{moTOR}
13 Basic apartment reportedly found in capital (9) STOCKHOLM {STOCK}{HOLM}(~home)
15 Small round before large round at city (4) OSLO {S}<=>{O} and {L}{O}
16 Crazy one at the centre; undressing T-shirt shamelessly in front of all (4) NUTS {oNe}{Un...g}{Ts...s}{Sh...y}
17 Comfortable stop at England surroundings (9) ?C?S?S?E? (Addendum - ECOSYSTEM - {E}{COSY}{STEM} - See comments)
21 Fasten on a tree (8) CINCHONA {CINCH}{ON}{A}
22 Billions displace, a large migration out of city (6) LISBON BilLIONS*
24 Show with a rope (5,5) COMIC OPERA {A+ROPE}* [RA]
25 Team takes first step forward by three places roughly by the middle of the month (4) SIDE (+s)SIDE(-s)
26 Maybe an eskimo in cinema shooting (6) ICEMAN*
27 Milan? It’s another one, different city (6) MANILA {MILAN*}{1}

1   Proud to be aberrant as one who quit school (7) DROPOUT*
2   Car crash in point zero is related to opiates (5) NARCO {N}{CAR*}{0}
3   Inscription on record; A path rewritten (7) EPITAPH {EP}{1}{PATH*}
5   Old cheese served on first of November, from 1984 perhaps (6) OBRIEN {O}{BRIE}{No...r}
6   Support left at part of church at Southend comes apart (9) COLLAPSES {COL}{L}{APSE}{So..h}
7   Expression of praise at roadsign perhaps (3,2,2) WAY TO GO [DD]
8   Teacher sleeps around with an athlete (13) STEEPLECHASER*
14 Give religious instruction to Tom to impart energy, force? Nonsense essentially (9) CATECHISE {CAT}{E}{CHI}{nonSEnse}
16 Torrential rain? Nothing big at Indian city (7) NAIROBI {RAIN*}{O}{B}{I}
18 A grape variety, small, high class, brown found in American city (7) SULTANA {S}{U}{L{TAN}A}
19 Introductions made through old radio broadcast (7) EXORDIA {EX}{RADIO*}
20 Talk of the town is firm’s dismissal by new article (6) CORONA {CO}{RO}{N}{A}
23 Selection of tiramisu, shiitake mushrooms and another Japanese dish (5) SUSHI [T]

Reference List
About = RE, Small = S, England = E, Large = L, A =1, Point = N, record = EP(Extened Play), Old = O, Support = COL, Left = L, Energy = E, Force = CHI, Big = B, Indian = I, High class = U, Old = EX, Firm = CO, Dismissal = RO(Run out),  New = N

Dr RKE's TalePiece

Mark O'BRIEN, a STEEPLECHASER, had boarded a Lufthansa flight from STOCKHOLM. He had to go to LISBON and there was a layover of an hour at OSLO. Since he had done a through check-in of his riding gear and his personal luggage at Stockholm, he didn't have to collect his luggage at Oslo. He was eating at a SUSHI bar in the airport when there was a final call for his flight to Lisbon. Being a sportsman, he could run up the staircase faster than the ELEVATOR or escalator and arrived at the departure gate just before it was to close. He asked if his luggage would have been loaded on the correct flight and the attendant at the gate smilingly assured him that the entire process was computerized and there was only one in a million chance of error. 

He landed in Lisbon and waited and waited at the baggage carousel but his CINCHONA coloured luggage did not arrive. He lodged a complaint with the lost baggage claims and he was told that his baggage would be traced and brought back soon.  When he enquired 2 hours later, they told him that they were contacting the airports at MOSCOW, MANILA, BOGOTA and DENVER, places to which flights had left from Oslo at around the same time as his flight to Lisbon. The casual air of the staff there drove him NUTS, but what could they do when those other flights had not yet landed at their destinations? He was taken to a SIDE by the chief of the unit and was given a CATECHISM on the complex INTERPLAY of factors involved in the luggage ECOSYSTEM of modern airports but that only infuriated him more. He was offered a free night's stay at the airport hotel. He COLLAPSED on to the bed at the hotel but at 3am, he was woken up by a telephone call. He was told that his luggage had been sent to NAIROBI and that they were making all efforts to bring it back at the earliest. 

