Sunday 12 December 2021

The Sunday Crossword No 3180, Sunday 12 Dec 2021

 I call out madly about Greek character in the clouds (10) ALTOCUMULI {I+CALL+OUT}* over {MU}
6   Money's in hiding place (as auditor perceives it) (4) CASH (~cache)
9   Time, between a day and a month, tense on Parisian hill (10) MONTMARTRE {MON}{T}{MAR}{T}{RE}
10 Ban covetousness? Not entirely (4) VETO [T]
11 After short time, bit of a hand for subsidiary performer (6,6) SECOND BANANA {SECOND} {BANANA}
15 Old girl, condiment left out is repulsive (7) OGREISH {O}{G}{RElISH}
16 Lie about with Eddy being abandoned (7) YIELDED {LIE+EDDY}*
17 Primarily Transcaucasian, besieged inland locale: it's strategically important! (7) TBILISI Acrostic &lit
19 Fluttering eyelids in sordid manner (7) SEEDILY*
20 Tech giant, soft at heart? As if, dear! (5,2,2,3) APPLE OF MY EYE {APPLE}{sOFt}{MY EYE}
23 Celebrated wildebeests returning (4) SUNG <=
24 Lowers exchange rate rashly, leaves audit without independence (10) DEVALUATES {LEAVES+AUDiT}*
25 Some Mafioso hoodlums in New York district (4) SOHO [T]
26 City once playing for time, half-hearted – terrific (10) STALINGRAD {STALlING}{RAD}

1   Topless, dotty host (4) ARMY bARMY
2   Hint: it's a Chinese dynasty (4) TANG [DD]
3   Comedy not half seen: Everyman's suppressing tantrum over IT, getting aggressive (11) COMPETITIVE {COMedy}{PET}{IT}{IVE}
4   Baron (who's Australian); Dame (who wrote) (7) MURDOCH [DD]
5   Graphically clearly, Charlie turning into Romeo (7) LURIDLY LU(-c+r)RIDLY
7   Beer (unknown quantity) and Spanish wine (no OJ) in old city (10) ALEXANDRIA {ALE}{X}{AND}{RIojA}
8   As Boyle may be heard to mention pioneers in elastics for back of bra? (4,3,3) HOOK AND EYE (~ hooke and ) 
12 Incessantly consumed, extremely sour (2,5,4) AT EVERY TURN {ATE}{VERY}{TURN}
13 Hopeless situations when cassoulet's prepared (4,6) LOST CAUSES*
14 A bit of fizz in cup Ruth stirred for cocktail (5,5) FRUIT PUNCH {Fizz+IN+CUP+RUTH}*
18 In 50s, doddering, most uncertain (7) IFFIEST {FIFTIES}*
19 Broadcaster to decline to show spy film (7) SKYFALL {SKY}{FALL}
21 Right, it's flipping porridge (4) STIR {R}{ITS}<=
22 American, educated, gets employed (4) USED {US}{ED}

Reference List
Time = T, On = RE, Old = O, Girl = G, Left = L, Independence = I, Charlie = C, Romeo = R, Unknown quantity = X, Right = R, Educated = ED

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