Wednesday 9 December 2020

No 13114, Wednesday 09 Dec 2020, Afterdark

Solution to 14D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Perhaps economic capital to be procured first month after an offer... (7) ABIDJAN {JAN}<=>{A}{BID}
5   ... enterprise overcoming union leader to receive bids (7) AUCTION {A{Un..n}CTION}
9   In Cochin, a townhouse screens a film (9) CHINATOWN [T]
10 Locations changed, killer leaves with sacks (5) LOOTS LOcaTiOnS*
11 Free to loot after gaining power? Nothing new only (3,4) PRO BONO {P}{ROB}{0}{N}{O}
12 A beverage, alcoholic beverage featuring in story (7) LIMEADE {LI{MEAD}E}
13 Teachers can be seen in school seasons (5) SAGES {S}{AGES}
15 Mischievous child straying? Reforming (9) IMPROVING {IMP}{ROVING}
17 A banner at new memorial displaying force (9) ORIFLAMME {MEMORIAL}* over {F}
19 Son goes to fix bulbs (5) SEGOS {S}{GOES}*
21 Extraordinary power is seen in spell (7) CHARISM {CHAR{IS}M}
23 Having supper first, farmer is more calm (7) STILLER {Su...r}{TILLER}
25 Yearn to be in a posh farewell (5) ADIEU {DIE} in {A}{U}
26 Composer's into diet control, has a bit of zucchini (9) DONIZETTI {INTO+DIET}* over {Zu...i}
27 Confused article in leading daily, one on railway (7) DITHERY {THE} in {Da..y}{1}{RY}
28 Philosopher’s a schemer, son exposes (7) EMERSON [T]

1   Receives copy through tapes distributed (7) ACCEPTS {A{CC}EPTS*}
2   One employed by space agency at capital (5) ISIRO {IS{1}RO}
3   Eager to leave zone after Jack gets suspicious (7) JEALOUS {zEALOUS} after {J}
4   Igloos men constructed for new usage (9) NEOLOGISM*
5   Recall rising moon blocked by Neptune at the beginning (5) ANNUL {LU{Ne...e}NA}<=
6   Like one across colony, doctor is wearing spectatcles (7) COLOMBO {COL}{O{MB}O}
7   Cutting off a plant, thing’s not hard (9) ISOLATING {1}{SOLA}{ThING}
8   Savings teens waste; by middle-age gone primarily (4,3) NEST EGG {TEENS*}{aGe}{Gone}
14 Player is playing virtual, unlimited — meaning? It’s captivating (9) G?I?A?I?T (Addendum - GUITARIST {G{vIRTUAl}*IST} - See comments)
16 Part of garden where canes are destroyed following request... (9) PLEASANCE {PLEA}{CANES*}
17 ... perhaps a fruit garden, at the gate having a variety of beet (7) ORCHARD {OR}{CHARD}
18 Vacation? That is going back with son’s holding attraction (7) LEISURE {L{IE<=}{S}URE}
19 Drunk lies with wife, getting to sleep having cocktail (7) SWIZZLE {LIES+W}* over {ZZ}
20 Ethinc Slav starts sightseeing globe with a Scot (7) SORBIAN {Si...g}{ORB}{IAN}
22 Hastily and tearfully boy gives up space for man (5) MADLY (-b+m)MADLY
24 Election symbol is too much at America (5) LOTUS {LOT}{US}

Reference List
New = N, Only = O, School = S, Force = F, Son = S, Posh = U, Railway = RY, Copy = CC, Zone = Z, Jack = J, Spectacles = OO, Hard = H, Gate = OR, Wife = W, Sleep = ZZ, Boy = B, Man = M 


  1. 14 D - VIRTUAL - unlimited (remove limits) - IRTUA. GIST - Meaning, captivating - GUITARIST

    1. Anno representations needs refining.

    2. You have not mentioned that IRTUA is to be jumbled and how/where is it to be placed.

    3. playing IRTUA - JUmbled to UITAR - Captivated by GIST G(UITAR)IST

    4. It should be written as {G(UITAR)*ist}

  2. This was tougher than Arden.

  3. Thomphil.Tough alright; but sometimes illogical.Appears to have been set to show off.Let him remain in dark.

    1. Thomphil, it appears you have absolutely no understanding of cryptic crosswords nor do you want to learn. It seems you are the one who wants to stay in the dark.
      Please explain which are the illogical clues.
      If you are not interested in improving your ability to solve cryptic crosswords and are interested in only passing unsavoury comments then it is better you stay away from Cryptics and use your novice talents in some other activity

  4. I also found today very tough. All of 2 hrs +. Each clue had to be plodded through. But got all except segos & isolating.
    Thanx to the setter - learnt lots of new words like - charism, sorbian, segos, sola, isiro etc

  5. I wanted to know if others also thought this is tough or as dic says - i havent figured out AFTERDARK as a setter. 😊

    1. Gowri:Tough or easy really depends on solvers'abilities. For the part of setter, I can say that the setter always tries to make the clues fair.. In this puzzle too the setter clues unknown words in an easy manner.. The principle of Ximean.

    2. Sure. I agree. No difference of opinion there. Reg my own abilities to solve too - i have a long long way to go. Am actually quite glad that i atleast got this far today & atleast got all my parsing right.

  6. Reg yday - Area for width - asked several of my colleagues & the response was an immediate No.
    Then i pointed out 'expanse - like the entire width' - but still reluctant to accept.
    Says a lot about our profession & how close minded we are. 😊

  7. Lovely puzzle. Many new words for me but could get them. Masterful word play...transcends languages. His recent Tamil grid was a treat

    1. Where can i find the Tamil grid?

    2. At this link:
