Tuesday 8 December 2020

No 13113, Tuesday 08 Dec 2020, Afterdark

Solution to 9A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Material from a capital; taking one away to Los Angeles by road (6) KEVLAR {KiEV}{LA}{R}
4   Force bishop to leave shelter to plough (6) FURROW {F}{bURROW}
9   Left state; on return had restriction (4) ?E?N (Addendum - REIN REINstate - See comments)
10 A zebra harmed on New Year’s Day for country (10) AZERBAIJAN {A}{ZEBRA*}{1 JAN}
11 Iceman recreated for movies (6) CINEMA*
12 Honoured with Nobel, nerd’s somehow not reading (8) ENNOBLED {NOBEL+NErD}*
13 Be eager, get tips about a kitchen implement (9) EGGBEATER {BE+EAGER+GeT}*
15 About to relax upon summit (5) CREST {C}{REST}
16 Promise to stock some prawns inside (5) SPELL {S{Pr..n}ELL}
18 Groom is sure to get married at one (9) STABLEMAN {STABLE}{M}{AN}
22 Court order to BPO in appeal at North America (8) SUBPOENA {SU{BPO}E}{NA}
23 Caught inside local having a delicious beverage (6) NECTAR {NE{CT}AR}
25 Antibiotic pill, main compound taken around Intensive Care (10) AMPICILLIN {PILL+MAIN}* over {IC}
26 Snooping in casino systems (4) NOSY [T]
27 Associations taking time to get letterhead for offices (6) TITLES {TI{T}LES} (Addendum - {TI{T}{Le...d}ES} - See comments)
28 Modern maths? A problem (6) ASTHMA*

1   Checking a cricket skill (7) KEEPING [DD]
2   Proceeds, about to leave a place (5) VENUE reVENUE
3   Desert at America, has a burger (perhaps) counter (7) ATACAMA {AT}{A}{A MAC<=}
5   Sophisticated old city facing plague (6) URBANE {UR}{BANE}
6   Doctor sure’s confused receiving Portuguese coin upfront as refund (9) REIMBURSE {MB}{SURE*}<=>{REI}
 Treacherous guys at work, perhaps stand to start strike (7)  WEASELS {W}{EASEL}{St...e}
8   Fed up with primarily exorbitant lease, took a partner thoughtfully (13) DEFERENTIALLY {FED<=}{Ex...t}{RENT}{1}{ALLY}
14 A type of pen found in Britain, at everyone’s place (9) BALLPOINT {B}{ALL}{POINT}
17 Drop in temperature? Going up around chimney (7) PLUMMET {P{LUM}MET<=}
19 Nuts and fruits (7) BANANAS [DD]
20 A lake, small in width as a waterbody (7) ARAL SEA {AR{A}{L}{S}EA} Enu should be (4,3)
21 Best idea? Not quite but bordering (6) BESIDE {BESt}{IDEa}
24 Study chapter on a gastropod (5) CONCH {CON}{CH}

Reference List
Road = R, Force = F, Bishop = B, Reading = R, About = C, Married = M, Caught = CT, Time = T, About = RE, America = A, Doctor = MB, Work = W, Britain = B, Lake = L, Study = CON, Chapter = CH


  1. Any other non,-regular / novice wants to attempt the solution and annotation for 9A

  2. 9A Reinstate(return)- state left - rein

  3. Many Happy Returns Of The Day, Paddy.

  4. Paddy, Wish You A Very Happy Birthday

  5. Thank you all for your Best Wishes.

  6. Just becos enu was wrong in print edition i could not get 20d - but area for width (as an architect absolutely no - linear vs 2 dimension).
    Can some one explain?

