Monday 20 December 2021

No 13432, Monday 20 Dec 2021, KrisKross

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Rangoli by Gowri

1   Speak of a long, furious duel (6) ALLUDE {A}{L|{DUEL*}
4   Men of taste, confused, sure to follow the Ramayana, say (8) EPICURES {SURE}*<=>{EPIC}
10 Club with Tandoori Roti for starters, followed by meal, spending a pound (9) TRUNCHEON {Ta...i}{Roti}{lUNCHEON}
11 Jack abandoned in hurt condition (5) INURE INjURE
12 New poster featuring power plug (7) STOPPER {STO{P}PER*}
13 Fantastic student dropped out, not doing anything to acquire post-graduate degree (7) AMAZING {lA{MA}ZING}
14 Silly son killed cuckoo (5) INANE INsANE
15 Saurashtra’s opener, despite struggling, gets duck (8) SIDESTEP {Sa...a}{DESPITE*}
18 Sweet one, ready to break record (8) NOISETTE {NO{1}{SET}TE}
20 Theme found in Shinto pictures (5) TOPIC [T]
23 Model is old enough (7) EXAMPLE {EX}{AMPLE}
25 Fight without energy with fat idiot (7) DULLARD {DUeL}{LARD}
26 Yet smooth beer is brewed here (5) STILL [DD]
27 Starters provided in raving parties (9) APERITIFS {APERIT{IF}S*}
28 Einstein worked for 10 years (8) NINETIES* Definition not understood See comments
29 Ambassador meets comic star in suit (6) HEARTS {HE}{STAR*}

1   Playing sitar to the audience, Mark becomes creative (8) ARTISTIC {SITAR*}{TIC(~tick)}
2   Doctor shortly cut a mole, resulting in a scar (7) LEUCOMA {CUt+A+MOLE}*
3   Converts 10 to 1 and cracks the code (9) D?C?P?E?S (Addendum - DECIPHERS (10-0 = 1) Definition by example - See comments)
5   Numb feeling of extremely nice Dad, penniless, broke (4,3,7) PINS AND NEEDLES {NicE+DAD+PENNILESS}*
6   Trendy American dye (5) CHICA {CHIC}{A}
7   Common way to fence home (7) ROUTINE {ROUT{IN}E}
8   Primarily, Santa’s lumbering express including gift hampers? (6) SLEIGH Acrostic &lit
9   Reformat these free, detailed graphs to get most recent data (7,3,4) REFRESH THE PAGE {THESE+FREE+GRAPHs}*
16 It spins a little in outer space (9) SATELLITE {A+LITTLE}* in {SpacE} &lit
17 Condition of a disco is deplorable (8) ACIDOSIS*
19 Love helping to make a speech (7) ORATION {0}{RATION}
21 Society leaves one talking about India being more weak (7) PEAKIER {sPEAK{I}ER}
22 Age of say, Arabian boy (6) SEASON {SEA}{SON}
24 Group follows religious guide (5) PILOT {LOT}<=>{PI}

Reference List
Long = L, Pound = L, Jack = J, Power = P, Student = L, Son = S,  Old = EX, Energy = E, Ambassador = HE(His Excellency), Society = S, India = I, Religious = PI


  1. Replies
    1. Guessing a period (.) Missing in translation

    2. . is full stop not time interval, right?

    3. "10 years" was the definition I had in mind. "worked" as anagrind. Maybe the def should have been more precise, I agree.

  2. Def. is 10 years and working for is the anind.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. 3d. DECIPHERS-removes 0 from 10 means çracks the code

  5. Did anyone else spot the error (not teh period) in IA version.

  6. 3d can it be interpreted as following?
    converting 10(binary) to 1(text) - deciphers
    Cracks the code - deciphers

    1. It's much simpler than that.

    2. 0 is cipher. So when we convert 10 to 1 we are de-cipher-ing it.

    3. Lovely deciphering Prasad!

    4. Yes, Sree_sree's anno is what I had in mind.

  7. 2D - the online version gives LEUKOMA as the right answer which is wrong. LEUCOMA is correct.

    1. I was surprised to see the C marked wrong after completing the puzzle!

  8. 1a. Allude [a + l(long) + anagram of duel]

    4a. Epicures [anagram of sure to follow epic (Ramayana)]

    11a. Inure [injure (hurt) - J (Jack)]

    20a. Topic [clue hidden in Shinto Pictures]

    8d. Sleigh [the initials of all letters (Primarily)]

    Dear members, tis the maiden time I have posted as nany as five clues. I wish to be regular, but I too want to acknowledge the immense contribution that this blog has made in my development. Thank you so much :)

  9. Enjoyed overall. Top clues for me, 28A,22D

  10. Lovely puzzle today with many elegant clues. Missing talepieces! Beautiful kolam for marghazhi again.

    1. Thanks everyone! Glad you liked the grid. Yes, I'm missing Dr RKE and Gowri's talepieces too.

    2. Vasanth - sorry. I was really busy over the weekend. Just finished the CW. I found it a bit tough. Hopefully, there will be a tale piece tomorrow morning.

  11. Fourth all!
    Awaiting Tale piece from Gowri tom morning along with Rangoli. We are spoilt.
