Wednesday 2 December 2020

No 13108, Wednesday 02 Dec 2020, Vulcan

Solution to 4D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Device that’s arresting the curling (12) STRAIGHTENER* &lit
10 Having wine before light show (7) PORTRAY {PORT}{RAY}
11 Relative, after losing heart, has broken free (7) UNLEASH {UNcLE}{HAS*}
12 Team frequently dealt with No. 2! (6) ELEVEN {dEaLt}{EVEN}
13 Doctor has to remain in Island city (8) SHANGHAI {S{HANG}HA*}{I}
15 Get old men to build a place to stay (9) LODGEMENT*
16 Should be 0 - N (5) OUGHT nOUGHT
17 Permitted in felicitations (5) LICIT [T]
19 Artist is experienced — emptied and converted gold into cash (9) MONETISED {MONET}{IS}{Ex...eD}
22 The gutted North American town shows resolve (8) TENACITY {ThE}{NA}{CITY}
24 Detector said to be cut (6) CENSOR (~senser)
26 Go from a Mediterranean Island (7) EXCRETE {EX}{CRETE}
27 Say, grow old and mean (7) AVERAGE {AVER}{AGE}
28 Having been around for a while, it’s horrible — landings not good (4-8) LONG-STANDING {LANDINGS+NOT+G}*

2   Plant poorly watered (7) TARWEED*
3   One to address people during settlement (9) AGREEMENT {A}{GREE{MEN}T}
4   Men in fashion, say (4) G?Y? (Addendum - GUYS (~guise) - See comments)
5   Standard type of telephone around South (10) TOUCHSTONE {TOUCH}{S}{TONE} (Correction {TOUCH{S}TONE) - See comments)
6   Many Londoners wearing this material (5) NYLON [T]
7   Motorist runs over a dog outside hospital (4,3) ROAD HOG {R}{O}{A}{D{H}OG}
8   Request from a British politician as reported (6) APPEAL {A}{PPEAL}(~ peel)
9   Article is starting to transform a believer (6) THEIST {THE}{IS}{Tr...m}
14 Joint strain for sewer (10) SEAMSTRESS {SEAM}{STRESS}
16 Bad month need improving (2,3,4) ON THE MEND*
17 Message left by Vulcan after commencement (6) LETTER {L}{sETTER}
18 Conservative leader in lacy clothes? Looking back, it’s ironic (7) CYNICAL {Co...e}{Y{NI}CAL<=}
20 Soil surrounding us giving support (7) SUSTAIN {S{US}TAIN}
21 Old marathoner finally entered and ran (6) DARTED {DA{m...eR}TED}
23 Fresh, cold and low in fat (5) CLEAN {C}{LEAN}
25 Jabber about a story (4) SAGA {GAS<=}{A}

Reference List
Island = I, Good = G, South = S, Runs = R, Over = O, Hospital = H, Left = L, Cold = C


  1. 4D GUYS = men, heard as Guise

  2. 5d touchtone (type of phone) over s, imu

  3. Excellent puzzle, loved 16a, 11a,12a and 5dn.

    1. +1. All good picks. I liked 3D as well. It was a little difficult to get 'greet' from address.

    2. +2. Crisp clues. Well constructed puzzle!

  4. 24A- I took Detector as def. and sensor as solution.'Said to be' is for detector or 'cut'?

    1. I feel it depends on where you place your comma after detector or before cut

  5. 24a I took censor as the solution meaning cut, said to be for detector, namely sensor, homophone for the solution.

  6. 24a
    Mr. Padmanabhan's annotation sounds more logical than mine.

  7. 14d. Joint = seam. Strain = stress. Sewer= seamstress.

  8. Brilliant Vulcan ji

    26A - Just finished reading Zorba the Greek once again today 😎

  9. Sometimes you enjoy the rerun as much or better than original.

  10. Thomphil.Vulcan didn't disappoint.Enjoyed the " game".Thank you.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Why is runs over {R}{O}? Does it not need an acrostic indicator?

  13. 13ac - how do u hang? I got the answer but not the parsing.
    24ac - i thought the answer is sensor (detector) said to be (sounding like) cut - censor. Could you explain why ths reverse?

  14. 13ac - get hang*

  15. Lovely puzzle. Filled 2D as ratweed and got stuck in that area. Isn't ratweed a plant too?
