Sunday 16 May 2021

The Sunday Crossword No 3150, Sunday 16 May 2021

Lockdown Day 18 of 26 Stay Safe

1   Uncertainly peel off tape that's sticky ... sweet! (6,5) TOFFEE APPLE*
9   Got into regressive irrational spiritual teachings for self-aggrandizement (3-4) EGO-TRIP {GOT} in {PI}{RE}<=
10 Not tense at first, prepared notation for The Merchant of Venice (7) ANTONIO NOtATION*
11 Capital city of Alaska ...?' '... Bullwinkle?' (5) KABUL [T]
12 Freshened up ... but king's malodorous creature (5,3) STINK BUG*
14 Cor, that's some brass! (6,4) FRENCH HORN [CD]
15 Starters of midye, ezme, zacuscă & enginar? (4) MEZE Acrostic &lit
17 Heidegger's regularly showing irritation (4) EDGE hEiDeGgEr
19 Discovered Everyman wearing large amount of make-up (10) FOUNDATION {FOUND}{A}{T{I}ON}
21 Crossword setter in ramshackle hut, down to make something with clues (8) WHODUNIT {I} in {HUT+DOWN}*
23 Planet's environment agreeably receptive to humans ... initially (5) EARTH Acrostic
25 Take a gander at cocktail in East End bar (7) EYEBALL (~'ighball)
26 Who's in charge of bishops? Big ape, perhaps (7) PRIMATE [DD]
27 Setter sips a little soup cooked for family members (11) STEPSISTERS {SETTER+SIPS+Soup}* 

1   Getting tense over money – bother! (7) TROUBLE {T}{ROUBLE}
2   Golfer calls this rugby player 'hairy bit at the front' (8) FORELOCK {FORE}{LOCK}
3   Show some of convex polyhedron (4) EXPO [T]
4   In style of Bible stories (not about healing mathematician) (4,6) ALAN TURING {ALA}{NT}{cURING}
5   It's his historic fourth term: submit! (3,2) PUT IN {PUTIN}
6   Coming up in the Spanish-German city, Earl to get more distinguished (7) ENNOBLE {EL}{BONN}{E}<=
7   Time and time again, freak out about time in water spent by King (4,5,4) WEEK AFTER WEEK {FREAK}* over {T} in {WEEWEE}{K}
8 Perhaps English eke out small amount to be eaten: that's ironic (6-2-5) TONGUE-IN-CHEEK {TONGUE}{EKE*} over {INCH}
13 Deplorable, the French historian's work (10) CHRONCILES {CHRONIC}{LES}
16 Plastic bag finally forsook for good (best) (8) BAKELITE {BA(-g+k)K}{ELITE}
18 Creeps travel aimlessly in Golfs every now and then (7) GROVELS {G{ROVE}oLfS}
20 Progress with play, mostly sardonic (7) INROADS {SARDONIc}*
22 Practice in America: 'grey' oddly seen (5) USAGE {USA}{GrEy}
24 Those on smartphones in part of church called out (4) APPS (~apse)

Reference List
Irrational = PI, Spiritual teaching = RE, Tense = T, Bible stories = NT, About = C, The in Spanish = EL, Earl = E, Time = T, King = K, The in Feench = LES, Good = G