Tuesday 4 April 2023

No 13830, Tuesday 04 Apr 2023, WrdPlougher

Solution to 24D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

6   Warming up, losing weight finally for finale of world title (7) HEADING HEA(-t+d)DING
7   A brief concern about sharp weapon (5) ARROW {A}{WORRy<=}
9   Pretentious section of partygoers (4) ARTY [T]
10 Certain vitamin tablets essentially chewed (costing money) to get energy (10) INEVITABLE Anno pending (Addendum - {VITAmIN+taBLEts}*{E} - See comments)
11 "Colourful agent, eccentric heartless spy (duet extremely loud)... (8) DYESTUFF {SpY+DUET}*{FF}
13 ... perhaps, Arjuna in Virata's kingdom — climax of movie much fun (excluding leads) — the latter coming first" (6)  EUNUCH {m..iE} with {mUCH}<=>{fUN}
15 Big vehicle, in short, first model in reversing fuel... (4) LIMO {O{Mo..l}IL<=}
17 ... emissions finally, even without margins, to zero (5) SQUAT {e...nS}{eQUATe Definition not clear See comments
18 Metamorphosing time for tiny insect (4) MITE*
19 Oral spelling correct – (6) SPOKEN [DD] (Correction - {SP}{OK}{EN} - See comments)
20 Time for a cuppa? Thirstily attack a beer brewed along with a drop of tequila (3,5) TEA BREAK {At..cK+A+BEER+Te...a}*
23 Sewer rats' messes all over the place (10) SEAMSTRESS
26 Idiot waterbird (4) LOON [DD]
27 Stirred cha in extremely fancy goblet vessel used for parties (5) YACHT {f..cY}{CHA*}{g...eT}
28 Confirmed bachelor kicked out of Pennsylvanian college (7) ALRIGHT ALbRIGHT

1   Milkmaids' apron? (5,5) LADYS SMOCK [E] [DD]
2   Setting grids regularly, still essentially accepted by Maine university (6) MILIEU {M{IL}{stIll}E}{U} IL from? (Addendum - {M{grIds}{reguLarly}{stIll}E}{U} - See comments)
3   Shrek, say — abominable lower-class rogue (4) OGRE ROGuE*
4   Clear sail, going around fine at sea (8) MANIFEST {MA{FINE*}ST} How can a SAIL be a MAST?
5   Fertilizer squeezed into manure agitator (4) UREA [T]
6   Scramble curry (hot, not cold) (5) HURRY (-c+h)HURRY
8   Perhaps it'd claw fierce young woman (7) WILDCAT*
12 Effect of flute changing direction for the audience (5) FRUIT (~ flute to frute)
14 Decipher gloomy rune to reveal superstition you can count on? (10) NUMEROLOGY*
16 Irreverence of cheeky kid that is beginning to trouble you (7) IMPIETY {IMP}{IE}{Tr...e}{You}
17 Importance of tips from consultant in mental health (8) SANCTITY {SAN{Co...nT}ITY}
21 Like kind group (6) ASSORT {AS}{SORT}
22 Raise hand to regularly point (5) ADOPT {hAnD+tO}{PT}
24 Fake shock, completely taken aback in some measure (4) M?C? (Addendum - MOCK [T<=] - See comments)
25 Test match at Edgbaston — for starters, upset over team losing one (4) EXAM {Ma..h}{At}{Ed...n}<= over {XI}

Reference List
Money = M, Energy = E, Spelling = SP, - = (dash) = EN, Bachelor = B, Maine = ME, University = U, Hot = H, Cold = C, Point = PT


  1. 2d gr(I) ds regu (L)arly st( I )ll

    1. This is 5 letters but enu is 6.
      IMO- it is Milieu- M(ILIE)U
      Is 'Lie' setting grids?

    2. Setting is the def. But that does not explain 'Lie'.

    3. How to get lie from grids regularly?

    4. ME is usps abbrev for maine state. M(i)(l)(i)E U (university)

    5. Lie low means keep off the grid. Does this help in any way?

    6. "Grids regularly still mainly' gives ILE by taking middle letters. This is accepted (contained)by MEU. Finally!!

