Lockdown Day 25 of 40 Stay Safe
1 Iron edicts, fierce instructions (10) DIRECTIONS*
10 Loudly performed hornpipe for navy? (4) BLUE (~blew)
12 Celebratory music describing monarchs with horrible droning (8,4) DRINKING SONG {DRIN{KINGS}ONG*}
15 Makes peer and earl run away from home, twice (7) EQUATES {E}{QUArTErS}
17 Sheep cries about what pig becomes in the islands (7) BAHAMAS {BA{HAM}AS}
20 Where music heard awfully regularly, carry tune? Can do! (7,5) COUNTRY DANCE {CaRrY+TUNE+CAN+DO}*
23 With temperature dropping, blended Tokay wine may taste like this (4) OAKY tOKAY*
24 Hobnobs and a slice is so refreshing (10) SOCIALISES*
25 Protective cover idiot's pulled back (4) TARP<=
26 A glutton, Stu baked goods earlier including piping (6,4) GREEDY GUTS {STU*}<=>{G}{REEDY}{G}
1 Smears fingerprints (4) DABS [DD]
2 Republicans: 'Commies!' (4) REDS [D]
4 At first, not doing splendidly for 'Months in Islam': '... Christmas, Easter etc?' (7) ISLANDS {ISLAm}{Not}{Do..g}{Sp...y}
5 Beginners understood insects, we're told (7) NEWBIES (~knew bees)
7 French 'pain': ingredients make you bellyacher (10) MALCONTENT {MAL}{CONTENT}
8 Arrest Fred's accomplice for something spicy (4,6) STEM GINGER {STEM}{GINGER}
11 In self-centred fashion, off I go, etc? I'll say! (12) EGOISTICALLY*
13 Robots care about language (5-5) SERBO-CROAT*
14 President and spin doctor getting something to eat in Australia (4,6) BUSH TUCKER {BUSH}{TUCKER}
19 A strong drink imbibed by Everyman, twice: fancy that! (7) IMAGINE {I}{M{A}{GIN}E}
21 Isaac's son given some thesaurus (4) ESAU [T]
22 No time for chores: big ones are onerous! (4) ASKS tASKS
Reference List
Earl = E, Runs = R, European = E, Temperature = T, Good = G, Month = M, Pain in French = MAL, Time = T
Special at 10:30 by a special new setter GUNS