Lufthansa said they were ready to rent a riding gear for him to participate in the STEEPLECHASE  international event and O'BRIEN felt that it was the WAY TO GO. When the rented gear arrived, O'BRIEN had a LOUR on his face as it was too small to wear for his 6'3" frame. Sadly, he had to DROP OUT of the competition and when last heard, he had filed for compensation. Having a sense of humour, he had the COMIC thought that his epitaph would read "Here lies the steeplechaser who turned a baggage chaser".


  1. 9A: I took the anno as
    essence of "soUR LOve" -> URLO -> Becomes (anagrind) -> LOUR

  2. All the cities in the crossword today are names of characters in the famous Netflix TV series 'Money Heist'

    1. Not all cities, most of the cities. Manila, Bogota etc are not there in Money Heist. But we are missing the most important character TOKYO

    2. All cities are in money Heist. Bogota is the welder. Julia is Manila

    3. Good one, Afterdark πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    4. Thanks Unknown. I stand corrected. Bogota and Manila are also appearing.

    5. Monica one of the hostages in the first robbery, who later falls in love with Denver and becomes an accomplice to the group

    6. Monica is called Stockholm


  4. For a while Bibek's hands were tied with a MANILA rope.

    By and by someone came to the Captain's
    side and saif that the missing bag was not THE BAG but one containing the SUSHI dishes.

    Bibek being let off COLLAPSES on his bed.

    Capt. John Stag was in an exhilarating mood and was going NUTS!!

    He danced and hummed DENVER's Country roads take me home...Then suddenly switched to
    SULTANA SULTANA tu na ghabrana...

    WAY TO GO Captain WAY TO GO!!! (he had spent his childhood days in Nagpur and hence his frequent forays in Hindi)

    Then EXORDIA on the CORONA virus was beamed....

    What happened next?


  5. Typo in anno of 25A? (+S)IDES(-S)

    In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, a soothsayer warned him that harm would come to him before the Ides of March. On 15 March, Caesar passed the soothsayer joking, “The Ides of March have come,” but was met with the ominous reply, “Aye, Caesar, but not gone.”

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Replies
    1. I have a small doubt. 25A....the word "middle of month" shall be considered as current month. i.e "May". Later Doc. commented @9:42 as Aye. I am confused the letters IDE and AYE. As per RKE's comment I understood the word AYE as sound like and the word middile of month matches with RKE's comment. How to consider the clue....is it from the word Roughly!!!. or three places...

    2. ides
      Learn to pronounce
      plural noun: ides

      (in the ancient Roman calendar) a day falling roughly in the middle of each month (the 15th day of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th of other months) from which other dates were calculated.


    3. oh. well Sree-Sree.. Thanks for the clarification. Now I got the definition.

  8. Good mix of clue types, less verbose than in the past, made solving a pleasure yesterday and today. WAY TO GO, Afterdark

  9. This guy just watched the web series Money Heist and then made these.

    1. So what?
      Please be kind enough to reveal your name rather than hiding behind the name 'Unknown'

  10. My immediate remembrance on seeing 5DN was Derek O'Brien. He was very popular in that times as Quiz Master. His Bournvita Quiz was a hit on TV those days.

    1. But now associated with TMC and quite vocal as it's chairman.

    2. Correction.. As its spokesperson

  11. Isn't he a chip of the old block?

    1. You are very right Sir! He is son of famous Neil O'Brien

  12. 24A is clued in today's Times as
    Patience maybe displayed by manager in firm with rising ambition (5,5)
    Tough to say the least.

  13. Neither head nor tail.....
    Rising ambition? Is manager 'rep'?

  14. I needed the cryptic part! I was all at sea.

  15. CO{MI(C OPER)A} with AIM+<
    Patience,I suppose,is a comic opera.

  16. Yes. At last...
    Thank you Prasad & KKR.

    1. Patience is the first opera in an electrical lighting theater in 1881.

  17. WoW! Fund of info. Thank you. Learning never stops.