  2. Squat short form of diddly-squat/nothing

  3. 19a sp:spelling ok en (dash)

  4. 1d may be E but DD
    Ladyssmock is Flower and ladies clorhing!

    1. Where did you get 'flower' from in the clue?

    2. Sree Sree by any chance are you WrdPlougher in disguise :-)

    3. Col. - Really it is a flower!! This is what Free Dic. says-
      1. lady's smock - a bitter cress of Europe and Americalady's smock - a bitter cress of Europe and America
      Cardamine pratensis, cuckoo flower, cuckooflower, meadow cress

    4. Very good chance Prasad is either WrdPlougher or a mind reader!

    5. Cardamine californica, or milkmaids, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae, native to western North America

    6. @paddy, Like harry and you know who!
      I dont solve the whole grid, only those Col leaves out. Thats why may be my mind is fresh.
      And I have a nagging the setter comes from the "treasure hunt clubs" of those tech institutes.
      Working as a tech expert in the paper.

    7. I know it is a flower, but flower is nowhere mentioned in the clue as a definition

    8. Milkmaids is another term for lady's smock

    9. @ Prasad! Is that who u r? And we have all been wondering!
      No wonder u don't set any more Sunday Specials! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

    10. Let me state emphatically, I am not the setter.
      I dont solve this setter.
      I do it (fill in the blanks of this day) only out of respect for Col's perseverence and the role of this blog in my journey into cryptic world.

      I stopped setting because i realised, though technically correct I am yet to get a handle on the zing part of clueing.

      The pun part of my cryptics comes from technical world and not literary or GK/social environment. So many doesnt get it. (Plus there are so many enthusiastic and more fun setters around)

      May be i will graduate to this side someday.

    11. Like this one i set for my IIM class
      Newton's third law of accounting system! (6,5)

    12. :-) For every credit, there must be a debit. Overheard at home- family of CA's.

    13. Money's goal is to increase its value!(1.1.1)

    14. @ Prasad - It was just a joke! Take it like that. Just from the couple of puzzles set by u for Sunday - we know ur style. It is neat & precise - even if we don't get the answers.
      It is not round about, convoluted or made difficult for the sake of it.
      Each & every one of us here knows u r not the setter.

    15. Having said that, please don't stop setting - just becos we don't always get the answers.
      We also need to travel, with the help of this blog & learn the art of solving, eve. If the puzzle is a little technical.
      Here's looking fwd to a Sunday grid from u soon!

    16. Needless to add - u r my Guru here, next to Dr. Nabar & whatever I am able to solve today, I owe most of it to u & ur dedicated replies to all my qs - however silly they may be. šŸ™

  5. 24d is very easy after the crossings are available

  6. 24 down solved let others try
    Easy solve šŸ‘

  7. 24 D, fake = mock
    Completely taken aback (SH),
    Shock - SH
    measure = m

    1. IMO the answer looks OK but not the annotation.

    2. Caught in the wonderful camouflage created by WrdPlougher. Over looked and failed to see.

  8. 24D: MOCK. The word is hidden in "shocK COMpletely" with "taken aback in some measure" a hint about reversal.

    1. Amita please let the Novices answer

    2. I'm so sorry, I thought I was a novice. (I'm delighted that you think otherwise!)

  9. Was able to solve just about half.. the saga of my failures with WrdPlougher crossies continues.

  10. I put 4dn as FINALISE - clear fin(sail)*e.
    Got that whole corner mixed up & had to redo.

  11. How is dash EN? Can u explain?
    Finished. But couldn't parse a few.

    1. https://chambers.co.uk/search/?query=En&title=21st

      Chexkout em too.

