Tuesday 11 May 2021

No 13244, Tuesday 11 May 2021, Arden

Lockdown Day 14 of 26 Stay Safe

Solution to 14D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

 Canadian visa mostly arranged from this part of the world (11) SCANDANAVIA {CANADIAN+VISa}*
7   Second daughter is up-to-date (3) MOD {MO}{D}
9   Additionally second person said, it’s needless (5) UNDUE (~and you)
10 Listen in — found out something strange (7,2) UNHEARD OF {UN{HEAR}DOF*}
11 Fashionable to follow Roman marshal, suitable for royalty (9) MONARCHIC {CHIC}<=>{ROMAN}*
13 Agent gets tie-up, that's impressive show (7) SPLASHY {SP{LASH}Y}
15 The picture encapsulates a long narrative (4) EPIC [T]
18 Stop most of the group (4) BLOC BLOCk
20 I leave fast before a complaint (7) LENTIGO {I}{GO}<=>{LENT}
23 Metal layer on top gets reddish brown colour (5) HENNA {NA}<=>{HEN}
24 Back daily in Paris — evergreen and uplifting (9) ENNOBLING {BONNE<=}{LING}
26 Everyone’s on one — packed in old fashioned mattress (9) PALLIASSE {P{ALL}{I}ASSE}
27 Starts with her individual rights, rumbling sound can be heard (5) WHIRR Acrostic
28 Prevent number 6... (3) NIX 6 or 9?
29 ... and he learnt perhaps to hunt in Europe once (11) NEANDERTHAL*

1   During break drinking our whiskey (8) SOURMASH {S{OUR}MASH}
2   I tally regularly and sincerely (8) ARDENTLY {ARDEN}{TaLlY}
3   It’s expensive to keep writing run-of-the-mill stuff (5) DREAR {D{R}EAR}
4   Suggestive, nothing unknown (7) NAUGHTY {NAUGHT}{Y}
5   Transport barons exchange olive branches (7) VEHICLE {VEHICLE+BARONS=OLIVE BRANCHES} [CA] 
6   Statesman follows a turmoil in Ambala (9) ALABAMIAN {A}{IN+AMBALA}*
7   Servant fetches doctor in the city (6) MADRID {MA{DR}ID}
8   Forces involved in encounter often carry it (6) DUFFEL {DU{FF}EL} Semi&lit
14 Dance move will essentially fall in place (9) S?L?A?I?N (Addendum - SALTATION {S{fALl}TATION} - See comments)
16 Short dress wearing good looking girl will detract (8) DIMINISH {DI{MINI}SH}
17 Jingle by setter, say “midnight before long” (8) DOGGEREL {DOG}{niGht}{ERE}{L}
19 Bloody leaches in the team (7) CHELSEA*
20 Can’t see? Remove top, see inside, it’s full of oil (7) LINSEED {bLIN{SEE}D}
21 Composer’s note, inviting you for a ride (6) CHOPIN {C}{HOP IN}
22 Flood diverted infield (6) INFLUX {IN}{FLUX}
25 Came into this world without name, take us into a sanctuary (5) BOWER {BO{WE}Rn}

Reference List
Second = MO, Daughter = D, Writing = R, Unknown = Y, Force = F, Long = L, Note = C, Name = N


  1. 14 D Essentially fall - al in Station - Saltation

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can someone please explain "ling" in 24A.

  4. The 20-D clue was extraordinary. Special kudos to Arden.

  5. 1. Typo to be corrected please. SCANDANAVIA

  6. I remember players putting linseed oil to 'season' their cricket bats.

    1. I have done it n number of times during school days

