Wednesday 12 April 2023

No 13837, Wednesday 12 Apr 2023, Incognito

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Law proposed at present for electricity charges invoice (7,4) CURRENT BILL {CURRENT}{BILL}
9   Suffering in the past New York (5) AGONY {AGO}{NY}
10 Twist, for example, after a roll! That's plenty! (9) ABUNDANCE {DANCE}<=>{A}{BUN}
11 By mistake, go by air after Oscar left at noon with new actor (5,5) ERROL FLYNN {ERR}{O}{L}{FLY}{N}{N}
12 Therefore, Andhra Pradesh produces cleaning material (4) SOAP {SO}{AP}
13 American uncle returned with top class African tribe (5) MASAI {SAM<=}{A1}
15 Pass around plates with Rector's copies of the Book of Psalms (8) PSALTERS {PLATES+R'S}*
17 Last pieces of halite? (4,4) ROCK SALT {LAST}* [RA]
19 Slice of pasta's typically delicious (5) TASTY [T]
22 Nun leaves watering hole with hot union leader for Pacific island (4) OAHU {OAsis}{H}{Un..n}
23 Ernest requests English to administer therapy to one having extraordinary sickness at first (10) ?N?R?A?I?S (Addendum - ENTREATIES {EN}{TREAT}{1}{Ex...y}{Si...s} - See comments)
26 Pubs with Scotsman's beast (9) BARBARIAN {BAR}{BAR}{IAN}
27 Dropping one rebel leader from tall animal's a blunder (5) GAFFE GirAFFE
28 Kiss lover in absence of king and black magician who summons spirits (11) NECROMANCER {NECk}{ROMANCER}

1   Man dropped during re-organisation of harmonic singing group (5) CHOIR HaRmOnIC*
2   Solitary arrangement includes initial expenditure for payments made for use of intellectual property (9) ROYALTIES {ROYALTI{Ex...e}S*}
3   Facilitate the French to follow English sailor (6) ENABLE {LE}<=>{EN}{AB}
4   Wrongly turns at bunkers? (7) TRUANTS*
5   Skin dyed in patches for popular movie character, in short (4) INDY [T]
6   British capitalists performed among introverts expending energy (9) LONDONERS {LON{DONe}ERS}
7   Rabbit like animal precedes eastern male in ladies quarters (6) HAREEM {HARE}{E}{M}
8   Disease got from other pests (6) HERPES [T]
14 Tea bag at first, then Indian sweetener (9) SACCHARIN {CHAR}<=>{SAC} then {IN}
16 Lazy? Chop the garlic! (9) LETHARGIC*
17 Rob him violently to get diamond shapes (6) RHOMBI*
18 Oil gent manufactures for pigmented spot (7) LENTIGO*
20 Enemy goes around collecting heads of soldiers - people who follow orders without question (3-3) YES-MEN {YE{So...s}MEN*}
21 Muse, "Indian queen is residing in university area" (6) URANIA {U}{RANI}{A}
24 Conclude conifer decomposed releasing carbon monoxide (5) INFER coNIFER*
25 Powder made from bits of dental calcium (4) TALC [T]

Reference List
Roll = BUN, Oscar = O, Left = L, Noon = N, New = N, Hot = H, English = EN, King = K, The in French = LE, English = EN, Sailor = AB, Eastern = E, Male = M, Indian = IN, University = U, Area = A


  1. 1a typo def to include at present

  2. 23A entreaties
    English = En
    Administer therapy = treat
    One = I
    Extraordinary sickness at first = es
    Earnest request = entreaties

    1. Very good solve πŸ‘

    2. A doubt- Is there a typo?
      Def.should be 'Earnest request' and not Ernest as given?

    3. They are occasional variants!

    4. Where is "ernest" given as a variant of "earnest"? I could not find it.

    5. Ramki is correct. A boo boo.

    6. I also kept looking for all surnames of Ernest starting with Hemingway 😊

  3. Liked pubs for bar bar!
    Bar bar dekho....

  4. Harem is actually purversive ottoman-isation of Hareem.
    Hareem is inner sanctuary/forbidden area.

  5. 14D- I had to search to find the British slang meaning tea for char. Searched in the ref list

  6. 23a- (EN)glish administer therapy (TREAT) to one (I ) (E)xtraordinay (S) ickness _entreaties

  7. 26A - reminds me of Bahasa Indonesia in which a plural is denoted by repeating the noun. e.g. a chair = kursi; and chairs = kursi kursi.

    1. I would say Aye Aye, but then that's a lemur. Talking of Bahasa, I remember the announcement for Ladies and Gentlemen on an Malaysia Air flight: Tuan tuan dan puan puan. The gentlemen taking precedence :)

  8. .....and United Nations = Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa

  9. I didn't know about CHAR for tea & thought Kishore had missed out on R.

    Incognitos GRIDS are like music sung by CHOIRS, specially for the queens in the HAREEM.

    However LETHARGIC, one might feel, the ENTREATIES from the grid, prevent you from being TRUANTS.

    Whether you are a LONDONER or an ERROL FLYNN fan, a BARBARIAN or a NECROMANCER, you LE(N)T(I)GO of your current preoccupation & start solving immediately.

    The ABUNDANCE of simple clues ENABLE a quick solve, making one & all feel like ROYALTIES.

    Such a breezy & sweet cw - where the breeze does not add to the CURRENT BILL & sweetness comes without adding SACCHARIN.

    After solving, one feels so fresh , as if bathed with a SOAP & dusted with TALC all over.

    The only ROCK SALT in the fare, the GAFFE over ernest can be overlooked as will be endorsed by all the YES MEN here.

    Thank u Kishore!

    1. superb Gowri......captured well about practical events..........BTW, excellent grid by Incognito.........

  10. well said sathia........interestingly solved the gird......
